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A friend of mine has just sent me a link to a site on which so-called "comedian" Ricky Gervais says: "I can't stand blood sports or any cruelty to animals. [...] I don't understand why loads of inbreds get the ******* horn when they see a fox cowering in fear."
I am so angry I can hardly write. So, Mr Gervais, how many hunts have you actually been on? All you're doing is showing your ignorance for everyone to see. Just how exactly is a fox "cowering in fear" when a terrierman is digging down to it? You see, you're just making yourself look stupid!
While it's true that I bought the DVDs for series one and two of The Office plus the Christmas special, as well as the DVDs for Extras, I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I never thought Gervais was funny. "Inbreds"? And to think that I took my cousins and their kids to the Flanimals tour!!!
I am so angry I can hardly write. So, Mr Gervais, how many hunts have you actually been on? All you're doing is showing your ignorance for everyone to see. Just how exactly is a fox "cowering in fear" when a terrierman is digging down to it? You see, you're just making yourself look stupid!
While it's true that I bought the DVDs for series one and two of The Office plus the Christmas special, as well as the DVDs for Extras, I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I never thought Gervais was funny. "Inbreds"? And to think that I took my cousins and their kids to the Flanimals tour!!!