How much a month?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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ALL of it. They cost ALL of my money.

Seriously, I don't add it up. Whatever doesn't go on rent or bills, goes on horses.

Gift Horse

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30 October 2013
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About £130 pcm for two horses kept at home. This meets their most basic needs only - fodder, bedding, feet, worm counts, routine jabs and dentist.

Everything else - repairs, lessons, new bits of tack, fun rides etc. I don't add up.

Edited got my sums wrong!
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Well-Known Member
10 September 2013
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I don't dare to add it up. I just pretend to myself that the £380 I spend on livery for the three of them is all it costs me! If I started to add in medication, balancers, supplements, farrier costs, vets fees, wormers and everything else I'd probably cry.


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14 October 2009
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My lot live out on my own land and are all unshod. Even so, with vets, wormers, trims, winter feeding and field maintenance it's pretty pricey.
If I have any spare money I usually find myself acquiring a new horse. It's not a good habit!


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18 August 2016
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I record livery, hay, feed, farrier and shavings in my budget... the rest just gets paid for and never thought of again!!

Although OH made me feel better yesterday. I showed him the (fairly high) price of a bag of feed I wanted to try my boy on, and he just shrugged and said he'd spent the same on two small bags of dry food for the cat :D:D


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25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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Because I am sad... This is for one horse which is pretty much retired and lives out 24/7 in summer so bedding, hay and feed are winter only.

£150 a year on hay
£60 Vaccinations
£624 a year Insurance
£1080 a year DIY livery
£140 a year bedding
£180 a year on hard feed
£80 a year dentist.
£360 a year front shoes every 6 weeks.

Totalling: £2,374 a year averaging out at £222.83 a month or £45.65 a week.

I am lucky that I can get 1/2 tonne dumpy bags of sawdust for about £7 and they last about 2 weeks. Hay I buy a round bale off the YO and I buy about 5/6 a year as they last 6 weeks a pop. She requires 2x a year dentist and she is pretty cheap to feed being an alright doer.

These are very averaged basics plucked from the top of my head and I realise how lucky I am in that some people spend a week on livery what I would spend a month. I know the argument is that sometimes Part/Full livery works out cheaper but in my case it does not! With my yard being on the way to and from work, fuel is something I don't even factor in! And to be honest, she costs more to insure than my car, I was going to give it up but the £1800 bill I have just recieved for her leg wound has made me think otherwise!


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9 March 2014
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In total mine only costs me £200, give or take. Some months it is a lot less as I don't have to buy his minerals every month, have a lesson every month, etc. On occasion it can be more if I decide to have multiple lessons or the dentist has to come out.

I do only have them in a field though!


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21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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£200 - £220 a month I reckon, without extras like vet bills.

That would cover DIY livery (which includes hay and wood pellet bedding in the winter), hoof trimming, vaccinations, annual rug washing and reproofing x 2, and the minimal amount of feed he gets (chaff and salt, with carrots in the winter) and his Bonfire Night month's worth of calmer, and my BHS Gold membership.

It doesn't cover any rugs, tack, treats or adventures (trips out) and he is not insured. I therefore put £25 on top of that into a saving account each month for vet bills and I have a tin for any spare cash which is then used for items such as rugs, tack, clipper blades, trips out etc.


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7 September 2004
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I work on the basis of £200/month all in for predominantly field kept ones not in work.

In work, stabled, affiliated competing, decent training - approx £1000 a month

The project I have in, doing bulk of work myself and utilising RC clinics etc - approx £350-400 month

The Snowman

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6 February 2015
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My average from winter and summer, for 2 horses is about £500 a month, but a lot cheaper in summer in many ways in summer as they are out 24/7, however we hire a trailer and go out a lot in summer so not that much cheaper!!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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When I did have one he cost me:

£290 a month in livery (inc basic feed, hay and bedding)
£35 a month in insurance
£180 a month in remedial farriery (Navicular diagnosis)
£7.50 a month pro rated for teeth every 6 months
£30 a month bodywork sessions for a slight back issue
£10 a month pro rated for the saddler every 6 months
£10.50 Glucosamine

(Plus the £38.50 a week diesel as the yard added 20 miles onto my journey to/from work)

So all in all: £728.00 per month..... horrifying.

And that is just the basic month to month, this doesn't take into consideration any transport, weekly lessons with my YO, my rug addiction. Nor the £4500.00 over my insurance invoice I was left with after he was PTS.

I'd do it all again to have him back though, it all seems irrelevant when you get hot warm breath down your neck on a cold day!


Well-Known Member
18 February 2015
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ALL of it. They cost ALL of my money.

Seriously, I don't add it up. Whatever doesn't go on rent or bills, goes on horses.


Mine has £600 a month to 'spend'. What doesn't get spent goes into her savings account (not insured for various reasons), and if she goes over the usual monthly budget I'll either pull it from her account or sub the shortfall myself, depending on why she's gone over-budget. There is now a sizeable buffer in her savings! Lessons etc. come out of 'my' money, the horse budget is just for normal monthly costs and any tack or rugs she needs urgently.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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In my quest to be entirely debt-free (having spent the last 12-18 months repaying my overdraft) I’ve had to face the reality of what my horse costs every month. It was scary initially, but I (think) I’m glad I did it …! I literally write down everything I spend across the board in a month, so I can break down what I’ve spent to the nearest penny on my horse …

I’ve got one native on DIY livery. My bare minimum costs per month are:
Livery: £140
Assisted livery: Approximately £80 in Autumn/Winter, between £0-£5 in Spring/Summer
Feed: £4.75 in summer or £9.60 in winter (a bag of A&P Fast Fibre)
Supplements: £26.50
Hay: £13 in Spring/Summer, £26 in the winter
Straw: £8 in the summer, £16 in the winter
Insurance: £41
Feet: £22.50

In the summer, he can come in at £230 for bare essentials. In the winter, he’s much closer to £300-£350.

It helps that I’m a happy hacker and my horse is pretty low maintenance – but he does have

Some of the 6-8 week costs I’ve just converted into monthly average (e.g. feed, feet trimming or physio costs). I’ve not included costs such as physiotherapy which happens every 3 months, teeth (every 6) or annual vaccinations. Some months I have a lesson, some months I go three or four without.

What he needs, he’ll always get at whatever it costs – this month it was all fairly cheap needs as it fly mask, some essential oils and Avon Skin So Soft to make my own fly spray and a bitless noseband. My ‘wants’ are now only occasionally indulged after hunting around for the best price.
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Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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I spend what I need to. After nearly 30 years of loaning/owning I've long since given up keeping track! Bare minimum, field rent £125 and insurance £30.


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18 April 2017
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Still lucky enough to
a) have the horses at home and
b) have my parents paying for beddings, repairs etc


I pay for use of the arena where I ride (I hack twice a week but use it 2 times a week (£10 a week) as well as rug repairs, new items to replace, tack cleaner, sprays etc.

She's not a rug ripper or anything so usually £40 a month and I get £20 pocket money every 2 weeks because of jobs I do, outside and in but if anything needs repairing I'll do extra jobs (like looking after Dad's horse, weeding, raking leaves, walking the dog etc :D)

Sorry - I went on and on aha.

I don't have to pay for lessons, vet, farrier or anything else like that but I do have to 'run the yard' (don't worry Dad's there ahh) and order hay, bedding, vet and farrier visits etc. which is really fun and I'm learning a lot about running a yard (which is what I wanna do when I'm older :D)
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Well-Known Member
1 October 2014
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I budget about £250 all in for both of mine per month. That includes farrier, feed, lessons on 1 of them once a week and insurance for one of them but excludes dentist, other vet visits, competition entries and any equipment purchases. I am very lucky that I get to keep mine for free at my parents and they make their own haylage so that is free as well. I try to keep mine out as much as possible but when I do have to bring them in I bed them on straw that I get cheap because my best friends parents own a farm so give me a good deal.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I put £800 a month into a horse account.

Yearly costs are:

Livery - £1800
Hay - £700
Bedding- £876
Hard feed - £300
Farrier - £855
Supplements - £360
Someone to provide care Mon-fri £2400

Works out at approx £608 per month. On top of that is vaccs, teeth, any other treatments, replacing equipment, unplanned vet bills. I don't insure any more as 22 and premiums were £90 a month with a lot of exclusions.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
I'm one of those people who records every penny they spend (spent my formative years working with accountants!) so I can tell you exactly how much my cob has cost me every year I've had him.

In 2010 he was on assisted DIY in Somerset at a fairly posh yard. Living in nights in winter, days in summer. No grass in winter and he has a dust allergy, so feeding a lot of expensive low sugar dust free haylage. Weekly lessons. Fully insured. Shod. £530 a month.

In 2013 he was on pure DIY livery in Somerset at a farm. Out 24/7 in summer, in at nights in winter. No hay in fields, good hay bought from the yard so no need for the haylage. Weekly lessons. Fully insured. Barefoot, using trimmer. £390 a month.

Last year I had him at home in Ireland, along with a companion pony. Out 24/7 all year. Loads of grass, we make our own hay (neighbour does it in return for half). No lessons. Insured 3rd party only. Barefoot, done by me. £40 + €25 a month (I buy supplements, worm counts etc from UK) for both. Not taking into account the cost of the property of course!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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Jesus. Okay:

Livery @£85 pw = about £370pm Inc bedding and forage
Shoes £40pm averaged
Saddler £8pm averaged
Dentist £8pm averaged
Physio £8pm averaged
Insurance £50pm Inc BHS membership
Feed £40pm averaged
Supps £15pm averaged
Lessons and competing OR vets bills :p - £100ish per month

I suspect I spend about another £100 a month on odds and ends (fly spray, worming, bits of kit) so in total about £750 for one horse.

If I moved to DIY I could probably save £150 per month, but by the time that's been nibbled away in diesel and services the realistic saving wouldn't be anything like that ...


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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....Covers ears and eyes starts humming to self to blot out any reality based costings..... 3 horses, own land, inability to acknowledge any horse associated costs even though very good salary leaves no money at end of month ......La lala la laaaaaa