Horseriders Against Hunting FB Group


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Buggar. Hopefully they won't find them all...

I wouldn't mind so much if they were to tell the TRUTH - after all there are some grizzly aspects but all this bull...

Recently deleted a "freind" because she kept posting stuff on my wall after I asked her not to. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not to force it on others.

Propoganda is forcing an opinion too.


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23 December 2005
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I try not to waste any time on those who already have their view - the 10% someone mentioned, but I honestly did not realise that people would view a sweaty horse as cruel too. As someone else said, mine can come in from the field like that!!!

My fear out hunting is to meet sabs (I've been lucky so far) because my mare would probably loose the plot!

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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As part of the link which C_C posted, there is an additional link to Hillside Animal Sanctuary.

They have a picture of a lamb which was stolen from a field, apparently it was alone starving and dying, and they've taken it over. I've suggested that their actions are more commonly known as theft, and if they don't return the lamb to its rightful; owner, then I shall report them to Defra, the Police and to Trading Standards. Just Who TF do these interfering idiots think that they are? Try stealing my lambs as a propaganda stunt, and see what happens, go on Hillside, I dare you.......:mad:



Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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There is no accounting for some.

Surprosed me that they were so quick to boot me off. Just as well I can touch type!!! :)

Think they must be linked up to a mobile phone or something.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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Oh! All my comments have been deleted! And the page is now on lockdown - even if you 'like' them you cannot comment!!

ETA unless that means I've been sent to the naughty corner?


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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I saw one comment about 'our friends from H&H' but only skim read most things really. They didn't seem to appreciate the following comment :

'Please, please, don't tar us all with the same brush. Some of the nicest people I have met have been hunting. A friend of mine events to a very, very high level. Her team horse was retired to the hunting field. She has in the last year lost two horses, in completely unrelated, unpreventable accidents. She is the nicest person you could ever wish to meet, and you cannot argue that her horses lack any care or love. I don't mind you hating the sport, but please don't hate the people when you don't know them.'

And also when I pointed out that the 'heartless bar stewards' that are hunt staff actually aren't heartless, and that Neil C buried one of his favourite hounds in the puppy parade ring at the old kennels. Had he been heartless, that hound would have been disposed of in other means...

None of that was acknowledged ;) Nor the fact that some FC's allow the hunt on their land, so unless they know for a fact the hunt wasn't allowed in that wood, it's a bit unfair to get their knickers in a twist ;)


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4 March 2008
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Pre 2005 ban - you had real hunts (hunting animals) and drag (hunting a human-laid scent). Post ban, these hunts did not change their name but of course, they have changed their activities. However, it should not noted that not all hunts post-ban offer the same sport. Drag hunts have always been bloody fast and without let-up. Post ban, many traditional hunts try to offer sport that replicates the nature of 'real' hunting. So they would include the holloaring, the standing on point, the standing around, the chatting (!) whereas drag is all about the whizzing round the jumps/land!

You've been out with the wrong drag hunts :)

Drag hunt suitable for complete beginners with a way around every single fence:

Cheshire Farmers every meet.
North East Cheshire several meets a season, with several more "Intro to Hunting" easy days.

Also, by nature of the scent laying, every drag hunt has a check after every leg where there is plenty of time for people socialise.

These checks are also predictable, meaning that it is easier than true hunting for less experienced owners to judge how fit their horse needs to be, and to stop at a point when the horse has had enough and hack back to their box, or home.

It's not unfair to socks, either, the socks are entirely willing participants :D
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Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Having looked at the site and what a Martin M****y has written about Rosie you would think the nasty piece would realise his address etc is easy enough to find.. considering the abuse he posts here and there, one day his disgusting mouth will get him a good smack in the face.


Well-Known Member
9 February 2012
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God, some of those lot are complete idiots! I wonder if they'd consider my pony *mistreated* because she sweats up very quickly and easily?!

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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For those who followed the thefts which were encouraged and supported by Hillside Animal Sanctuary, near Norwich, it's interesting to see that those posts which have pointed out the facts, and the law, have all been removed, and it seems that I'm no longer welcome!!

Another point is that I reported the theft of the lamb to Trading Standards, and it seems that there is a degree of nepotism involved, because Trading Standards passed on some cattle to The Sanctuary (assuming that's what it is), and seem loathe to take action against them. If you are seen to assist a government body, it seems, you're immune form prosecution. There is something very wrong with that, and if we can't have a Trading Standards who are impartial, then their whole being should be in question.

Natural England were similarly concerned at the release into the wild of restricted creatures, so it all seems to have been a complete waist of time. I suppose that the Police will show no interest whatsoever in the cage trap which contained the squirrel, and which as stolen goods, Hillside willingly took possession of.

Some of these charities need close inspection, or a moral form of audit, I feel.



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15 May 2011
west wales
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Not all drag hunts are fast and whizzy. The drag hunt i go out with cater for different abilities - both horse and rider on different days. So on big hedge days it is fast, wilst on 2* days its less fast and there is have lots of support and guidence from the masters. They also have regular stand around times to allow those who wish to watch the hounds at work. There is always a field master at the back to give advice/support/encouragement to those who need it.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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For those who followed the thefts which were encouraged and supported by Hillside Animal Sanctuary, near Norwich, it's interesting to see that those posts which have pointed out the facts, and the law, have all been removed, and it seems that I'm no longer welcome!!

Another point is that I reported the theft of the lamb to Trading Standards, and it seems that there is a degree of nepotism involved, because Trading Standards passed on some cattle to The Sanctuary (assuming that's what it is), and seem loathe to take action against them. If you are seen to assist a government body, it seems, you're immune form prosecution. There is something very wrong with that, and if we can't have a Trading Standards who are impartial, then their whole being should be in question.

Natural England were similarly concerned at the release into the wild of restricted creatures, so it all seems to have been a complete waist of time. I suppose that the Police will show no interest whatsoever in the cage trap which contained the squirrel, and which as stolen goods, Hillside willingly took possession of.

Some of these charities need close inspection, or a moral form of audit, I feel.


Well, no surprise there then! Perhaps we'll not bother with movement forms next time, bet that'd go down like a lead balloon. The stolen lamb has a thread running on Farmers weekly forum, maybe FWwill pick up on it?


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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From a perusal of this Horseriders Against Hunting FaceBook page (!) it would appear that this motely collection of extremists are infact the usual Anti's who are pretending to present themselves as actual concerned horseriders! Looking at what has been posted and the images presented as 'hunting' it is quite clear that they know no more about equestrian activities than a poke in the eye with a stick so to speak.... the quality of argument comes across as the usual collection of drivel and misinformation combining into the abhorrent howling of an ignorant mob.

Facebook should really man up and start ridding themselves of such incitment to hatred groups - I wonder if I set up a similar facebook page for example of Men against Motorists who openly vilifiled and threatened those involved in this legal activity what would happen? To my mind this is simply another example of illegal activity by organised self interest groups of at best dubious intent.

The individual who has been openly abusive to a Hunting Forum member is one 'Martin Massey' - I believe we have encountered this ignorant individual on this forum before in another guise - anyone up for a considred opinion on their identity?....I suggest that this person be reported for incitment to hatred to the relevant FB authorities (but obviously not the page admin who is/are one of the aforementioned anti individuals/groups. :rolleyes:
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Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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As a matter of interest, Martin Massey (assuming that's his real name) has suggested that petrol bombing would be a useful tool in their armoury, and has offered it as a suggestion.

If that isn't incitement to violence, I wonder what is.



Well-Known Member
3 May 2012
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It does appear to the casual observer of this thread that certain members somewhat enjoyed a bit of trolling on an anti hunting Facebook page until such time as the H&H forum had to pay the inevitable price. I guess such activity is not beneath some of our members sadly!!

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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It does appear to the casual observer of this thread that certain members somewhat enjoyed a bit of trolling on an anti hunting Facebook page until such time as the H&H forum had to pay the inevitable price. I guess such activity is not beneath some of our members sadly!!

Assuming that you are referring to yourself as a "casual observer", perhaps I could point out to you that the Defra set rules by which most of us keep livestock, and the laws of the land, including those regarding common theft, could hardly be described as trolling. Unless, of course, that's your intent. ;)



Well-Known Member
3 May 2012
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Nice attempt to sidestep but the topic is about the Horseriders against hunting FB page. If your post is directed at me you are talking about a completely different matter or is that YOUR intent :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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I have never hunted before, parents won''t allow it.

But some of those photos are awful, im all for shooting the fox there and then, but not making it run for it's life.

Agree. I've never hunted because I would never wish to do so being against it. It really irritates me that people assume that just because I ride / own horses that I am pro hunt.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2010
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Seems to me both sides are as bad as each other. You have the die hard hunting set that see no wrong in anything to do with hunting and call the people that are against it idiots and morons. The you have the other extreme, the antis who seem to revel in showing nasty pictures of animals and hoping people break their necks!!


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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I have no problem with people being anti hunting at all - after all it is a personal choice. My best friend is very anti but she would never presume to use the arguements that the "anti's" use prefering to rely on her experiences and arguements that she knows are fact rather than this tosh.

What I have a problem with is the propoganda against hunting. Ok so some of the aspects are not pleasing to the eye but it has a job to do. No fit, healthy fox is going to be caught by a bunch of folk on horses with a pack of hounds. For a start the hulabaloo that the hunt makes is enough to make any animal aware that something is going on and get out of the way!

To say that cubs have been killed by a hunt out of hunting season is so foolish. To say that they were killed PRIOR to the foxes natural breeding season also shows a complete lack of awareness of the natural enviroment around us. How can people who have no idea of the ways of a fox possibly argue that hunting is so terrible if they don't even know WHY there are hunting seasons and why it stops for periods of time, why it is done the way it is and alternative methods to ensure a healthy population is maintained.

THAT is what anoyed me about the page. There was no reasonable arguement, no reasoned debate just look at these propoganda pictures! Gosh if I start screaming loudly enough I may even get folk to believe that grass is actually pink! I have also been given the arguement that foxes were hunted until they were extinct in this country yet when I asked for the proof none was available. I have been told that foxes are bred in captivity then released for hunting - again no one could tell me where nor whom was doing this. Like I said grass could be pink if you shouted loudly enough about it. THAT is what all of the people I have met who are very anti the "anti's" are cross about and why they have dug in - not the fact that they are anti!


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Nice attempt to sidestep but the topic is about the Horseriders against hunting FB page. If your post is directed at me you are talking about a completely different matter or is that YOUR intent :rolleyes:

...and your point is ? - you would appear to have recently joined the forum to deliberately denigiate those who points out that the HRAH FB page is a virtual rant by organised Antis who in the main appear to have little or no knowledge of basic horseriding never mind actual hunting

On this forum there have been many excellent discussions on hunting however there has also been deliberate and concerted attacks from rabid Anti groups and individuals DESPITE the fact that what is discussed here is hunting activities that take place within the law

Where individuals or groups have problem with what they precieve as illegal activity (whether this is correct or not) they should follow the correct procedure and not attempt to infringe the rights of others to undertake what are legal activities

Rolling your eyes will decieve no one...


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Agree. I've never hunted because I would never wish to do so being against it. It really irritates me that people assume that just because I ride / own horses that I am pro hunt.

And that is your right to do so MM. However it would appear that we have rabid Anti Groups preteding to be 'horseriders' to score a virtual publicity hit against others who follow hunting post ban - hunting which is a legal activity, not that you would know it from the virulant attacks on the FB page and use of images amongst which would appear to be many that have been heavily photoshopped and taken from other equestrian activities

I know of extreme members of these groups that would seek for all forms of 'horseriding' activities to be eventually banned as they precieve riding horses as a form of animal abuse. I fear that this howling mob type approach is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak...

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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It does appear to the casual observer of this thread that certain members somewhat enjoyed a bit of trolling on an anti hunting Facebook page until such time as the H&H forum had to pay the inevitable price. I guess such activity is not beneath some of our members sadly!!

Assuming that you are referring to yourself as a "casual observer", and were referring to me as a troll, perhaps I could point out to you that the Defra set rules by which most of us keep livestock, and the laws of the land, including those regarding common theft, could hardly be described as trolling. Unless, of course, that's your intent. ;)


Nice attempt to sidestep but the topic is about the Horseriders against hunting FB page. If your post is directed at me you are talking about a completely different matter or is that YOUR intent :rolleyes:

I was responding directly to your remarks, and there was no side-stepping on my part.

You will notice that I've placed an addition in bold print, to better help you understand my point.



Well-Known Member
3 May 2012
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I am sorry Mr.Swan but you did not! You responded to my post regarding YOUR trolling of an anti hunting page (Horseriders against Hunting), attempting to justify this with your actions on another, the Hillside Sanctuary page which is not anti hunting. Two very separate matters.
YOU trolled an anti group (whilst you complain about trolls on here), bringing tit for tat attacks on this forum and one of its members from anti's. If you are going to bring this forum into disrepute and think you are being clever,then boast about it on these pages please have the balls to admit your guilt! End of discussion.
Now I shall return to my normal username.


Well-Known Member
3 May 2012
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RUBBISH Fiagai!! I have changed my username to address this issue and shall return to it so this matter can be laid to rest amongst ourselves. Members of this forum went to an anti hunting Facebook page to 'have their say' (troll), and then we have a thread about it on the Hunting forum??? This led to anti's posting abuse on this forum and directing it at one of our members.
This did not happen out of the blue, certain posters caused it. If they want this forum to sink to the levels of others then they should carry on. If not they should bloody well grow up! I have had my say on the matter.