Hunting Ban - ten years on


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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With your express permission, I'll post a PM which you sent to me (I'll check first that I'm permitted so to do), and your courteous and well mannered approach may well be in doubt! :D I'll accept that on occasion I copulate, and also that my parents weren't married, but playing the part of the wounded reminds me of a line from Shakespeare, 'Me thinks she doth protest too much'! :D

Your constant requests for affirmation of the experiences of those who Hunt, receive well written and explained responses, but you continue to argue with the puerile approach of a child. Your claimed for experiences will raise more than an eyebrow or two, your statements of fact are really quite ludicrous and in the main, borne of ignorance. Were you not using your own name, then there would be some justification in wondering at your intent. Your apparent and obvious lack of knowledge, despite your claims to the contrary, remind me of the child, who when arguing, rather than learning and assimilating any degree of understanding, replies with a near constant stream of "Yeah, Buts"!! Your approach to this discussion is reaching the point where you stand every chance of becoming a target for the humour of those who you contradict, and for that reason, I shall now withdraw, finally. I suspect that you live in a world which is inhabited by very few others.

Not that you're in the mood to accept advice, but in your shoes I'd stick to those clerical aspects of life about which you can speak with experience, rather than hypothesised nonsense!


Alec that pm had no words in it and it called you an effin b in the title, which was a direct response to the fact that you not only repeated on this forum something that I had expressly asked you not to, but refused and still refuse to acknowledge what you had done, and even attempted to blame me.

I have no objection to being called names in response to poor behaviour, if it warrants it, but not in response simply to holding different views to yours.

To read this diatribe you have written, one would think that not one single farmer, worker or lifelong inhabitant in the countryside disagrees with fox hunting.

Enough with the pathetic personal insults please.
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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^^^^ What is this if not implying I am in favour of them?

It's saying that for all the claims of having the welfare of the fox high on the list of priorities, I have yet to see any fox hunter campaign in even the slightest way against snares. And that I would, as stated, have a lot more respect for those claims if I did.

It does not, and was not intended to imply that anyone on this thread is in favour of them.
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Since this thread has refused to die a decent death, can I thank those people who have engaged in a civil argument.

To clarify my own position, which has indeed been modified a little, just in case anyone cares :)

1. I have some sympathy with the animal welfare argument. But I would require much more investigation and and evaluation of ALL factors (including horse and hound welfare and that of the species which fox eat, like rabbit) produced by an independent source to be convinced. But if the argument was convincing, then I would fully support a repeal of the act excluding cubbing.

2. I cannot imagine any argument which would persuade me to back cubbing, the trapping of cubs inside a covert so that the young hounds can be put in to kill them.

3. I do not find the conservation argument at all convincing. Foxes are wonderfully adaptive creatures and I do not believe that they need man's help to survive as a species. I would need evidence that both urban and non hunted country fox populations were so low in number and/or health that the species was at risk before I could accept fox hunting for reasons of conservation.

Thanks again to the people who have spent their time explaining their undoubted commitment to their sport and to the countryside.
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Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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It's saying that for all the claims of having the welfare of the fox high on the list of priorities, I have yet to see any fox hunter campaign in even the slightest way against snares. And that I would, as stated, have a lot more respect for those claims if I did.

It does not, and was not intended to imply that anyone on this thread is in favour of them.

..And how precisely is this relevant to the discussion?


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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Since this thread has refused to die a decent death, can I thank those people who have engaged in a civil argument.

To clarify my own position, which has indeed been modified a little, just in case anyone cares :)

1. I have some sympathy with the animal welfare argument. But I would require much more investigation and and evaluation of ALL factors (including horse and hound welfare and that of the species which fox eat, like rabbit) produced by an independent source to be convinced. But if the argument was convincing, then I would fully support a repeal of the act excluding cubbing.

2. I cannot imagine any argument which would persuade me to back cubbing, the trapping of cubs inside a covert so that the young hounds can be put in to kill them.

3. I do not find the conservation argument at all convincing. Foxes are wonderfully adaptive creatures and I do not believe that they need man's help to survive as a species. I would need evidence that both urban and non hunted country fox populations were so low in number and/or health that the species was at risk before I could accept fox hunting for reasons of conservation.

Thanks again to the people who have spent their time explaining their undoubted commitment to their sport and to the countryside.

Do you mean by a decent death, bowed down to your 'superior morality'? That it certainly not happened and quite frankly I find this particular post arrogant and rude. I have no problem with differing opinions (as I have previously stated), but I cannot stand it when people are condescending.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Do you mean by a decent death, bowed down to your 'superior morality'? That it certainly not happened and quite frankly I find this particular post arrogant and rude. I have no problem with differing opinions (as I have previously stated), but I cannot stand it when people are condescending.

I can't win with you can I?. I try to have a sensible discussion, I thank people for their efforts, I agree to differ, but all you want to do is trade insults :(

You are so determined to see insult in what I write that I could say snow is white and coal is black and you'd either say, actually, they're both grey sometimes, or call me a racist :D
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Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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…….. , I have yet to see any fox hunter campaign in even the slightest way against snares. And that I would, as stated, have a lot more respect for those claims if I did.

…….. .

I wouldn't expect you to hang on my every word, indeed the reverse may well be the truth, but had you through previous discussions read of my views on snaring, whilst not actively 'campaigning', you would have read of my revulsion of the practice. I am totally against their use, and there is no more evil contraption devised by man, than the snare. I speak with more that a little experience, for as the years when I worked as a 'keeper, I killed foxes in their hundreds and by snaring. I now see it as a disgusting practice. It's illegal to set snares with the intention of catching deer, so why is it legal for foxes? Another opinion that I've also voiced and always have, is that when a fox finds sanctuary underground, and when sport is the only intention, then he should be given best.

Equally, I have shot a great many foxes too, some driven to shotguns, and some shot with a rifle. There have been very few which I've wounded and lost, but none the less, and however few, I've wondered how their time ended. I've never yet known a fox to die a lingering death, with hounds. It's all but instant.

Not common ground, but an acceptance that we don't live in a perfect world!



Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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I can't win with you can I?. I try to have a sensible discussion, I thank people for their efforts, I agree to differ, but all you want to do is trade insults :(

You are so determined to see insult in what I write that I could say snow is white and coal is black and you'd either say, actually, they're both grey sometimes, or call me a racist :D

Um..this is the first time I have noted an insult, and I try to rub along with everybody. Can't say I have ever seen grey coal ;)


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Just because people don't actively campaign for something does not mean they don't think it is wrong .
Personally I loath snares and think there's no place for them and Larsen traps I hate them too, I had a huge battle with a keeper who thought it was his right to put Larsen traps of our land polite requests yielded nothing , so I started releasing the birds and tossing the traps onto the lane the keeper was purple with rage , I thought I might get shot and that was after he thought it was neighbourly to put guns in one of my grazing fields during a shoot .
My ID at the time sorted that , those men can run in plus fours I'll give them that .


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19 December 2014
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The people could not have been nicer and I felt, really looked after the kids there on the day, I was very impressed and felt reassured that she would be fine with these exceptional riders. I personally will never change my opinion but that doesn't mean I go around voicing those opinions or that I couldn't be polite and friendly to those people on the day. We are probably worlds apart in our views, upbringing etc etc. but it didn't stop us having a very enjoyable time.

Hunting, drag or otherwise, will always stand for one thing. In my opinion if you don't agree with this and the heritage that it represents you shouldn't partake in the substitute.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2013
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Hunting, drag or otherwise, will always stand for one thing. In my opinion if you don't agree with this and the heritage that it represents you shouldn't partake in the substitute.

I would absolutely love to drag hunt, def one of my bucket list things but also am definitely not pro hunt. I have always wondered, are drag hunts full of pro hunters or is it mostly people who dont wish to hunt live quarry?