Well-Known Member
For traveling and competing? Personally I don't travel the horses or compete if the forecast is 25 degrees or more. Is it legal to transport horses in very hot weather,such as is forecast for this coming weekend?
I believe it is a requirement to keep the internal temperature of your horsebox/trailer etcto between 5C and 30c . In this wether unless you have fans/air con you are unlikely to be able to do this.
I have just collected two old retired horses from a field in my village to bring them home to a shadier field where I can keep a closer eye during this heatwave, a journey of about 3 minutes, two well travelled retired show jumpers well used to travel, in a two horse lorry, and it was a sauna when I opened it up. Said lorry is now booked in in to have two in/out fans installed in the roof.
We have cancelled most of our scheduled competitions for the nest two weeks.
I believe it is a requirement to keep the internal temperature of your horsebox/trailer etcto between 5C and 30c . In this wether unless you have fans/air con you are unlikely to be able to do this..
I think it needs to be brought in for all animal tansport, and 30 degrees really is very high, i'd like to see it lowered to 28 degrees at least.It's only a legal requirement for professional transporters to keep the inside of the vehicle ventilated and below 30 degrees.
Not a mandatory regulation for owner users, nor self drive hire.