Irresponsible Owners


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Well just freaking great. Two dog attacks by same dog, both on one of our favourite routes and one in the green space where they're supposed to be on a flipping lead. Gaaaahhhh!

Seriously thinking of getting one of those spray things or starting to walk out with a big walking stick. I just hate this so much. Yesterday eve it was coming face to face with two Great Danes being walked by one guy, both reactive to us just being on the pavement. At least that owner stopped to give us time to cross the road (and apparently is quite strong!) Plus I am seeing an absolutely massive XL bully with increasing frequency near our house. It's walked on a prong collar and quite frankly just as well because if it decides to go, and I do think it thinks about it when it sees us, there will be no stopping it.


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24 April 2009
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Saw this on Facebook this evening, shared by a Facebook friend who's all for importing street dogs.

"Please share

A very honest advert..looking for the impossible that hopefully can be made possible.

I am looking for a forever home for gunner, an 11 month alapaha blue bulldog, please read before messaging ♥️

Gunner was due to be euthanised on the 07/01/2023, but I swept in 12 hours before and saved his life, he is an absolute goofball but very misunderstood, gunner has witnessed domestic, mental and psychical abuse in these 11 months.. which has impacted a gigantic part of his life ?

Gunner is a one persons dog, with slow and careful introductions he would happily live with a couple, he doesn’t like any man or anybody at first sight but time to decompress and them being around him whilst crated and muzzled he is fine after 24-48 hours.

Gunner is very reactive on walks and remains muzzled, I don’t know the extent of the abuse he’s received but he’s very alert and aware of people.

Gunner is a cuddle monster he loves his human, cuddles, kisses, belly tickles he’s a giant dope once you know him, and I’d trust him with me the world.

He loves dogs but is reactive whilst on walks- mainly to the humans.. he’s currently living with a female dog, he’s very submissive she will growl bark at his and he finds it funny and wants to play ?

He hasn’t been cat tested, but he is a softy for animals so would probably be a cats bestest friend ?

I am looking for an experienced female who wants a life long forever loving companion or a experienced couple who fully understand gunner isn’t gonna be your friend straight away but after time, decompression he is a Diamond? preferably who lives alone and with as minimal visitors as possible, gunner will need to be remained crated in arrival of visitors until he settles.

If you think you know, a loving home for gunner where he can thrive off some training and be your best friend please message me,

A very honest advert, I will offer full back up, to come here whenever needed, if it doesn’t work out, if you go away, holidays etc. he’s always welcome back! But due to having a baby in May, I won’t have the time for the training ??"

This is an accident waiting to happen if you ask me. The dog should have been PTS as originally planned and should not have been "rescued" without a suitable home being secured beforehand. To try and rehome a dog like this is utterly irresponsible.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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This is what a very well regarded local equine competition centre has just posted on its FB page. What a shame that this all needs to be said.

??????????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? - ????????????, ??????????, ??? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ????

Dogs are very welcome in the café and on site, but not in the arenas or Grandstand seating area. They must be kept on a lead at all times.

Please do not use the disabled toilets to wash off your muddy dog - seems incredible but this has happened and cleaning all the mud takes a considerable amount of time and is really unfair on those customers who need to use the disabled facilities.

Please do not remove shower heads - (this has also happened).

If you are bringing dogs in to the café, we ask that you enter via the terrace using the ramped access at the side of the building, rather than through reception. Unfortunately we seem to have an increasing number of dogs fouling in the reception area. I'm sure you will all agree this is totally unacceptable. Dogs need to remain on the floor in the café, not on the chairs or tables or on your lap.

I am speechless ,people are idiots .


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Saw this on Facebook this evening, shared by a Facebook friend who's all for importing street dogs.

"Please share

A very honest advert..looking for the impossible that hopefully can be made possible.

I am looking for a forever home for gunner, an 11 month alapaha blue bulldog, please read before messaging ♥️

Gunner was due to be euthanised on the 07/01/2023, but I swept in 12 hours before and saved his life, he is an absolute goofball but very misunderstood, gunner has witnessed domestic, mental and psychical abuse in these 11 months.. which has impacted a gigantic part of his life ?

Gunner is a one persons dog, with slow and careful introductions he would happily live with a couple, he doesn’t like any man or anybody at first sight but time to decompress and them being around him whilst crated and muzzled he is fine after 24-48 hours.

Gunner is very reactive on walks and remains muzzled, I don’t know the extent of the abuse he’s received but he’s very alert and aware of people.

Gunner is a cuddle monster he loves his human, cuddles, kisses, belly tickles he’s a giant dope once you know him, and I’d trust him with me the world.

He loves dogs but is reactive whilst on walks- mainly to the humans.. he’s currently living with a female dog, he’s very submissive she will growl bark at his and he finds it funny and wants to play ?

He hasn’t been cat tested, but he is a softy for animals so would probably be a cats bestest friend ?

I am looking for an experienced female who wants a life long forever loving companion or a experienced couple who fully understand gunner isn’t gonna be your friend straight away but after time, decompression he is a Diamond? preferably who lives alone and with as minimal visitors as possible, gunner will need to be remained crated in arrival of visitors until he settles.

If you think you know, a loving home for gunner where he can thrive off some training and be your best friend please message me,

A very honest advert, I will offer full back up, to come here whenever needed, if it doesn’t work out, if you go away, holidays etc. he’s always welcome back! But due to having a baby in May, I won’t have the time for the training ??"

This is an accident waiting to happen if you ask me. The dog should have been PTS as originally planned and should not have been "rescued" without a suitable home being secured beforehand. To try and rehome a dog like this is utterly irresponsible.
I suppose the one plus is that she is being honest about him, albeit in a way that tries to make him sound easier than he is. However, I'm genuinely staggered that someone would try to rehome a dog like this as he sounds, frankly, absolutely terrifying! It doesn't sound like there would be many people out there capable of managing him safely.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Saw this on Facebook this evening, shared by a Facebook friend who's all for importing street dogs.

"Please share

A very honest advert..looking for the impossible that hopefully can be made possible.

I am looking for a forever home for gunner, an 11 month alapaha blue bulldog, please read before messaging ♥️

Gunner was due to be euthanised on the 07/01/2023, but I swept in 12 hours before and saved his life, he is an absolute goofball but very misunderstood, gunner has witnessed domestic, mental and psychical abuse in these 11 months.. which has impacted a gigantic part of his life ?

Gunner is a one persons dog, with slow and careful introductions he would happily live with a couple, he doesn’t like any man or anybody at first sight but time to decompress and them being around him whilst crated and muzzled he is fine after 24-48 hours.

Gunner is very reactive on walks and remains muzzled, I don’t know the extent of the abuse he’s received but he’s very alert and aware of people.

Gunner is a cuddle monster he loves his human, cuddles, kisses, belly tickles he’s a giant dope once you know him, and I’d trust him with me the world.

He loves dogs but is reactive whilst on walks- mainly to the humans.. he’s currently living with a female dog, he’s very submissive she will growl bark at his and he finds it funny and wants to play ?

He hasn’t been cat tested, but he is a softy for animals so would probably be a cats bestest friend ?

I am looking for an experienced female who wants a life long forever loving companion or a experienced couple who fully understand gunner isn’t gonna be your friend straight away but after time, decompression he is a Diamond? preferably who lives alone and with as minimal visitors as possible, gunner will need to be remained crated in arrival of visitors until he settles.

If you think you know, a loving home for gunner where he can thrive off some training and be your best friend please message me,

A very honest advert, I will offer full back up, to come here whenever needed, if it doesn’t work out, if you go away, holidays etc. he’s always welcome back! But due to having a baby in May, I won’t have the time for the training ??"

This is an accident waiting to happen if you ask me. The dog should have been PTS as originally planned and should not have been "rescued" without a suitable home being secured beforehand. To try and rehome a dog like this is utterly irresponsible.

At least she has the sense to get rid you can only hope somebody sensible she knows can nudge her in the right direction.
Or I don’t know if there is one but a sensible breed specific rescue migh be able to step in .
But even without a baby in the mix that sounds like a accident waiting to happen .
Poor dog it’s not its fault its the wrong type of home and now it’s the wrong timing but sometimes it really is best to PTS.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Well whoever sold her this dog should never be allowed to be involved in this trade again imo

I know breeders need to say no, My labs come from gun dog breeders and you can’t even get a foot in the door without a personal recommendation.
But people need to switch on their brains when they get a dog and get the right dog (or no dog ) for their living situation .
I knew a couple who wanted a dog they lived near us they picked a certain smart terrier breed that would look good with their decor ( not joking ) I did not think that a terrier was in any way shape or form the right choice and tried to nudge them to get a greyhound ( I have a friend that fosters greyhounds to introduce them to home life ) .
The decor was a sticking point and I was tempted to say ditch the tweed buy some silk in the end they decided not to get a dog ( right choice at that time for them ) .
They at least did ask several people and did listen .
The situation seems to be getting worse and worse more And more dogs in trouble through not fault of their own .
I of course look at lots and lots of Labrador pages on FB I have never seen so many labs looking for homes
Its all so sad and depressing

some show

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5 September 2018
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'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I do get calls asking if I can help dogs booked into be PTS from people who know I have good connections. Usually Malis, which are not my breed.

I also know of a vet nurse who rang an acquaintance involved in rescue about a dog that was booked in to be PTS. She had to 'give him a chance'.
Acquaintance is now out thousands and thousands of pounds on a very poorly bred (not an iffy breed at least) dog who has an incurable deficiency. He wasn't being PTS because he was fugly/his owners weren't 'giving him a chance'.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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This article today about the boy who was killed by a dog called 'Beast' in Caerphilly is heartbreaking, how terrifying it must've been for him and now his mum is absolutely traumatised of course.

More detail and video of the dog lunging at passersby from CCTV was here:

Thats devastating just to read , those photos just a lovely child .
Jail is right for those two and the dog needed to be gone .


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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I know breeders need to say no, My labs come from gun dog breeders and you can’t even get a foot in the door without a personal recommendation.
But people need to switch on their brains when they get a dog and get the right dog (or no dog ) for their living situation .
I knew a couple who wanted a dog they lived near us they picked a certain smart terrier breed that would look good with their decor ( not joking ) I did not think that a terrier was in any way shape or form the right choice and tried to nudge them to get a greyhound ( I have a friend that fosters greyhounds to introduce them to home life ) .
The decor was a sticking point and I was tempted to say ditch the tweed buy some silk in the end they decided not to get a dog ( right choice at that time for them ) .
They at least did ask several people and did listen .
The situation seems to be getting worse and worse more And more dogs in trouble through not fault of their own .
I of course look at lots and lots of Labrador pages on FB I have never seen so many labs looking for homes
Its all so sad and depressing

Well, I watched the Panorama programme Dogs, Dealers and Organised Crime on BBC I player this morning. It is due to be aired tonight. It seems to be going one way and not for the good. There are some lovely individuals out there who I believe are beyond having any scruples, compassion, or decency. It is scary stuff.

Meanwhile, I am looking for an ordinary, bog standard JR, but there only appear to be huge foreign herding/livestock guardians, XL bullies, french bulldogs, poos or staffs available. And that goes for rescues as well ....

some show

Well-Known Member
5 September 2018
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Meanwhile, I am looking for an ordinary, bog standard JR, but there only appear to be huge foreign herding/livestock guardians, XL bullies, french bulldogs, poos or staffs available. And that goes for rescues as well ....

Whereabouts in the SW are you? Maybe we can help you find one :)


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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At least she has the sense to get rid you can only hope somebody sensible she knows can nudge her in the right direction.
Or I don’t know if there is one but a sensible breed specific rescue migh be able to step in .
But even without a baby in the mix that sounds like a accident waiting to happen .
Poor dog it’s not its fault its the wrong type of home and now it’s the wrong timing but sometimes it really is best to PTS.

Yes, there was someone commenting on her post begging her to take it to a breed specific rescue for assessment and said she could be liable if anything went wrong. A few of her friends argued against it, one saying they will only put him down.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Yes, because otherwise he sounds like such a happy chap, loving life.

I'm all for managing dogs with difficulties, but for me it doesn't matter a damn if the dog is a big dope/lovely at home, if you literally can't take them out, to the vet, have them anywhere near strangers/men.
Where are all these magical homes, featuring single women with no visitors, who are willing to have the dog in a crate/muzzled until it decides it doesn't want to take a pop at them?
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