We just did a 25 x 40 for £18k, all in.
We had to use quite a bit of clean stone to build up level as had quite a slope and I don’t have full fencing as that would have added about another £4K.
I adore my arena, it rides really well and would have cost double if done by a contractor.
Mine was similar to the one above as it had to be cut & fill due to slope, it's 20x40, fenced & has economy track surface & there was very little change from £40k. It rides extremely well & I am very pleased with it.
20x40 On a budget,musing a good groundworks guy rather than an arena company, on a slight slope, including some mirrors- 18k. Was quoted 28k by a couple of companies
We had a 20x40 done in the summer.... Also on a slope. It cost 12,000. We have fenced it ourselves with wooden posts and electric fencing and i sourced the sand. Quotes from contractors were coming in at 36,000 and i just don't have that budget. I am very happy with it. Hasn't flooded and rides well now the sand has settled. We used a a friend of a farmer who did groundworks.
Ask to view other arenas that they have made and speek to the owners to find out what they think of the contractor and arena. As said above there are a load of cowboys out there and what may look nice may not stand up for very long.
somewhere between 15-18k, including levelling out and a new bank created. Its the surface that can really cost depending on what type you go for. Ended up at over 40k with surface included.