If you dropped dead tomorrow, what would happen to your horse?


Well-Known Member
15 October 2009
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I have a living will so my family knows my wishes and a healthy euthanasia/cremation fund. My horse, dogs and cats would all be pts at home by their own vets. Extreme but I would hate to think of any of them going through re-homing or ending up in the wrong hands.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2009
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I am like many of you, close family all very unhorsey - I am in process of writing a will and intend to give each horse a trust fund that will pay for either their full livery at present yard so two of friends can have them without landing them with the largest part of the expense. Or I could hand over to a charity with the bequest. Just cant decide

I am also planning to do the same with my cats and dogs, pity the solicitor who has to sort out my will!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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As mentioned in previous post all my horses and donkey will go to Horse Welfare
and be fostered out from there

Trouble is with this scenario relations always say oh I will take care or you give them to hubbies partners etc to care for them .

BUT what if your friends partners family r circumstances change and they cant care for them what happens then huh????

How bad will they feel getting rid of them knowing your dying wish cannot be fulfilled??

Thats why I would NOT give them to hubby or family .

At least if they go to Horse Welfare family members can Adopt them from them and if they do and their circumstances do change they go back to Horse Welfare and they wont feel guilty about giving them up as if you give them to a friend and they move them on threw money issues they would feel bad letting down your wishes.

Its the old Black Beauty story going down hill.

I wonder how many DID give them to family who later could not care for them as they lost job or became to ill and they then had to sell on to a 3rd party a stranger????.

NO way My family would be crushed if later they couldnt care for them and had to sell them on NO WAY HOSE!!!!

This is what I am doing >>http://www.worldhorsewelfare.org/you-help/horse-gifting-in-a-will

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Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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I have made a will and my now 15 yr old mare will be PTS. I have made arrangements for her cremation and burial as well.

I know she's not old, and it's not the old "No-one can look after her like I can" thing, but she does have an injury which is not detectable when she's in work, and therefore she could possibly be sold as sound, only for someone to find out about her injury after they'd given her a break. That could lead to her being sold on, neglected etc., and I couldn't do that to her.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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BUT what if your friends partners family r circumstances change and they cant care for them what happens then huh????

How bad will they feel getting rid of them knowing your dying wish cannot be fulfilled??

Thats why I would NOT give them to hubby or family .

I wonder how many DID give them to family who later could not care for them as they lost job or became to ill and they then had to sell on to a 3rd party a stranger????.


I both agree and disagree with your post.

Im happy for my OH to find a home for my horse. I know he wouldnt keep him as hes too small for my OH, so wouldnt expect him to keep a 6 yr old around the place doing nothing. So he need have no worries on that score. Similarly I would sell his horse as I dont really like her, and shes too big for me, and he knows she'd be gone and he has no problems with that either.

As for giving horses to friends Id be very careful that the friend agrees :p

Id hate for one of my friends to bequeath me a horse without my knowledge, I wouldnt want the pressure, as you say, of fulfilling their dying wish that I looked after their horse for them for ever more. 1) Im not actually committed to offering any of our horses a home for life if circumstances dictate otherwise, so Im sure not committing to someone elses horse, 2) I just wouldnt want to give up the space and time to a horse I havent chosen to have around, which means Ive less time and space for a horse I WOULD want.


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7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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As much as OH loves my boys, i doubt he'd want the responsibility of them if i dropped dead tomorrow, so they'd go to my family. Namely my sister. I imagine she'd do everything in her financial power to keep them both for herself but i would have no problem with her selling them to good homes should she not be able to afford them.


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7 April 2012
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No one would be PTS out of my lot. Just because I'm the unfortunate one that never gets to see a sunny day or watch spring come into bloom, why should I take that away from my happy, healthy horses.

My girl I have had with me since 11 months who is now 8yrs, I would hope stay at home on the farm and hopefully the little Sec A would stay with her.
However neither of my parents are horsey as such and sometimes I think they may benefit from going somewhere with people who knew what they were doing, although dad being a farmer Im sure would do his best to look after them - I suppose I would leave the decision of what happened to them in my parents laps, after all it is them who have to look after them and neither are young chickens..

My 2 youngsters, as much as I love them would be more than likely sold, however I would put trust of the selling any of the horses with my step-aunt who is horsey and knows people and what makes a 'good' horse person.

Its a sad topic, talking about these sort of things makes you appreciate how very lucky we are to be alive and even luckier to have the honour of owning horses.


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2 February 2012
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Mine have been left to horse charity (with very large bequest) hoping they will accept them. I am on my own with no relatives so my worry is who will look after them if something happens to me until solicitors get things sorted .Same with dog. This has been really stressing me out as I am on the downward slope myself now!

Where abouts in the country do you live Alma? Nobody should have a stressful issue like this to contend with - perhaps a kind forumite would be prepared to step in.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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Where abouts in the country do you live Alma? Nobody should have a stressful issue like this to contend with - perhaps a kind forumite would be prepared to step in.

Same thoughts here. Plenty posters on here who are experienced and don't miss a trick, maybe someone or two can help you, heck if I am an your area, I will if no-one else can, even if it is a stop over period.

Rose Folly

Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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I've left money in my will for my horse and our dogs and cat to be cared for. My lovely friend and livery who is a veterinary nurse has agreed to take my mare on if anything should happen to me. The horse would be kept here at my home though OH doesn't ride. She will never be sold as she is allergic to hay and has occasional RAO.

My solicitor raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the entry about the animals, but he has tied things up well.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2011
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I like to think that my hubby would keep them for my eldest daughter to ride. However, I do believe that he would probably give 2 away to horsey friends and keep either the horrid pony or Saffy.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I both agree and disagree with your post.

Im happy for my OH to find a home for my horse. I know he wouldnt keep him as hes too small for my OH, so wouldnt expect him to keep a 6 yr old around the place doing nothing. So he need have no worries on that score. Similarly I would sell his horse as I dont really like her, and shes too big for me, and he knows she'd be gone and he has no problems with that either.

As for giving horses to friends Id be very careful that the friend agrees :p

Id hate for one of my friends to bequeath me a horse without my knowledge, I wouldnt want the pressure, as you say, of fulfilling their dying wish that I looked after their horse for them for ever more. 1) Im not actually committed to offering any of our horses a home for life if circumstances dictate otherwise, so Im sure not committing to someone elses horse, 2) I just wouldnt want to give up the space and time to a horse I havent chosen to have around, which means Ive less time and space for a horse I WOULD want.

so what do you disagree with then??


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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BUT what if your friends partners family r circumstances change and they cant care for them what happens then huh????

How bad will they feel getting rid of them knowing your dying wish cannot be fulfilled??

I both agree and disagree with your post.

Im happy for my OH to find a home for my horse. I know he wouldnt keep him as hes too small for my OH, so wouldnt expect him to keep a 6 yr old around the place doing nothing. So he need have no worries on that score. .

so what do you disagree with then??

The bit I quoted and then explained why I didnt agree.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Well this actually happened to a friend

she in trusted her horses to her hubby in the event of her death. her hubby said he would care and keep the horse till the end of its life.

But this did not happen after Lucy (RIP) hun was killed in a RTA her Hubby kept the horse for about 9 months then met a nasty piece of work girlfriend got heavily into drugs and sold horse to buy more drugs. It was 3 years later we found out the girlfriend sold it at reading market to a meat tradesman .:(

So you might think your friend family will care for your horse but this in many cases is not how it turns out .
Poor Lucy would turn in her grave if she knew Sancho ended his life this way
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10 March 2009
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Thanks Tormenta and Windwood. By on the downward slope I mean that Im now an OAP! Hopefully I have a few more years but its something that worries me .. At the moment horses are living out so not such a problem. I hope to find a full livery before next winter, its just the inbetween sorting if something should happen that worries me. I have no horsey inclined friends that would be capable as most of them are now older than me !


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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Well this actually happened to a friend

she in trusted her horses to her hubby in the event of her death. her hubby said he would care and keep the horse till the end of its life.

But this did not happen after Lucy (RIP) hun was killed in a RTA her Hubby kept the horse for about 9 months then met a nasty piece of work girlfriend got heavily into drugs and sold horse to buy more drugs. It was 3 years later we found out the girlfriend sold it at reading market to a meat tradesman .:(

So you might think your friend family will care for your horse but this in many cases is not how it turns out .
Poor Lucy would turn in her grave if she knew Sancho ended his life this way

This is the kind of story that worries me as I would not be able to guarantee my mares safety from the grave and no matter how well it's planned it can all go so horribly wrong.


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27 February 2012
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OH as she was his homebred and I would leave plenty aside to cover her keep, ins etc.

If both of us went she'd be given to my old share's owner. Along with the upkeep and a lump sum for moving, training etc


Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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Should I fall off my perch, tomorrow, then within two days, the lot will be on Horsequest.


ps. I've instructed that you lot will be given the first choice!! ;) a


Well-Known Member
30 March 2012
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My grandparents bought my horse for me so I doubt my parents would sell her. My family would keep her, but put her out on loan. My best friend knows my mare well so she would have to be there when the people come to try her to make sure they're right for her!

Interesting thread, never thought about this... Now off to tell my parents of my plans of anything was to happen!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Both would be fine, just require new riders, as we own neither - the joys of sharing!

The little fluffies go to OH, or failing that (ie if we both went together) family. Both OH and family are beneficiaries of various policies so no one looses out financially.

Important, if often forgotten, topic.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Leviathan- whilst that is a truly sad story, its not always going to be the case. As my daughter would be brought up by my friend if anything happened to me, I would hope she'd manage to do right by the ponies.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2006
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He would go to my little brother along with a financial provision, who will be a graduated vet in two years so will be very well placed to look after him. I know that he would do the best for him, my boy is 22, so heading to being a bit of an OAP. He is very happy where he is on working livery, so I would guess that he would stay there.
I also have a death plan in case I can't make the decision. Brother (or a named vet that I trust if it happens before brother is qualified) will put him to sleep by injection, he'll be cremated and his ashes will go up at the top of the hill where his field mate's ashes are and where we hack, it has a lovely view.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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hmm, perhaps I would bury them with me Pharaoh style... :D

No in all seriousness, there is some money to provide for them within my "estate" My friend would have the mare with enough money to care for her for quite some time, my daughter owns Basil so that is down to her, I would probably hold some money in trust to help with vet fees and other bills but tbh, he's 12 with slightly arthritic hocks, he's been a magnificent hoss if she wasn't going to keep him I would be disappointed, but as I would be dead there is nothing I could do about.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2007
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My boy would be PTS, he is 21 yrs old. My OH is not horsey and I wouldn't want my boy passed from pillar to post at his age.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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M would be kept by my father on paper, but would either stay on loan with his current loaner or I'd trust CBAnglo on here to have him if she fancied another pretty field ornament.

C would go to his breeder and I'd trust she'd find him a nice new home.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2011
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I had a section added to my will about my ponies. They go to my mum, and if she doesn't want them/can't have them there is the option of them going to a named friend of mine to play until such time he does not want/need them, and then there is the option to sell them. I actually spent more time fretting about that clause in my will than anything else!!