I have exciting news!!

Keira 8888

Well-Known Member
1 June 2020
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I also missed Prince Is retired? I know you had had issues, but thought they were almost resolved?
anyway, what a lucky boy to have found you.
And how lovely as a family you can enjoy the new ones, too.
Thank you so much ? Well everything was going well but he went mildly lame a few months ago so I had X-rays of his feet (that’s where the nerve block located the problem) and his back and it turns out he has very mild arthritis and suspiciously close vertebrae (which would explain his random outbursts when ridden) The vet was keen to inject local anaesthetic into the spine and do more tests but at that point I just thought enough is enough - he’s 17 now and it’s time for him to just relax and enjoy life with his field buddies. I had his shoes taken off and it’s the best thing I’ve done. I’m fact, Ive just come home from lunging him and he looks perfectly sound in trot! So from now on we are just doing in hand stuff and he really enjoys going for walks, so I’m very happy ???


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Karma is wonderful. Prince might not have been the right horse for your daughter but you were definitely the right home for him! You’re now being rewarded for all your kindness, selflessness, perseverance and willingness to listen to advice and learn.

Wishing you many years of fun and happiness with Henry and his little friend. No one deserves it more than you do.

Keira 8888

Well-Known Member
1 June 2020
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Karma is wonderful. Prince might not have been the right horse for your daughter but you were definitely the right home for him! You’re now being rewarded for all your kindness, selflessness, perseverance and willingness to listen to advice and learn.

Wishing you many years of fun and happiness with Henry and his little friend. No one deserves it more than you do.
That is so very kind of you - thank you so much, it really means a lot to me x


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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What fun for you all. Your pony looks so like my companion, even down to the mane on the wrong side and a slightly paler muzzle and the white sock.