Irresponsible Owners


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13 July 2020
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If no authority can or will act on that, what is even the point of putting more laws in place? If they're not enforced they're fairly worthless.

Poor doggos and their owners.

There was a video that someone posted on FB where someone confronted the owner to ask why the dog was still unmuzzled despite them having been told it had to have a muzzle on in public.

Apparently the Police etc have been made aware that they are not adhering to the order placed on the dog and evidence provided and nothing is happening.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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There was a video that someone posted on FB where someone confronted the owner to ask why the dog was still unmuzzled despite them having been told it had to have a muzzle on in public.

Apparently the Police etc have been made aware that they are not adhering to the order placed on the dog and evidence provided and nothing is happening.
The ‘dog’ guru ie my OH, says they do not have time to chase up owners who will not muzzle the xl bullies when the law comes in. All very well creating these laws, but who’s going to enforce them?


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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I thought I'd been lucky so far with puppy but we got it all today.

We'd been playing dead ball retrieves (baby style) with a trailing lead. I heard someone come into the park so stopped the game, stood on his lead and did some focus games. Looked up to see 3 obese dogs bowling over; a ridgeback, staffy and Belgian shepherd! She had at least kept the lhasa apso on a flexi 🤦‍♀️ I didn't get told there were friendly, they were just allowed to try and mug me for treats and surround puppy sniffing him while she asked me what he was. Thankfully (?) puppy didn't seem overly bothered and once they'd moved on he came straight back to focusing on me. We then had to negotiate the dogs, including said lhaso apso at the end of his flexi, to try to leave the park without them following us.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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I'd have had that little s**t by the scruff of the neck and out of the room at the first snap. People have no idea !
If that started guarding I would have scruffed and given it a good shake.. no dog of mine would be allowed that close to a baby even though none of them have ever shown any guarding issues.. people are so stupid these days, I suppose it’s lucky it’s not an XL bully !!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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If that started guarding I would have scruffed and given it a good shake.. no dog of mine would be allowed that close to a baby even though none of them have ever shown any guarding issues.. people are so stupid these days, I suppose it’s lucky it’s not an XL bully !!
Or just not let it get in that position in the first place. Hardly the dogs fault that that situation was allowed to develop…


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10 April 2012
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Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Absolutely crazy. The owner shouting ‘No, it’s the puppies’. 😱 Bloody big puppies, although yes, I see they’re malinois, obviously going to be quite large as a much larger breed than I’m used to. Is the guy at the end trying to unclamp one dog from the biker’s leg?!


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18 February 2015
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Yep it’s real - the dog “handlers” (debatable) were fostering the pups for a Mal charity, both pups had a bite history, and the fosterers were aware that they both reacted badly to the sound of wheels on wet surfaces. All freely available info via their Facebook pages!

One of the dogs was shipped off to an adopter in Scotland less than a week after this happened, I’m not sure where the other went as the breed rescue locked down their pages after that.

The fosterers sold a load of bull to the biker to make him feel sorry for the dogs so it was never taken forward/anywhere with the police. I’m very very surprised the rescue gets away without being named in any of these reposted videos, but I suppose it’s not worth the hassle!


Well-Known Member
10 April 2012
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The cyclist who was attacked in December last year by the 3 Malinois puppies has given an update

'It's now about 1 year since this happened. The original incident happened in December 2022, so I thought now would be a good time to provide a bit more information. I found out soon after this happened that these dogs were being fostered. They were being temporarily cared for by the people in the video while a charity that rehomes Malinois looked for suitable "forever homes" for them.

By weird coincidence, I got to speak to the lady who runs the rehoming charity a few months ago. She was very apologetic and said that these dogs were immediately taken off these foster carers after this incident. However, since then both of the Malinois have been rehomed with appropriate owners who have trained them properly and both are doing really well.

I honestly think this was just bad luck. Given the weather and location I don't think the foster carers expected anyone to be around and then I just appeared. I think in hindsight staying as calm as possible and not trying to run or ride off was the right move. It kept the handlers in close proximity so they could try to bring this under control. If I'd tried to escape, the dogs would have caught up to me (they go fast!) and then it would have been 1 human vs 3 dogs, rather than 3 humans vs 3 dogs.

As I previously mentioned, the handlers in the video did apologise and exchanged details with me after the video ends. They also quickly paid for my damaged gear and I made a full recovery. I have a couple of minor scars and a healthy wariness of dogs now, but other than that I was unharmed. I'm just glad those Malinois were only pups, if they'd have been adult dogs I could have been much more badly injured.

Lots of people in the comments said I should sue these people. To be honest, I didn't see the need to put these people into financial hardship for what was essentially a mistake on their part that caused me no permanent damage. It wasn't malicious, it was an accident, an error of judgement. We all make mistakes. I did discuss this with the police too. Due to the circumstances I didn't make a formal complaint and the police also decided not to pursue this. Punishing temporary owners trying to help out a charity seemed unreasonable and putting the dogs at risk of destruction while they waited for a full-time owner/trainer/handler also didn't make sense.'
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