Is it wrong to flirt with my farrier??


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9 August 2011
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I had a few dates with a nice farrier 35 years ago.

It was around the time I'd come to realise I'd have to give up with horses, my allergy was so bad. Then my farrier asked me out. :rolleyes:

He'd shower, change into horse-free clothes and borrow his dad's car to take me out. We'd have a nice evening out, then the moment he got near me, the sneezing would start.... :(

The relationship was very short-lived. :eek:

He was available and single at the time though, honest... :p


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Someone quoted sisterhood, I think sisterhood is a very old fashioned idea especially around horsy women. I dont think there is any such thing unfortunately :(

'The other woman hatred' comes from all the home wrecking bitch quotes, the only person who promised to be faithful to the wife is the husband, the 'other woman' promised no such thing so why hate her?

That someone is me. Yes there are some women with morals. Maybe not in your neck of the woods but certainly in mine.

The freedoms you enjoy in your life were won for you by the women of my generation so don't turn your nose up at this idea.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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HATE horrible selfish little home wreckers!

And the unfaithful partner? I'm pretty sure any home wrecking/partner devastating fall out of their infidelity is on their shoulders...

I don't care if a gal dances stark naked with a rose in her teeth across my husband's path... The choice to play away and the responsibility for being turfed out rather quickly will be wholly his...

I'm a bit worried he is getting at moving in with me..... (im in student accom anyway) i really really really do had a massive crush, but it's starting to feel awkward.

Putting aside the fact I find it a bit boggling that you'd ask such a question knowing full well what the answers would be, I have a rather sweeping view of the residential partner, women hopping male type... They don't tend to be happy little chappies when living on their own and will either move home to mum when they get kicked out for their philandering or move straight from one partner to the new one...



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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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No go for it!....then if.... and that's a very big if.... he decides to leave his partner for you then you can spend what little time you have together living with the paranoia that he cheated with you so he'll probably cheat on you :D Match made in heaven :rolleyes:

This says it basically.

There's an old saying which broadly goes along the lines of "don't advertise goods unless you're prepared to deliver 'em". Enough said.

Recommend you enjoy your farrier fantasies or whatever, but let it stop at that, just fantasy .................


Well-Known Member
8 November 2011
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Oh the tangled web we weave. STOP NOW, walk away with your head held high and let some other desperate housewife customer of his boost his ego. Your not the first I imagine and you certainly won't be the last.


Well-Known Member
28 August 2011
The reality of living with a farrier is far from rosy. They come home stinking of manky , burnt hooves and therefore need frequent washes to de-pong.
This smell gets in hair,ingrained into hands and certain bits of kit like apron or chaps which cannot be washed get higher and higher.
The van also stinks of rotting feet and stale horse from rugs etc
Then there are the clients who have lost a shoe and start ringing at 7am.....and keep ringing every 5 minutes.If they do not get satisfaction they try late in the evening..repeatedly.
Then there is the headeache of trying to organise each day without being late and without driving across the county to do that urgent lost shoe.
Then there is the paperwork.
Then there are the desperate female clients who see the farrier's cheek and wit(this must be part of the training because many farriers are as good at flirting as they are at shoeing!) as a sign that they want to move in!

BTW Mine was not my farrier when we met. I do not flirt with anyone. I am happy that OH gets some pleasure from flirting with clients while doing a horrid and dangerous job. I always enjoy it when he recounts his day and tells me the various chat up lines he has used.;)


Well-Known Member
1 September 2007
Leeds, West Yorks
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The reality of living with a farrier is far from rosy. They come home stinking of manky , burnt hooves and therefore need frequent washes to de-pong.
This smell gets in hair,ingrained into hands and certain bits of kit like apron or chaps which cannot be washed get higher and higher.
The van also stinks of rotting feet and stale horse from rugs etc
Then there are the clients who have lost a shoe and start ringing at 7am.....and keep ringing every 5 minutes.If they do not get satisfaction they try late in the evening..repeatedly.
Then there is the headeache of trying to organise each day without being late and without driving across the county to do that urgent lost shoe.
Then there is the paperwork.
Then there are the desperate female clients who see the farrier's cheek and wit(this must be part of the training because many farriers are as good at flirting as they are at shoeing!) as a sign that they want to move in!

BTW Mine was not my farrier when we met. I do not flirt with anyone. I am happy that OH gets some pleasure from flirting with clients while doing a horrid and dangerous job. I always enjoy it when he recounts his day and tells me the various chat up lines he has used.;)

I would imagine that spending all day on yards with predatory women (who have visions of free shoeing for years to come) has to make them super confident (either that or nervous wrecks) and that is where the banter comes in. Most of the farriers I have met are witty and very chatty although I have met the odd one who barely speaks and is miserable as hell - probably their way of avoiding the flirting! I don't envy you at all, you must be very secure in your relationship, I would be having to go out on every call with him just to warn people off!


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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The reality of living with a farrier is far from rosy. They come home stinking of manky , burnt hooves and therefore need frequent washes to de-pong.
This smell gets in hair,ingrained into hands and certain bits of kit like apron or chaps which cannot be washed get higher and higher.
The van also stinks of rotting feet and stale horse from rugs etc
Then there are the clients who have lost a shoe and start ringing at 7am.....and keep ringing every 5 minutes.If they do not get satisfaction they try late in the evening..repeatedly.
Then there is the headeache of trying to organise each day without being late and without driving across the county to do that urgent lost shoe.
Then there is the paperwork.
Then there are the desperate female clients who see the farrier's cheek and wit(this must be part of the training because many farriers are as good at flirting as they are at shoeing!) as a sign that they want to move in!

BTW Mine was not my farrier when we met. I do not flirt with anyone. I am happy that OH gets some pleasure from flirting with clients while doing a horrid and dangerous job. I always enjoy it when he recounts his day and tells me the various chat up lines he has used.;)

Oh so true! But OH and i currently don't live together.
For me i was "warned" by several horsey woman of my OH's past of his love for women. (Even stopped in the lanes once by a virtual stranger who's friend of a friend knew of OH to warn me of him!!) The gossip that goes around is something.
Yes in this proffesion you need to have a secure trusting relationship, OH is a complete flirt, along with previous farriers i have used.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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Flirt like hell!!!!
That was the only way to get my farrier... unfortunately im fat and middle aged so my horse spent nearly a whole summer without shoes!
Anything it takes!


Well-Known Member
1 February 2009
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Always treat others how you want to be treated! How would you like girls flirting with your boyfriend? Seems to me will end in tears and ya poor horse will lose a decent farrier!


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Don't do it! My boyfriend is my farrier and he tells me off for shamelessly flirting with the vet! ( which is just a bit of a giggle as he's old enough to be my grandad!) . And the free shoes thing is also a myth! Lol, we've been together almost two years and I pay for all of mine ( actually on principle) .


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
down south by the sunny sea
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I thought it was compulsory! ;)

Flirting, that is - no more! Not a good idea, especially if he has a partner.


i flirt with my farrier, all us girls on the yard do, and he flirts back.

but he has a partner and a baby boy (i have a husband and baby girl the same age as his son) so the line would never be crossed

its all totally lighthearted and i think you should keep it that way, it could get really really messy. after all how would you feel if it happened to you?


Well-Known Member
28 April 2009
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It is definitely wrong to flirt with someone else's farrier!! At a yard I was at years ago, there was a girl who'd come and start trying it on when MY farrier was shoeing MY horse. Gag me with a spoon, as my American friend says....and this is a morose, non-babe sort of farrier as well (though great at shoeing..)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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It is definitely wrong to flirt with someone else's farrier!! At a yard I was at years ago, there was a girl who'd come and start trying it on when MY farrier was shoeing MY horse. Gag me with a spoon, as my American friend says....and this is a morose, non-babe sort of farrier as well (though great at shoeing..)

Maybe she was just hopelessly attracted to morose, non-babe men? ;)


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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Interesting thread and especially interesting considering that the majority of posters on here seemed to have apportioned the blame to the clients being "desperate" and leading these farriers on... I have recently dispatched with my farrier of 2 years following a series of flirtatious texts, visits consisting of constant sexual innuendo and explicit comments aimed at me and non stop derogatory comments about his live in girlfriend... During this time,he just displayed a complete lack of respect towards me, his girlfriend and more worryingly himself and his apprentices... Thankfully I have now found myself a new farrier who is both polite and friendly, and is very good at his job...

I am all for a bit of friendly, light hearted banter but what I think a few farriers fail to realise is, that it is a profession just as any other and instead of eyeing up the clients that they go to visit on a regular basis they should be really concentrating on the job in hand!! :)


Well-Known Member
4 June 2006
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Interesting thread and especially interesting considering that the majority of posters on here seemed to have apportioned the blame to the clients being "desperate" and leading these farriers on... I have recently dispatched with my farrier of 2 years following a series of flirtatious texts, visits consisting of constant sexual innuendo and explicit comments aimed at me and non stop derogatory comments about his live in girlfriend... During this time,he just displayed a complete lack of respect towards me, his girlfriend and more worryingly himself and his apprentices... Thankfully I have now found myself a new farrier who is both polite and friendly, and is very good at his job...

I am all for a bit of friendly, light hearted banter but what I think a few farriers fail to realise is, that it is a profession just as any other and instead of eyeing up the clients that they go to visit on a regular basis they should be really concentrating on the job in hand!! :)

Here here


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
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I am 19. He is 29.

I have know him a few years now.

He say's he will leave her anyway, regardless of what happens. he just needs to sort out his living arrangements first.

I am the one that is saying no. He is doing the chasing.

Speaking from experience ... run away now - he will never leave his girlfriend, he's just after another shag, sorry to be so blunt - I learned the hard way and ruined my whole life, don't make the same mistake.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2010
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Don't do it! My boyfriend is my farrier and he tells me off for shamelessly flirting with the vet! ( which is just a bit of a giggle as he's old enough to be my grandad!) . And the free shoes thing is also a myth! Lol, we've been together almost two years and I pay for all of mine ( actually on principle) .

Haha, same with me.. Been with my OH for 2 years and i'm yet to get a free shoeing.. and actually, gem's always the last to be done!!

Also, OP - don't be a home wrecker :p:eek:.. i'm sure if it's meant to be, he'll split with his OH naturally! :D


Well-Known Member
5 August 2011
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I doubt anyone will talk you out of it if he sticks the lips on you BUT remember he’s probably doing it to just as many other women out there … if he’s with someone anyway, shows what kind of guy he is but if you don’t care go for it! But are always come backs … my old farrier was seeing about three girls at the same time (that I knew of) was funny watching them all run around after him – they have the life of riley :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
23 September 2006
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No, don't do it!
All farriers flirt and want to bed female clients, so please don't think that he has the hot's for you, he doesn't.


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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No, don't do it!
All farriers flirt and want to bed female clients, so please don't think that he has the hot's for you, he doesn't.

I don't agree that they are all like that, of the ones I've used since owning horses the one I spoke about in a previous post was the only one who "wanted to have his cake and eat it" as it were... All the others were very professional and decent blokes who genuinely were interested in shoeing the horses than using it as a way of speed dating horsey women!! :)


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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My farrier is gorgeous! he sometimes brings his brother with him and he is just as good looking. In the summer they take their tops off to shoe the Horses! ( it's like a photo from a calander) one girl only uses him as and I quote "his the fittest farrier around here"

We all have a bit of friendly banter, but thats it. His really good at his job and I wouldn't want to lose that. He also has a wife and children, who I always ask about.

I would say to the OP don't do it!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2008
Lancaster, Lancashire
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Meh, i've had my fair share of farriers.. and don't wish to tar them all with the same brush but the majority are all willybrains!! (for want of a better word) Especially those with a missus, they wont tell you that part!! :p I'd be careful... use to your advantage (free trims.. the like) but don't go there!!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
In a house
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Meh, i've had my fair share of farriers.. and don't wish to tar them all with the same brush but the majority are all willybrains!! (for want of a better word) Especially those with a missus, they wont tell you that part!! :p I'd be careful... use to your advantage (free trims.. the like) but don't go there!!

What...literally "had" ?? :p:rolleyes:;)


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17 September 2009
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And the unfaithful partner? I'm pretty sure any home wrecking/partner devastating fall out of their infidelity is on their shoulders...

I don't care if a gal dances stark naked with a rose in her teeth across my husband's path... The choice to play away and the responsibility for being turfed out rather quickly will be wholly his...

Exactly what I was trying to convey :)