Horse Sport Ireland chooses not to send a team to Tokyo


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Hmm, there's a lot of noise about this in the (tiny) dressage circle here, but really and truly - they aren't good enough. I know it's all supposedly about taking part, but why send a dud team?


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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The olympics would be a very quiet event if only the people with a chance of winning turned up :p

I think there's a bit of a difference between sending a runner and sending a dressage rider, groom, team trainer, horse, equipment, etc.

I suppose it depends whether the money is available, or whether people think it could be better used sending a number of runners, shooters, skateboarders than one dressage horse and rider.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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Thing is there are the Olympics and then there are the Olympics scaled down it is really worth it 2021 version.

You only have to read up on the ever increasing restrictions being imposed on the athletes/competitors, a questionable risk re Covid, increased costs involved because of Covid (testing, biosecurity, quarantine doesn't come cheap) and it all becomes very easy to find a reason to say 'no thanks, we're not going'.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I think there's a bit of a difference between sending a runner and sending a dressage rider, groom, team trainer, horse, equipment, etc.

I suppose it depends whether the money is available, or whether people think it could be better used sending a number of runners, shooters, skateboarders than one dressage horse and rider.

Depends if they have a list of those that can't go if they send 2 extra dressage riders?

It's perhaps a shame they left it so late to mention that they weren't going to send them.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2019
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If it was in Paris 2024 I would definitely think the riders should be going. But I don’t think it’s fair for the horses to send them across the world on plane to a crazy clipset so that two old riders can say that they’ve done the olympics when they probably won’t even match the scores of the Asian and South American riders. Of course everybody can’t win, but there’s a difference to participating knowing you’ll probably be last when it’s less stressing for the horses, imo.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I always respected Milton's owners for refusing to allow him to be flown to the other side of the world for the Olympics. And he would very likely have taken the Gold Medal.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2010
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If it was in Paris 2024 I would definitely think the riders should be going. But I don’t think it’s fair for the horses to send them across the world on plane to a crazy clipset so that two old riders can say that they’ve done the olympics when they probably won’t even match the scores of the Asian and South American riders. Of course everybody can’t win, but there’s a difference to participating knowing you’ll probably be last when it’s less stressing for the horses, imo.

Hmm, there's a lot of noise about this in the (tiny) dressage circle here, but really and truly - they aren't good enough. I know it's all supposedly about taking part, but why send a dud team?

Wow really what is the point of putting your foot in the stirrup then?? Dud team?? That's a very defeatist attitude!

You never hear that in football, sure whats the point in running out on the pitch if the other team are 'better' - sure then whats the point in playing at all!

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

Without the underdog, you never get amazing stories like Cool Runnings or just being able to have a good story like 'Eddie the Eagle'. In Ireland, the Italia 90 football tourament here is still a thing of legend and we didnt even make it out of the quarter finals - it was the community and national spirit and pride in seeing your team go out on the international stage and give it all they had.

We ALL know how things can go with horses - we have all seen them have a bad day or just not perform - so what if someone elses bad day means your good day, its the way competition goes! We have all seen horses just sparkle the second they are on the ring and pull out the biggest performance of their lives, so why not ride - why not dance - why not dream..... it can happen!

I'm just glad I'm a dreamer and supporter and not someone who has the gall to call Olympic standard riders a dud team or just plain not good enough. I hope one day you all achieve your dreams, good luck with it.

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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Wow really what is the point of putting your foot in the stirrup then?? Dud team?? That's a very defeatist attitude!

You never hear that in football, sure whats the point in running out on the pitch if the other team are 'better' - sure then whats the point in playing at all!

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

Without the underdog, you never get amazing stories like Cool Runnings or just being able to have a good story like 'Eddie the Eagle'. In Ireland, the Italia 90 football tourament here is still a thing of legend and we didnt even make it out of the quarter finals - it was the community and national spirit and pride in seeing your team go out on the international stage and give it all they had.

We ALL know how things can go with horses - we have all seen them have a bad day or just not perform - so what if someone elses bad day means your good day, its the way competition goes! We have all seen horses just sparkle the second they are on the ring and pull out the biggest performance of their lives, so why not ride - why not dance - why not dream..... it can happen!

I'm just glad I'm a dreamer and supporter and not someone who has the gall to call Olympic standard riders a dud team or just plain not good enough. I hope one day you all achieve your dreams, good luck with it.



Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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i think there is some sort of decision due today for a final conclusion to this

i have not seen any of them ride, but they are fighting to the last for right to go having reached the standard set for qualification


Well-Known Member
8 April 2019
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Wow really what is the point of putting your foot in the stirrup then?? Dud team?? That's a very defeatist attitude!

You never hear that in football, sure whats the point in running out on the pitch if the other team are 'better' - sure then whats the point in playing at all!

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

Without the underdog, you never get amazing stories like Cool Runnings or just being able to have a good story like 'Eddie the Eagle'. In Ireland, the Italia 90 football tourament here is still a thing of legend and we didnt even make it out of the quarter finals - it was the community and national spirit and pride in seeing your team go out on the international stage and give it all they had.

We ALL know how things can go with horses - we have all seen them have a bad day or just not perform - so what if someone elses bad day means your good day, its the way competition goes! We have all seen horses just sparkle the second they are on the ring and pull out the biggest performance of their lives, so why not ride - why not dance - why not dream..... it can happen!

I'm just glad I'm a dreamer and supporter and not someone who has the gall to call Olympic standard riders a dud team or just plain not good enough. I hope one day you all achieve your dreams, good luck with it.

I’m actually saying that I think they should go if it wasn’t for the wellfare of the horses. If it wasn’t a flight around the world to a crazy climate, definitely! I absolutely understand the olympic dream. But the wellfare of the horses MUST come first and while it’s all nice and good as a nation to rally behind a team or a sportsman, it is a bit different when animals are involved, imo. And that’s why I think it’s the right decision not to send the two riders to Japan just so they can tell their grandchildren they went to the olympics.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2010
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I’m actually saying that I think they should go if it wasn’t for the wellfare of the horses. If it wasn’t a flight around the world to a crazy climate, definitely! I absolutely understand the Olympic dream. But the welfare of the horses MUST come first and while it’s all nice and good as a nation to rally behind a team or a sportsman, it is a bit different when animals are involved, imo. And that’s why I think it’s the right decision not to send the two riders to Japan just so they can tell their grandchildren they went to the Olympics.

But then why should any of the horses go? I do get horse welfare is of high priority, but it always is - high performance competition horses travel all over the world, all year around. Its up to each competitor to make that decision for their horse and over the course of the Olympic announcements some riders and owners have made that decision for their horse and thats absolutely commendable - including Charlotte Dujardin, her top horse was withdrawn from travel. But some horses do very well travelling and obviously each competitor isnt going to risk the performance of their horse.

The deal with the Irish riders has nothing to do with horse welfare - Heike is travelling her horse safely to the competition. Its to do with the fact that a coach who has never trained or see these riders ride was allowed to make the decision not to field a team to the Olympics and that is wrong. They had qualified by Olympic standards, they want to compete, they are able to compete - they have the funding to compete (not from HSI btw) and they are still being denied.

By the way, the high performance coach isnt even coaching the one rider that is going either - he has nothing to do with their performance.... that is just beyond wrong.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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There is a long history of histrionics with Irish Olympic dressage selection, going back 25 - 30 years (including threats of suicide and all sorts of wild stuff), I wonder why that is?

LegOn, I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am, but suffice it to say that I don't require "gall" to have an opinion, I have experience at olympic level and do know what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2010
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Love this!

' I have always thought that "staying at home", which I see as retiring before trying to compete, was never a good idea. I always thought that "staying home", i.e. retiring before trying, would only be frustrating for the whole movement and development of the sport.

To conclude, the team trainer and selector must never become a judge of the performance of his riders but must, with a serious and honest program, transform himself into a driving force for the whole team. S/he should instil in everyone the feeling that with work and proper planning it will always be possible to represent their country with honour.

In some people's eyes this might look as too romantic a concept, but I have experienced down my belt that it works.

- Michele Betti