How much was your horse?


Deleted member 150717

How much was your horse when you brought it? Guess how much mine was? I think it could be a fun game guessing how much each other’s horses are! Just post a picture and guess the price of each others horses. 783AD722-8F91-4B0C-AA80-707156C2A14F.jpeg


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1 June 2007
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Not on this phone :(. She was going to be pts as she wasn’t wanted and had been dumped for 6 years, literally not touched but very fat as grazing with cows! Was told she was unridable. That was fine I was just needing a companion. Got her tidied up and started to ride her! She went all the way to the veteran finals and then I had a sharer for her. She was amazing. Unfortunately she became ataxic after 3 years and had to be pts. Best freebie ever.

Deleted member 150717

Not on this phone :(. She was going to be pts as she wasn’t wanted and had been dumped for 6 years, literally not touched but very fat as grazing with cows! Was told she was unridable. That was fine I was just needing a companion. Got her tidied up and started to ride her! She went all the way to the veteran finals and then I had a sharer for her. She was amazing. Unfortunately she became ataxic after 3 years and had to be pts. Best freebie ever.
The world needs more kind people? I bet she’d won the lottery with you!! Mine is a rescue too there is a thread all about him ‘horse rescue transformations’ if you what to see his transformation!


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1 June 2007
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The picture with the rug makes me laugh. She obviously hadn’t been rugged for many years so I had no plan to rug her. The roughty toughty farmer where I kept her came to me and said he felt sorry for her as she didn’t have a “coat”. It was all the excuse I needed and suddenly she had a full wardrobe!

With her best friend Sean the tup.


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27 December 2020
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Another £1 purchase here. My gorgeous Ed the day I bought him. I was meant to be selling my Horsebox and got offered a horse instead ?
View attachment 65300
Wow what a beautiful horse! I'm shocked by the amount of one pound purchases here, all of those horses look great. Are they all marked as "unrideable" or difficult in some way?


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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Wow what a beautiful horse! I'm shocked by the amount of one pound purchases here, all of those horses look great. Are they all marked as "unrideable" or difficult in some way?

Mine had a reputation for ejecting people as they got on, and some physical issues. He was worth a punt, as he'd competed successfully at PSG with the owner before the one I bought him from. I sorted out his physical issues as much as I could, got back on him, hung on like monkey the first few times I got on him, then we came to an agreement, and we've been the best of friends ever since!


Well-Known Member
23 November 2014
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Wow what a beautiful horse! I'm shocked by the amount of one pound purchases here, all of those horses look great. Are they all marked as "unrideable" or difficult in some way?

He was an ex-racer who was injured in his last race. He had had a year off and was looking for a nice home.
Sadly only had him a couple of years before I lost him ?


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10 December 2008
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£5. I'd had him on loan/share for 4 years. His owner was going through a nasty divorce from her abusive husband. He insisted Eb was his as he had paid for him as a wedding gift to her (the clue's in the word gift :rolleyes:) and threatened to sell him for meat in revenge at her leaving. We didn't think he would actually do it but she sold him to me for £5 just in case and we had all the paperwork noted by her solicitor. I was 17 and my parents still don't know that to this day (I'm now 42!) they just thought he was on loan still. In reality we carried on sharing him, she looked after him while I was away at uni and I did it when I was home. She eventually had to move away as her ex wouldn't leave her alone and he stayed with me until I lost him when we were both 27.



Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Haha, this is my club. Current herd of waifs and strays... This lot came to under £1k, and £950 of that was the chestnut bottom right (we overpaid ?)
Actually that's not quite fair, I did have studwork to pay for on the foal. She's probably the most expensive ?

Swings and roundabouts with freebies but I wouldn't have missed any of it ?

Collage 2021-02-07 22_14_41.jpg


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8 May 2011
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1. Izzy. Free after having him on loan from the rescue for 11 years.

2. Floyd. £3000. I paid about £500 more than he was worth but he was at my livery yard and I had been riding him. He was going to a dealer and I knew he wouldn't fare well. I had decided not to have him and was in the massive field that him and number 1 horse were in, doing the fly mask search. My horse izzy didn't care I was in there but Floyd followed me round for cuddles. Then he followed me all the way to the gate, away from the others, and just rested his muzzle on my shoulder. I rang my trainer and told her and she said "Just buy him. £500 is nothing. He has chosen you." So I did.

3. Tiggs. £1. He was becoming dangerous and owner was considering having him PTS. He was 8. I told mutual friend to give her my number and if PTS was only option I would have him. If he was dangerous and I couldn't help him I would PTS. He is just a very anxious chap due to how he was managed. Nearly 2 years on we are about ready to get on. He has taken lots of time but that is partly as life got in the way.Southdown & Eridge Hunt Ride 01-08-20-134.jpgA9I00185.jpgIMG_3327 2.jpg

Sir barnaby

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13 June 2016
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Misty was free, was left to me in a will when old owner died. After she died at 21yrs in road accident, then I got my
second horse Barney picture in profile left, £1000, sold cheap at age 6 as blind in one eye, and owner needed some cash to buy another horse, he is amazing I hunt him and hack him, he a super chap I have had him 6 years now and wouldn’t swap him even for an open check


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Well-Known Member
6 January 2019
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Yeah, and here I was thinking my two were bargains... ?
To be fair, I think they still were - retired boy did his job perfectly and has earned a rest, and new girl is... just incredibly talented, and I am so lucky to have her.
In the spirit of the game, rescue.12 I know yours is a rescue so not much I expect, but he is certainly stunning now!


Well-Known Member
27 December 2020
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He was an ex-racer who was injured in his last race. He had had a year off and was looking for a nice home.
Sadly only had him a couple of years before I lost him ?
He was a real beauty! Lucky that he found you, he surely had an amazing time with you, even if just a couple of years