If you dropped dead tomorrow, what would happen to your horse?


Well-Known Member
27 April 2009
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id like to think my OH would take responsibility as he does have a very big soft spot for red, especially after all the rest and recooperation weve needed to give him to get him back to full health.

id have to haunt him if he got rid of him! ;)


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Leviathan- whilst that is a truly sad story, its not always going to be the case. As my daughter would be brought up by my friend if anything happened to me, I would hope she'd manage to do right by the ponies.

if you read this bit of my thread i did say

So you might think your friend family will care for your horse but this in many cases is not how it turns out .
Poor Lucy would turn in her grave if she knew Sancho ended his life this way

so i did say some cases not all :D


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Well this actually happened to a friend

she in trusted her horses to her hubby in the event of her death. her hubby said he would care and keep the horse till the end of its life.

But this did not happen after Lucy (RIP) hun was killed in a RTA her Hubby kept the horse for about 9 months then met a nasty piece of work girlfriend got heavily into drugs and sold horse to buy more drugs. It was 3 years later we found out the girlfriend sold it at reading market to a meat tradesman .:(

So you might think your friend family will care for your horse but this in many cases is not how it turns out .
Poor Lucy would turn in her grave if she knew Sancho ended his life this way

This actually made me cry. I will now think twice about leaving my horse to anyone and consider WHW. Thanks for sharing.


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22 May 2010
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my family are non horsey and won't go near them.
Iv got 5 as well ranging from 2 yrs - 20 yrs. The old boy would be better off pts but the others have usefull working lives and my 2 yr old is just the biggest sweetheart going and would make somebody very happy.

Iv also got a story where I took the 2 horses,
a lady loved her horse and breed a foal from her to bring up long sides and her world revolved around her 2 horses, when she died the husband just left him in the field as he wasn't horsey and suppose he just thought they could eat grass. Years later ( don't know how many) he was aproached by a lad I know and told he must do something with the horses else he's going to have the RSPCA on his door. So I ended up having both. Only wanted the young one as I didn't have room for both but her mum a tb turned up with her daughter a Anglo. It was the first time in my life iv shed a tear looking at a horse. Both stick thin, both with rain scold all over and not one patch off healthy hair, the feet were turned up and I honestly didn't think the farrier would be able to save the mares feet but he came out stright away and got to work. When they were wormed the watery pop was alive, it had a pulse on the ground.... It was moving up and down and every worm was in there for all to see but they were so trusting after years off not being handled even the youngster who seemed so greatfull.
Anyway after sorting them out which included a part which saw them bold as all the rain scold came off which spend a lot off hours brushing it away. The youngster went to a local home to a lady I knew who had just lost her Arab and seems like it was ment to be and I still see her and the mum went to a hunting home enjoying what she done best.
They were years ago the ladys pride and joy!
Sometimes things don't go to plan when u die.


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30 October 2008
Basingstoke, Hants, UK
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I remember this happening to my mums friend as a child. She was killed in an RTA by a drunk driver on the way to feed her horses. She had 2 gorgeous Dutch Warmbloods. The only family member she had was her father who lived in Dubai. He called my mum a day after the accident, obviously very upset but with no idea what to do with the horses. The friend lived the other end of the country to my mum, so we couldn't take them. Fortunately the livery yard owner kept them on and thankfully they lived out their lives there...but they could have quite easily got into the wrong hands.

Thankfully my family are all horsey...although my hubby and vet (funnily enough) joke about putting Rosie on a spit and having a street BBQ :(


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9 April 2007
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I trust that my OH would take care of my horse, either continue her broodmare loan, find a retirement livery, or when the time comes pts in a dignified way. He knows that I would like my horse to have a good life, he cares about her too, and it should not be a problem financially (insurance).


Well-Known Member
30 April 2009
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Our welshie is our daughters pony so hubby would keep him for her.....-think he would loan out my girl, we have lots of horsey friends who would help him find a home for her or even take her themselves....hubby isn't horsey but knows enough to look after the pony with help from other liveries. Need to make a will really.....


Well-Known Member
30 April 2009
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Just read this through-is it possible to leave the to whw? How do you go about that, presumably they would need to know about it?


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Just read this through-is it possible to leave the to whw? How do you go about that, presumably they would need to know about it?

its easy here is the link http://www.worldhorsewelfare.org/you-help/horse-gifting-in-a-will

contact them they send a form out asking you name of horse breed what rugs will go with him his vac and worming programme what you want him to do in his new home dressage etc self explanitory . the make it noted in your will that the horses are to go to WHW but family can adopt through them or not.

leave also some funds I have opend a bank account ans the monnies in there will go with them. then solisitor gets u to sign will and sends copy of your will to WHW then thats it your horses are safe.:D