Well-Known Member
Do you think horses don't feel pain? It's just every post that screams pain to me you tend to respond with oh just do a bit of inhand work...Never had an issue with cold backed but assumed my horse was when I got him, he just hadnt had an education. I spoke to my physio , and we tried this… get a pillow case and put two hot water bottles in , one either side of his withers or back
To relax and loosen him.
does he have good top line?
If he is lacking muscle try standing behind and short sharp pulls on the tail to get the blood flowing, all tricks I got from my physio. ?
id also say it’s probably partly learned behaviour, try and make mounting a good experience, use a bucket if you have to, use an apple , mints , handful of nuts , just work with him, getting on and off and he will eventually realise and hopefully calm down ?
Why would it be a learnt behaviour to tense his muscles?
OP, there's a problem, you just haven't found it yet. I wouldn't sell a horse like this.