if your insurance paid for ulcer treatment...


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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My turn to ask an ulcers q!
Horse is being scoped again today, third time... behaviour has turned a corner so I'm hoping we will see some more healing this time.

I have read that it's recommended to taper off the omeprazole gradually and when I treated a different horse with abler stuff that's what I did.

However I'm not convinced insurance will go for that, I read in the documents that if the scope is clear they won't pay for any additional meds. and if it scopes as grade 1 then they only cover another 14 days. My vet told me that glandular ulcers weren't graded in the same way as squamous ones so it may not apply in the same way, but just a straw poll...

did your insurance cover a tapering off or did you 1. stop immediately or 2. cover the cost yourself, or 3. did vet not recommend tapering off in the first place?

thanks (I will obv check with insurance when I hear from the vet, i'm just trying to gather info first)


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1 June 2007
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With Robin he was treated for 6 weeks. It was due to be 4 weeks and then scope but scope was cancelled due to weather. We stopped after the 6 weeks with no tapering off. I didn’t actually realise you could/should taper off and just went with what the vet said. He was scoped I think the week after that as clear.


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14 October 2016
West Sussex
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The last scope I had* was clear of ulcers but some stippling (?) still seen. We had another box on insurance for the tapering period as it was to finish the treatment. I would hope that an insurer would allow for this - a bit like finishing a course of antibiotics even though you are better to make sure that treatment is finished.

Edited * the horse had the scope, not me. I don't have ulcers ?


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11 May 2019
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I asked my vet this and she said as cutting down slowly even once the ulcers have healed is standard practice, the insurance company should pay.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Fantastic news :):) Well done you and Kira - onward and upwards!! So delighted you have had good news.
thanks. it's been a long 11 weeks. just hoping they just cropped up randomly and won't come back, because vets have not found anything that they think could have led to it... anyway she comes home with some regumate as it's that Time of The Year o_O and a prescription for cartrophen to just tick all my boxes and then hopefully away we go. i think this little episode will see the end of the insurance policy!! gulp.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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thanks all for the info. so she has scoped clear (hurrah!!) and vet is sending home with some more meds to go on for a bit. hopefully ins will cough up then.


Insurance did pay for tapering down but we still had signs of inflammation so perhaps that's a bit different (although I think vet wrote findings carefully to make sure they would pay....)

If you ever feel Kira's getting a bit ulcery again & there's no insurance money then Ron Field's herbal stuff is excellent. You do have to get in quickly though.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Insurance did pay for tapering down but we still had signs of inflammation so perhaps that's a bit different (although I think vet wrote findings carefully to make sure they would pay....)

If you ever feel Kira's getting a bit ulcery again & there's no insurance money then Ron Field's herbal stuff is excellent. You do have to get in quickly though.
i'm probably going to have a whole pharmacy set up in the feed room just in case!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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thanks. it's been a long 11 weeks. just hoping they just cropped up randomly and won't come back, because vets have not found anything that they think could have led to it... anyway she comes home with some regumate as it's that Time of The Year o_O and a prescription for cartrophen to just tick all my boxes and then hopefully away we go. i think this little episode will see the end of the insurance policy!! gulp.

I seem to remember that Kira found the old yard incredibly stressful and she has now moved - maybe the stresses of the old yard were, in part responsible for vile ulcers? Also, from what you have said, she had a funny old time before you had her so the foundations could have been laid long ago and the blooming ulcers just needed something to enable them to 'blossom'!! Eek.

Melody Grey

Well-Known Member
14 April 2014
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There are clinical reasons for tapering off- your insurance should cover that (provided you’re within claim limit) as it will be prescribed and supported by your vet. Mine has been covered with several horses.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Yay great news!

With Skylla's ulcers we put it down to the yard move, but I'm very conscious that it could be something underlying (although all professionals currently are pleased with her). I had a wobble recently so started her on aloe vera juice, the behaviour has stopped (sharper than a sharp thing when you first get on) but it's also warmed up too, so I'm still on the fence...

edit: it's a bit too long ago to remember if Doodle was tapered off her meds, but the insurance 100% paid out for all meds prescribed.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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Great news!

To answer your original question, I tapered off over 6 weeks. I really didn't want to have to start from the beginning again. I think I went to the extreme. Two weeks half dose, two weeks a third and two weeks a quarter. I'd always taper off but not necessarily for as long.

The insurance paid but then I only scoped once she'd been off medication for a month.
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