At current yard, it's standing order monthly (basic DIY livery so no assisted services ever payable) & the occasional bank transfer for worm counts as and when.
At previous yard it had to be cash - one set to YO and t'other to the YM for any assistance used, which was a massive PITA.
We each have a small diary either kept outside your stable or in my case in one of my cupboards as I have a small 'yard' within the larger yard! We use this to note any services (bring ins etc) that YO does and any hay bales that we take. YO then collects up all the diaries at the end of the month and notes in there your total due and pops them back in the relevant spot. I pay by BACS (but have seen others writing her a cheque). Works well as there is no having to go to a main diary to note what services you want, it is always to hand, and I like the element of being treated like a grown up and trusted to make an honest record!
Glad I'm not the only one who's never had an invoice or proof of payment 😂 old YO used to give you a type writer written invoice each month but I used to buy straw and hay off her, I'd then pay by cheque, livery was set rate then extras added.
Still on fixed rate livery as on assisted DIY however I buy my own hay and bedding so bill is just x amount plus lessons paid by cheque. I might ask about going to BACS as think some people do that as at least it comes straight out and I dont think I have money I actually dont have as cheque depends on when YO can get to the bank to do her banking. I'd only feel safe giving payment direct to her or a member of her staff I'm too paranoid for those yards people on here have with the bill boxes 😱
I thought cheque was fiddly but cash would drive me round the twist!
Had been paying by standing order for monthly livery fee but been asked to pay it by cash now. Bit faffy but it's what they asked for so it's what I do.
Then BACS at the start of the month for any extras from the previous month.
Never had an invoice! I just write in my diary what I've had when and pay her accordingly.
Have received invoices at previous yards but as it was always a set amount it felt a bit pointless really!
I've mostly paid by BACS monthly, but when I've paid cash I've always asked for a receipt as you hear too many horror stories about people denying all knowledge of payment. I did once have to pay 4 weekly instead of monthly. I get paid monthly so that was a real pain in the backside!