Horse things you use on yourself..


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3 April 2014
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Vet wrap is the only thing that stops my knee from collapsing after a long ride and stops my boobs bouncing about when I don't want them to, better than a sports bra!
Was once running late for a party so rather than drive home to shower I just filled a trug bucket and had a slightly chilly ( despite adding water from kettle) bath in the stable. I sisnt have a towel with me so i used his lovely neemarket blanket! My hair was unbelievably shiny and cooperative for a change. Have done this twice since when pushed for time and always have a set of clean clothes in car just in case.
I also keep the mini snap of block likits in the car to munch on as sweets.
I often use blankets and rugs to wrap up in when its chilly or if I fancy a snooze in barn.
I have used iodine and fly spray on me and the ice gel too as well as horses massage pad on my back.
I will confess to having chased and spanked a stable lad round yard for a laugh only to have him quietly ask me in private if I would do it again but a little harder please? I was very embarrassed! I have also put a race saddle on my mates back as a teenager and raced her against my rivals " human thoroughbred" across the school to much laughter from the marines we were training with.
So many perfectly acceptable human uses for horsey things lol!


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13 November 2010
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One most people will have done at some point in their life - used leadropes to hold up a broken exhaust pipe on your car!

And here's me thinking I was incredibly clever and resourceful!



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5 April 2010
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Not something I do all the time, but have taken my hat off, seen my hair realised I haven't got a brush, so use my boys mane/tail brush to do a quick tidy up.:eek:


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Vet wrap , bonner bandages , udder cream ( sore hands ) , bit butter ( great on chapped lips ) Hibiscrub , arnica and witch hazel gel , and horse carrots for emergency veg supplies .


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25 January 2015
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I have used purple spray when I got thrown off and got a load of gravel stuck under the skin in my elbow.

I also used a fleecy leg bandage when it was freezing to wrap around my head and keep my ears warm, looked like a plonker but worked a treat!

Doesn't quite qualify but I also used a mini shettie's headcollar for an incredibly big dog when he snapped his collar in the car en route to a walk.


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3 July 2014
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Vet wrap works a treat on injuries and sore muscles.

Also use plaiting bands as hairbands on occasions - work great as you actually buy the same things in boots for 3x the price as a way of tying plaits in human hair.

Also have used spare saddle at home on the saddle rack as a seat. Not meant to, but it was quite comfy!


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26 November 2008
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Wonder Gel, the only thing to work on OHs eczema. Currently sharing the ARCEquine with a pony:)

Also use plaiting bands as hairbands on occasions - work great as you actually buy the same things in boots for 3x the price as a way of tying plaits in human hair.

Wondergel for sunburn, plaiting bands all the time, as can't find normal hair elastics but know that show jacket pockets will be full of plaiting bands at any given time.

Have stolen their salt supplies and the pony's apple juice for crew points and Vet Gates at times, but those I suppose are people products adapted to horses in the first place...

Probably the most unusual adaptation for this forum: rugs and fleeces to protect a harpsichord during transport to a concert. It was travelling in the Spookyponymobile at the time.

Oh, and a feed bucket to carry stuff for last-minute opera costume and set repairs. The bucket still had a wee crust of Speedibeet at the time... :eek:


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I currently have a plaiting band in my pony tail, and I have driven around with a lead rope tying my landy door shut when the catch broke in the past too :D


Well-Known Member
13 January 2015
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I use Vet wrap all the time on humans and regularly use hibiscrub on my dog. When I was a kid I was often sent to school with stained knees from purple spray after a scrape - the shame!

Can't wait to try Canter Mane and Tail on my hair


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1 June 2012
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I had an allergic reaction and developed a small patch of contact dermatitis once and the only thing that stopped the mad itch in the middle of summer was tea tree spray! smelled lovely too!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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Vet wrap on me, OH, dogs etc - it is useful stuff! Sounds like most of us use it otherwise than intended.
Plaiting bands on hair.
My horse's cream for mallenders is fantastic when my fingers crack but unfortunately stinks like the devil as it has sulphur in. I quite like the smell now but definitely can't go anywhere where someone might notice for about 24 hours. Have also used it on dog.
Fly spray on self.
Ice tight on bruises.
Rugs when doing a late night colic or foal watch.
OH had a fibre nugget when I offered him one out of my pocket the other night - said it was "quite sweet and tastes like grass" - no surprise there then.

I also use loads of "human" stuff on horses too though - human shampoo and conditioner; scrunchy to keep mane out of way when pulling/plaiting; human wide-toothed comb for all hairy bits; old tights for keeping feathers out of farrier's way; old tights for freshly washed tail the night before a show; old duvet and sleeping bag as under rugs.


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Radiol linament, FANTASTIC stuff.

Vet wrap

Killitch - used it when tripped over @rse over b@ggery in the stinging nettles and had a nasty rash all up my arms and it worked a treat

Their Tea Tree shampoo

Lynne Russel Stain Remover for getting stains off various stuff

Lynne Russel Mane & Tail conditioner for my mop when I'd run out of conditioner, fantastic stuff!

Green Oils Gel for slapping on face and hands against the cold

Animalintex: for (human) wounds. Ditto Hibiscrub

Magic brushes for clothes/mud etc.

Dunno if it counts but have used an old Polypad for a dogs bed; dog loves it.

Princess Rosie

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3 August 2014
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I've used mane and tail in an emergency as ran out of conditioner and everyone commented that day how nice my hair looked! We also have hibiscrub in the house for cuts and grazes. I've been using rubber pony tail bands (for me!) from boots for ages, cost £1.75 for 50 and the other say I spotted some amazing platting bands In The local tack shop and one conveniently slid out of the bag for me to test and they're pretty identical! They're black and wider than standard platting bands but cost me £1.60 for 500! Haven't had one break on me yet! Highly recommend them!

Liz H

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4 July 2014
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Just been to my hairdresser for my silver stripe covering, talking about this thread, a client of hers has used horse " hair products" for years, she has never even been near a horse but swears by them to tame her unruly locks :)

Ellen Durow

Well-Known Member
15 March 2012
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Actually, Hibiscrub started life as a human antiseptic wash. Used to be used in operating theatre scrub rooms. Don't know if it still is.

My horse and I shared a bad cough when we had a load of very dusty straw. I gave him a herbal product that doesn't seem to exist anymore in his feed and I used to stick my head in the product packaging and breathe in the herbal aromas. It did the trick for both of us!