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We are purchasing a property with 5 acres, due to complete next week. It won't be classed as a small holding because we are only putting our 2 horses on there for now, we may change later and have a few more animals but will change our policy as and when.
It has 3 outbuildings on the land. I have just got a quote from NFU, has anyone got any other recommendations? I have seen that some 'private home' insurers can include outbuildings but not sure that would be enough cover with us having horses on there..has anyone any words of wisdom? thanks
It has 3 outbuildings on the land. I have just got a quote from NFU, has anyone got any other recommendations? I have seen that some 'private home' insurers can include outbuildings but not sure that would be enough cover with us having horses on there..has anyone any words of wisdom? thanks