He now has a slight cough and a slight snotty nose. His resps were 20 this am and now back to 24. Actually now hoping it will snow so that vet can do broncoscope (is that the word) at home and leave the gastro till next week but will still starve overnight just incase.
Stupid soddin weather. It is rain rather than snow. -4 last night so now everything even more slippy. Snow in at the vets. Vet rang just as I was lining up trailer saying don’t even try to come. He will come at lunch time instead and lung scope here and take bloods. Robin is starving and throwing hay down his throat looking fine although had the odd cough.
There is a viral infection going round at the moment, my lad had it at christmas (ended up with dog and pony seeing vet on the same day!) he had what started as a light cough, 2 says later he was hacking his lungs up, wouldnt eat his hay but would eat feed, high temp etc. Given bute and a muscle relaxer and told to monitor and 3 days later he was back to his ususal chirpy, cough free self.