I just bought my first cob! Introduction + feed advice + photos!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Things not looking great for Rigsby right now.

He was comfortable enough last night, standing quietly, until around 5am, when he had a lie down. He then rapidly got worse, getting up and down, so I called the emergency vet out and had him walking on the arena to await her arrival.

Sadly, he simply would not walk, was collapsing mid stride to roll, Mr Red did a heroic job to prevent him going over and over.

When the vet got here, at 7am (she was coming from the other side of their area) Rigsby whinnied like he knew she could help him. But, he steadfastly refused to get up. He was injected on the floor, still refused to stand, so had an internal exam whilst he was laid down.

He has a football size impaction, in a bad place. She had been happy until the internal, he was passing some sloppy poo, and has gut sounds, but the impaction is very big.

Rigs isn't fit to travel, and is not a good candidate for surgery. The vet will come 4 times today, to flush him through to try to soften and move the blockage.

He has the tube up his nose left in place, to try to reduce the change of a haemorrhage due to the repeated tubing.

I guess it is 50/50 for Rigsby.

Red you must be frantic with worry, I'm so sorry.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Much warmer now with a shut stable and heat lamps. I have also given him a groom, which he enjoyed. I have put a massage pad on, once that is cycled through I will walk him again.

He has a whole orchestra in his guts, but no poo. He did have a wee though, so not too dehydrated.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Walked him, he walked cheerfully enough. Also tried loading him, shutting the lorry and turning the engine on. I have known this work before! He was a champ, he used to not load, now he strode straight on, because he is a dude.

But, no poo.

Back out for a bit more walking, but he started to shake so he is back in bed with heat lamps, and a massage pad.

Just spoken with the vet and asked for an IV drip. They don't like doing that at home, but he isn't fit to travel. He has the pipe up his nose, a muzzle and everything strapped down tight to keep the pipe in his gullet, so breathing is compromised. He is asthmatic anyway.

The IV is the only extra thing they would do in hospital, and there is no practical reason he can't have one here. They don't like to as that can pull the catheter out and if air gets in, they die. But, it may help. Decisions...