How many times do you view a horse when buying?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2007
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Just had row with my mum she said i should view a horse 6 to 8 times. (Shes not horsey) so just wondered really how many times would you view a horse?


20 January 2010
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sorry to disappoint but i would view a horse as many times as felt comfortable with the seller. mistakes can prove upsetting, dangerous and costly!


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11 February 2010
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Well, we viewed ours once. Only once. Ever hear that saying "Thus grief doth tread on the heels of pleasure, married in haste we repent in leisure" (or thereabouts) We love her but my God she is a stubborn bint at times. :D

So I would say at least more than once, and take it on a hack without another horse if possible (even if it is only a short distance with someone on the ground)


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14 February 2006
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Ditto maxim, although from the sellers point of view I would be pretty peeved if somebody came and rode my horse 8 times then didn't buy.

I view them once or twice, depending on the horse, what I want them for and how much of a bargain I'm getting. But I have been around them since I was little and been involved in many buying and selling positions.

If this is your first horse I would want to see him ridden in the school, then you ride him, take him for a hack, see what he is like infront and behind, going on roads and having a canter in open fields. If you want them to SJ, for example I would want to ride them over a course of the height you want them to be jumping and also ask to see them competing.

Therefore 3 or 4 times would be sensible.

Hope this helps, and don't argue with your Mam, believe me you will be the best of friends once you are older :)


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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TBH if someone wanted to view my horse 6 or 8 times I would begin to think they were after a free ride.......but then I've never sold a horse so I could be in the wrong.

I think a reasonable amount would be 3 times, by then you should have a pretty good feeling if the horse is right for you or not.


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30 May 2009
Shropshire, England.
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6-8 seems a bit excessive to me.
First pony we viewed once, 2nd I rode several times as she was owned by my RI so kept at the riding school and I could ride her in lessons and take her out whenever I wanted, 2nd viewed once, 3rd I viewed twice but only because my mother didn't come the first time!

I'd say ideally at least twice but it just depends.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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2 -3 times. First time me + friend (to keep me sane and my hands in my pockets), then with my trainer (to make me ride/jump stuff Iwouldn't do on my own!) then to see the vetting if I can!. Think most people would be pretty hacked off if you wanted to see a horse 6 - 8 times though!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2008
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Buying a new horse is a risk - and as maxim states could be costly and upsetting, good horses get snapped up quickly, so you don't want to mess people about - I know if I like the horse within 5 mins of riding it, how it feels , it's way of going, manners so 1st impresssions count .If I feel 'right' on the horse I will then ride more throughly, jump, hack out and play with him / her. I am lucky that I have been riding for nearly 30 years and have bought lots of horses for my business (RS) and for bringing on and for personal use. But I still say that those first impressions count. Go back as many times as you need too with an experianced person (instructor etc) but be aware some vendors will limit visits as the first few days the horse is advertised is the crutial time for them - maxiumum exposure of the 'new' advert. This is stronger for private sellers than dealers.
But always be sure before saying yes, if after a couple of visits and your still 'umming and arhimng', then it probably isn't the horse for you.

But good luck and I'm sure the right one will appear in due course!


Well-Known Member
25 September 2008
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I would say as may times you feel you need to within reason to make a decision (sp). We only viewed ours once, One was a youngster (not backed), two we knew were right for us after first viewing and the other (my first horse) I completely admit i rushed into and should have gone back to view/ride again, if i had done i doubt i would have bought her, she was not as described and if i had tried her properly i would have found that out, i sold her a year after i bought her:(


Well-Known Member
12 December 2009
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Once for anything I have ever bought - and that would be in excess over a 100 over the years (and of that I only had one or two who seriously let me down....and one of those from a horse sale - so I sent him straight back within the 48 hours terms) For selling - I have let one or two go off on trial of a week or so.....but most have been sold after initial viewing, with very few problems. I very rarely sell anything now, we are talking quite a few years ago.
Horses are not houses,and one has to rely mostly on gut instinct......also if a horse is still around for someone to have multiple viewings - then I am guessing there might be a problem anyway!


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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Current horse twice.
I went and saw her, liked her so my instructor came and saw her with me.
We saw the seller ride her, liked what we saw, agreed a price and I picked her up the next day.

She is a super pony and is everything and more I could have wanted.


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27 October 2005
The Wirral
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My mare I went to see twice, second time with our instructor just to get another opinion.
With my last horse, tried him once and liked alot. Had seen lots of horses so was relieved to find one that seemed pretty sane! Second time, asked to take him xc to see his reaction to a few tiny jumps, ditches, steps and water and took the trailer with us and he came home that day :D


Well-Known Member
7 July 2007
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I have seen something I like ridden it still nice. But heard mixed reviews about place Im buying from. Ive had my fingers burnt before now not so sure. Horse seems honest but you never know until you get them home, do you?

Shrimp was it a private sale? Just wondered.


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19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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I paid a deposit (subject to vetting) the first time I tried out my horse at a dealers. I did then go to see him the next night to groom/handle him but had already committed to buy. Of course, I should have taken a more experienced friend/instructor with me, as a novice, but I didn't want to risk anyone talking me out of it! Made the right choice though..


Well-Known Member
12 December 2009
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I paid a deposit (subject to vetting) the first time I tried out my horse at a dealers. I did then go to see him the next night to groom/handle him but had already committed to buy. Of course, I should have taken a more experienced friend/instructor with me, as a novice, but I didn't want to risk anyone talking me out of it! Made the right choice though..

As I said, it is all about gut instinct......and not getting bucked off on the first ride - but still thinking that the hoss has a cute face!!


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10 April 2008
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Once has always been enough for me. I have known within 5 mins or so with nearly all- the only ones I've thought about were ones that rode and handled well but had blemishes/problems I needed to consider or look closer into.

Have bought from Irish slightly rough and ready dealers after 10 mins of riding and put deposits down, and have bought privately and picked up the day after a vetting etc.

As a seller, I'm happy for someone to come twice, and then if they want to view the vetting too, but beyond that, unless I'm selling a perfect 1st pony for a nervous person, then no, I don't really expect them to be coming four plus times!


Well-Known Member
10 November 2008
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I had a near miss with a horse this summer- tried him once, absolutely adored him, the seller who was a professional eventer and a friend of a friend, was wonderfully honest and said 'Hang on, he's very quirky and definitely not perfect'. My mum and the owner persuaded me to have him on loan for a bit (I was all for taking him home then and there! :D ) and I discovered that, sure enough, he was a nappy b!stard and the most opinionated horse I've ever ridden!! So I had a great summer with him (he was a fab jumper) then returned him to the owner- no hard feelings at all, as she was glad to have him kept busy and fit til hunting season. :) A good lesson learnt not to rush into things!
So after that Mum insisted that when we started looking again we would have any potential horse on trial for at least a week. That went to pot when we found Cash, current horse...tried him once on my own, came back the next weekend later with a v experienced friend for her opinion and to try him XC, and brought him home the next week! :D But we did that knowing that seller had been honest about his minor flaws and knowing that v experienced friend (who also discussed him with my RI) approved. :)


Well-Known Member
27 December 2006
S. Lincs
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If I was selling a horse and someone wanted to view it 6-8 times I'd tell them to bog off.
If you don't know what you're looking for after a couple of times you shouldn't be buying a horse IMO !!


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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Apart from my children's pony, who I knew well before I bought her, all the horses I have bought I viewed only once and did the deal before the end of the day. IMO, if a horse is a good buy, you need to act quickly or you will lose out.

IMO, trying a horse 6-8 times is taking the p*ss and time wasting, and is surely only possible if the horse is virtually on your doorstep.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
If I was selling a horse and someone wanted to view it 6-8 times I'd tell them to bog off.
If you don't know what you're looking for after a couple of times you shouldn't be buying a horse IMO !!

What she said.
I'm not prepared to entertain somebody viewing a horse more than 2 times, maybe 3 including vetting.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Once, if I am going a long way I take the trailer and cash with me.

If someone wanted to look at a horse 6-8 times then I would want a deposit to hold it for a limited period of time, by hanging on and waiting politely for dithering buyers to make up their minds I could potentially lose the sale to someone else (not inferring that you personally are a ditherer, and you explained that your Mom is not horsey)

The horse would remain on the market and if someone else came along and wanted it then I'd sell. I would make that quite clear to the 'ditherer'