Ian Huntley: Am I alone...


Well-Known Member
4 May 2006
South Hants
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Yes me too !! Hanging is the way to go!! He should suffer a bit at least, taking a load of pills and not waking up is too humane for that being!( can't call him a man!)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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I still stand by my view that he should just be thrown to the other prisoners and they can do to him what they see fit. Hopefully horribly, painfully and very very slowly.


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19 April 2004
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The thing is, prison is supposed to both protect the public from a criminal, and to rehabilitate the criminal. There is no way this man can be rehabilitated, and once he is dead he is no longer a risk to the public.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Very good point. Yes, he can kill himself (after all, he appears to like killing, it is a logical progression) but not the easy way. Or maybe he could opt to be dealt with the way he dealt with Holly and Jessica. Having worked out how long Ian Brady has been in prison, the expense of keeping him and the endless media circus leaping into action the minute he so much as sneezes, I just wish this man had died.


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25 March 2005
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FYI in the US with all the legal fees, and jumping through the hoops, the death penalty is more expensive then life in prison.


I agree his death would be no loss, and it would certainly save the taxpayer a few bob, but on the other hand he deserves his remorse and guilt (if indeed he does feel it) and in a way I think it would be a disservice to the families of the little girls if he were allowed to die to ease his own suffering. No such easy way out for the families, is there?

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This is exactly what i was going to say
I'd like to think that if there's any justice his torment would not be ended by death?
I'm not sure of my beliefs regarding what happens after you die but surely he will have to face the consequences of what he's done??



I am glad he didn't die ,the bastard deserves to live with his mind until he's old

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I agree with this in principal but it assumes a rationale brain.... if you or I did what he has - it would haunt us and litterally drive us insane BUT we would not kill two little girls, infact the 'normal' person is so far removed from what he did it is unconceivable SO it leads me to think if he could kill (twice at that...he carried on to do one after the other) will a concience really be punishment? does he have one (we do, but it, amongst other things, would prevent us from doing such a thing. If he does have one, but it allowed him to do such a thing, it must be almost non existent and therefore would not be able to trouble him as much as i'd like to see him troubled. SO it definately has to be the environment which tortures him and i 100% agree with you about the US jails. Years ago in an ethics lesson at school we studied one in california which had concrete rooms which were tiny (no window) just a bed and a sink and a toilet and they have to stay in it 23 hours a day - now to me, for murderers, that is prison, not tv, pool tables, free space and socials all day with the other prisoners..........it's effing ridiculous! and its our money though I wouldn't resent paying if i felt that the best worldly possible justice was being served, but paying for the luxuries ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH it is just wrong


Well-Known Member
26 August 2006
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if he wants to take his life let him, save tax payers some monney, dont let him do it with pills though thats too easy, give him a rusty blunt razor blade.


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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I partly agree, but feel his surroundings etc are far too comfortable. Jail should mean a thoroughly unpleasant place with boring food, no tv and discomfort on a grand scale such as in third world jails.
I am glad he didn't die ,the bastard deserves to live with his mind until he's old, the poor kids never got the chance to grow up and their parents must suffer every time the subject appears on the news. I bet they don't want him dead..
I actually like that prison in the USA where they make them wear pink overalls, march them chained up through the city everyday and break rocks in the sun..
At least that way they hate prison, ours are like holiday camps.. swimming pools, basketball, good food and tv..We're mad, criminals need to be punished and suffer..
(and no matter how many posts say my views are extreme, extreme they'll stay!!!)

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I cannot disagree with one single word

Jail is a frigging cushty affair in this country - it is dispicable

Solitary confinement - let him go mad in his own head - dark, cold, bare walls, with nothing else to stare at all day - porridge for breakfast and stew for lunch and supper EVERY day

There THAT is extreme - but if any f*cker EVER messed with my children, anything less than that would NOT be punishment IMHO


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
Anyone who thinks that British jails are pleasant and relaxing places to be have obviously never been in one. Do people seriously wish our prisons were like those in Thailand? Try watching the movie Return to Paradise and see if you still think the same.

There is much truth in the quote 'a society is measured by the treatment of its prisoners.' If we subjected criminals to torture and abuse then I'm sorry but what then distinguishes us from the criminals? Look at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib and look at the consequences of our so-called civilised Western societies treatment of prisoners... Criminals have individual responsibility of course but criminal behaviour is shaped by society so society - that's all of us - also has to hold itself responsible for the actions of its members.

What Ian Huntly did was horrific and he's now serving out his sentence - as it should be. He should be accorded the same treatment as any other human being... when found o/ded medical staff should do their best to save him.

Does he deserve to die? If he tries again and succeeds no one will mourn him, me included but that choice is his and his alone. I absolutely 100% oppose capital punishment - it will be a dark day for this country if its ever reintroduced. Does he feel true remorse? Only he can know that. Is he pure evil? I don't believe in it... because if you are pure evil in the biblical sense that must mean you were born evil and therefore had no choice in the matter. Don't take away his individual responsibility for what he did. No doubt Ian Huntley has some form of severe personality disorder... a combination of nature and nuture. It's a hugely complex psychological area. Dismissing him as evil doesn't help us to understand why people commit such sadistic and violent acts...

Oh and for the people who suggested testing cancer drugs on prisoners... the Nazi's thought that a terribly good idea as well... it started with prisoners and moved on from there...


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I agree totally. The whole purpose of prison in this day and age is for the "rehabilitation" of prisoners primarily, punishment comes secondary in modern thinking. Therefore my question is.......can this prisoner ever be rehabilitated and returned to normal society? If the answer is no, then what the heck is he doing in prison?

If it was my daughter who was murdered by him.....would I want him to suffer? No I bloody well wouldn't - I would want him dead!! So that there would NEVER ever be the chance for him to do something like this ever again! Who's to say some mamby-pamby judge won't grant him his freedom in 20 years time?

Nope I'd be decking his room out with lots of sheets, polythene bags, rope and giving him an extra tall bunk bed!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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I was just reading in The Sun that the ward he is in is right beside the childrens ward!!! How can this happen? I don't a damn if he's under constant guard he shouldn't be so close to any children!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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i think in a way he should just be left to die if he wants to, but part of me also thinks he should be made to suffer for what he did, so why let him take his own life which seems like the easy way out for him?

Jo C

Well-Known Member
19 July 2001
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Am I right in thinking that you don't have children gedenskis_girl? If anyone did that to my daughter I would want them to suffer and I would gladly back the death penalty if it meant they could never do that again!


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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Perhaps a compromise on this one would be to give him a certain amount of Warfarin each day. Enough to kill the B*stard painfully and slowly, a torture, just like what he inflicted on those poor kids. Maybe bury him alive. That way no one would have to clear up his ugly body and it would save so much on prison bills!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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I have children, and if anyone did to one of them what Huntley did to those girls I would want them dead. But...I would not want them killed by the state, with what is effectively state sanctioned murder. I would want to do it myself, and if not able to, then would be perfectly happy for them to kill themselves, just as Harold Shipman and Fred West managed to do. I really am strongly opposed to the death penalty, if it is wrong for one person to take a life then it is wrong for any person to take a life, whether within the law or not. The last hangman in Britain realised that the death penalty was about revenge and not deterring people, it doesn't work and is barbaric. Even he changed his mind about the moral issues involved.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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My husband is a criminal defence lawyer and sadly YES prisons are seen by many crims as a nice hotel! A few months ago he represented a guy who had gone out and stolen from a newsagent, then ran to the nearest police car to show the cops inside the car what he had taken. When they nicked him, they found he had a bag packed for the police cell and prison! The guy had the choice between a night in a squat or in the nick and so went out to get arrested! They get methadone, a place to sleep, meals and frankly prison just isn't a deterrent for truly criminal people. For you and I yes, it would be.

As for Huntley, I support euthanasia as a wonderful way to die with dignity, at a time you decide. I think it's too good for him, sorry. I do appreciate the arguments about our taxes, but I regard euthanasia as a mercy and he doesn't deserve mercy. I think the real tragedy is that after every suicide attempt there are these great big "inquiries" where the prison service gets hauled over the coals by the health & safety and political correctness loons!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Oh I totally agree with you on that one. Huntley was on 15 minute after his last attempt three years ago, how long were the authorities meant to keep that up for? Mind you, if he was serious he could always go on hunger strike, like the IRA prisoners used to. Somehow I can't imagine him having the courage to do that...


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
You're correct I don't have children and of course I can't say what my attitude would be if I did and anything bad happened to them. I appreciate your position - that maternal instinct to protect is imprinted into our DNA. But I'd like to think and hope that my views would remain the same. Prison for life. But definitely not involving torture. It saddens me so much that so many people on here seem to sanction torturing Ian Huntley... what good does that do anyone?

Rehabilitation may or may not be possible for paedophiles... it certainly seems incurable now but who knows what might happen in the future... methods may develop... and imagine if they identified a gene or whatever responsible for paedophilia? We could end up with a society without people who are a risk to our children. But unless we attempt rehabilitation, however unsuccessful at the moment, we're never going to get anywhere.

Yes what Ian Huntley did was terrible but there are many equally appauling crimes committed that didn't get the press hysteria that this case did. Whipping society up into rabid lynch mobs is one thing our tabloids are extremely good at but its not something I want a part in.

Jo C

Well-Known Member
19 July 2001
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Torturing - no but the death penalty for cases like this - yes. On the other points I think we will have to agree to disagree,
my feelings changed entirely when I had children.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
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I don't think many people would advocate torture, just suffering a more deprived existence with fewer comforts would perhaps be a better alternative. However, I still maintain that if he wants to die by his own hand, he should be allowed to.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I have children and lost my 12 year old daughter to a maniac in a car 3 years ago.Her case was highlighted nationally and on crimewatch but her killer is still on the loose.One thing that sickens me is the fact that after causing the crash he pulled up further along the road looked back at what he had done and then drove off never to be seen again.He is still at large and I hope to god that he suffers for what he has done.I think prison is too good for him because the luxuries they get at taxpayers expense is wrong.I would happily as I said before press the button to electrocute him humanely as would the rest of my family and friends who are the ones suffering misery because of what he did.Why is it always the victims families that get the real life sentence and not the perpetrators that deserve to be punished.Our current justice system does nothing for the victims families while the law always protects the perpetrator.Why can't we have real justice and allow his victims families to decide the punishment to fit the crimes he committed.