I'm so excited!!!


Well-Known Member
30 June 2008
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So after a long deliberation I've decided to move my two lads onto the same yard... so began the search - they have quite different needs and I was sure I wasn't going to find somewhere for them both... but I have and its PERFECT!!!

Its an old yard that had been closed and has just been taken over by a livery where I used to be. She's lovely and has done the whole place up beautifully with the care of the horses in mind. She knows all about River's 'issues' as well and we've spoken about how best to manage him!!!

I can't wait - no more fear that Luca is going to break his leg in a rutty hilly field, and both of them in the same place - removing 30-40 minutes of trecking between them a day!!!

Already planning how I'm going to set it all up as I'm allowed to sort my stables and areas out to my own needs!!! Ohh shopping trip is coming!!!

Sorry just had to share as noone at work is really bothered!!! Just a quick q - would you wait out the months notice where you are or move quicker? I'm tempted to move before the end of the month as the time/stress savings are so tempting....

Also any tips on moving a stressy, ulcer prone pony? We've put him on pink powder in preperation for the move and he'll have a half dose of GastroGuard two days before and two days after the move - just in case... but any other tips?!

Sorry for the essay... a big mug of tea and hobnobs to all...


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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Oh Lucky You, Sounds like the new yard is going to be great!

I wouldn't worry about staying for the months notice (obviously you will still have to pay) I would get out of there as soon as you can, especially if one horse is at risk from injury in the dodgey field!

Good Luck with the move!


Well-Known Member
30 June 2008
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yeah they only moved into that field (without our permission) at the weekend and by Sat eve he had fallen over 3 times - got him in another field as a temporary messure but means he has NO grazing...

The people at my yards are great but the facilities unfortunatly aren't!!! Thanks for the encouragement - think I'll just bite the bullet and go!


Well-Known Member
30 June 2008
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Think I shall do so... the shopping list is getting quite long!!

Have to take things with River slowly though as have to make sure we don't upset his ulcer... getting everything prepared at new yard first - new YO is being great about making sure we settle River gently - its another argument for going earlier - as its only just opened its only half full atm (she's had a lot of interest but obviously people have to give notice etc) so River would be able to get there whilst its really quiet (only going to be 12 horses when full), so less chance of stress...

I got to pick my stable and get to pick my paddocks at the weekend!!! :)


Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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i'd just pay the notice and go whenever
at the end of the day from the YO piont of view he is being paid for somethin not in use so he's loosing nothing so probs wouldnt be bothered
good luck