I just bought my first cob! Introduction + feed advice + photos!


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, Red. It's horrible being at that stage. I think my Mum was lucky in a way as once it became clear that's where she was, she only lasted a few days.

Rigsby must be a real tonic to balance all the cr*p right now. x


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10 December 2008
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Sorry about your mum, I hope for both your sakes this stage lasts long enough for you to say your goodbyes but no longer. It was four days with my Grandfather (after about 10 years of Alzheimer's, the last 7 of which were tough and the last 2 were horrific) and I think that was about long enough for us to get our heads round it but not too long that we had to watch him suffer. Glad Rigsby is doing his job well. Hugs.


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16 May 2011
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I was gng to press 'like' as I liked that you replied, but then couldn't 'like' the post as yes, it is bad and I can only hope it doesn't last 10 months, for her sake. On a personal level, I don't know how to juggle 'normal' life with this, with the Covid regulations meaning I have to do it all alone.
My advise, don't kill yourself trying to be there all the time, look after your health, you are no use to her if you don't. Try to keep some normality to your life around visiting. Rigsby seems the perfect tool for that job ?
I lost count of the number of times I was called in for her final moments....that is apparently quite normal. It is hard even for staff that see it on a daily basis to judge.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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My advise, don't kill yourself trying to be there all the time, look after your health, you are no use to her if you don't. Try to keep some normality to your life around visiting. Rigsby seems the perfect tool for that job ?
I lost count of the number of times I was called in for her final moments....that is apparently quite normal. It is hard even for staff that see it on a daily basis to judge.

Thank you. I drove the horse box there today, just to give it a run, that was a nice change. Was there 2 hours. She is better than she was, I do wonder if it is because she now has a visitor? But 'better' is also not nice as she is more aware of her situation and said she was scared.

I feel bad as her room is quite bare, there was more in it but, initially when there, she was confused and active and much got broken. Because I haven't visited, I haven't know what to replace. I am taking a pot plant and more cushions tomorrow, today I replaced the battery in the clock, the day before I took a teddy. The pictures were still there, along with one dog cushion and a throw, but it didn't feel very homely. She only moved in a week before they locked down, so I didn't have much chance to get it personalised.

She is one of only 3 residents in the home without Covid at the moment, and if she tests positive tomorrow, she will not be allowed visitors and I will be in isolation. Because of that, and guilt that before she was classed as 'end of life' care (Monday) I wasn't allowed to visit, I feel the need to go every day.

Today I actually managed to hoover the downstairs at home. Housework has gone by the wayside this week.

Yesterday's ride on Rigsby was OK, but I was feeling on edge and he knew it and didn't like it. He did nothing wrong, but it wasn't as nice for either of us as it could be. I can remember walking him round, thinking he was a bit wooden and not as responsive, and the thought came into my mind, "well, what exactly would you like Rigsby to do?" and I realised I was just being a grumpy passenger, no clear questions. I changed it up, asked for some reversing, which got him listening and lighter, then his walk had some collection, then it was better.

Today's walk out went much better. We met a huuuuuge HGV on the main road and he was very brave. He is ace.

So sorry about your mum, words are difficult but my thoughts are with you. Rigsby came into your life at the right time and that’s a real blessing.

It is because of this ongoing situation with mum, and exhausting myself to cope with it all, that I sold my lovely posh young sport horse and looked on Preloved for a furry older friend to love instead. There he was, popped right up in the same county. I felt kind of broken inside and he was broken too. I have no particular plans for him, I just needed a horse to fuss round with no pressure. Rigsby is no pressure, no aspirations, TBH, him just being healthy after a year was my top priority, fit to ride is a bonus but wasn't expected.

10 minutes a day now, I hope after his next trim we will be cleared to up that a little bit. I did hope to be riding round the block by Xmas, she (Fiona the trimmer) isn't sure that is achievable. but no matter if not. Slowly does it.

I think it does me good to have to get out in the fresh air and look after such a magnificent beast. I am also enjoying him looking better, sleeker and more powerful all the time.
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I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Nothing much changed over the weekend for mum, she has better days and not so good days. Saturday was a good day, so Sunday I thought I would take Cracker (her dog that we have inherited) to visit. Sadly, on Sunday, she didn't manage to wake up at all, so missed him.

Poor Cracker. Firstly he hates travel. Secondly, he recognised mum and tried licking her hand, but didn't get a response. Thirdly, as it is a Covid home, he needed a bath as soon as he got home, he hates those too.

I'm not sure I will try taking Cracker again. Not too fair on him.


So, a pretty rubbish week...

... and then there is Rigsby.

It may only be a 10 minute walk out, but I think that everyone needs a Rigsby in their lives.




Well-Known Member
5 February 2020
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Sorry to hear about your Mum. Enjoying the Rigsby updates, what a lucky pony to have you looking after him. He's very handsome!
I think it's lovely you are able to take Cracker in, I would want my dogs around me if I was going. Take care.
We need more buttons than just like, on the other forum I am on they have a sad, laughing, love and like.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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So, the inevitable has happened, mum is Covid positive and I can't visit, plus I am now on 14 days isolation. Rigsby had his last walk out for a while, first thing this morning, before I got the news.

I can only hope that, if Mr Red and I both get it, we are at slightly different times so we don't have to rely on anyone for horse/dog care and shopping.

Tomorrow he is due a ride on the arena anyway, I'm not sure what to do the day after, maybe ground drive him large a few times?


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13 November 2012
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I'm sorry Red. I hope you and Mr Red both stay well. x

Rigsby will probably enjoy some ground-driving. Is he allowed to walk over poles or through pole patterns on the floor? Or you could set up some spook buster things? Just thinking how you can keep things interesting and a little bit challenging for you both since you'll be missing the interest and challenge of walking out adventures.

Take care. I'm so sorry for your troubles.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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He looks super, and I'm not a fan of cobs and hairy legs at all. He's mid-teens so consider a Cushing's test because he's at the age where PPID can sneakily add to EMS and laminitis is a real threat despite all your dietary controls. Ask your vet if they consider it an appropriate idea?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2013
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I hope your Mum is getting on ok and you haven’t developed any symptoms. Is isolation working out ok with Rigsby?


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Aw, thank you for asking.

I did ask the vet about cushings, Rigsby was tested at the time of the lami last year and was under, but positive for EMS. The old owner had been caught out with personal issues colliding with lockdown, Rigsby had access to grass and had been very overweight. He is now slim, I have it so you can see a few ribs gently at the back but if he takes a deep breath they all appear. The vet recommended keeping him off grass and on soaked hay all winter (where he should be quite safe) then test again in spring before considering the introduction of grass.

It may be a mega appointment for EMS testing, Cushings testing, X rays on his feet and re-start his vaccinations as there was a 'fault' in the record.

I managed to video call mum yesterday. I had got a bit miserable as the home had cover staff from hospital, and no one knew how to do the video calling. Happily, my favourite nurse was there yesterday and he is more than happy to let me use his WattsApp on his personal phone. It was our first call yesterday, the first time mum had seen my face since I took my young horse there in summer. I was also able to get Crackers on the call, she was stroking the phone. Such a shame that she was not able to wake up the day I actually took him.

The photo of Rigsby was taken to show the nurse why it was not a great time to do it NOW, when the nurse initially called me to offer his personal phone! It was raining, I was outside, it was noisy with a tractor and I was sitting on a horse! It only took 10 minutes to jump off, put Riggers away and go inside near the router.

Yes, Rigsby is a delight!

I don't have any Covid symptoms, but am keeping far from Mr Red within the house as he is clinically vulnerable. Happily, work has asked me to do some sessions via Teams, so I am busy in the mornings planning and delivering. I have also found yoga with Zalinda so am keeping active with that too.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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I am sad to say that mum passed yesterday. It was inevitable, yet unexpected in its way as she had firstly taken a dive with Covid symptoms, then come round a bit. I managed to see her again despite my isolation, there are rules for that. I am devastated yet also relieved in lots of ways, she was not in a good way and there was no real hope of improvement.

Last night Mr Red and I drank to her life. Today I guess the organisation starts. This whole journey with mum, I feel like I have been doing stuff wrong and then been told what I 'should' have done, I wonder if everyone feels like they are muddling through?

This past week I have been upset and frustrated and Rigsby has been rather uncharacteristically grumpy. I think he has missed his walks out while I have been isolating and he is probably picking up on my upset. Until yesterday, I had still been riding at walk for 10 minutes every other day and doing something in-hand the other, but I guess some time out won't harm him. That being said, Mr Red says that today he will walk him down the road to the next junction and back, for the sake of his feet. Good of Mr Red as he isn't really a Rigsby fan.

I also had an attempt at tidying his mane last week. It was hogged in previous years, but when I got him there was a big bridle path, then a wedge shape that looked as if he maybe had objected to being pulled. Then there was a thin bit either from rugs or from his martingale strap that the previous owner used, then a long bit under the saddle.

I intend him the be au natural, and can't do anything about the bog brush bridle path yet, but have evened out the rest with thinning scissors. He looks amazing, I am sure he will be ready for me to continue our adventures when I have had a week or two to draw breath.


Selfish of me, but 2020 has been so awful, I hope to have mum's funeral before the end of the year. Hoping for a happier 2021 all round.