Is this comp forum....


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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...a private club, or what? I know I'm not a name, nor a particularly high level competitor. I do my best at RC level, have qualified for Lincoln on the novice dressage team but will probably never get much above Elementry level....and probably never affiliate. However, it's really disheartening to post a report and to almost *never* get a response. So, is it just that I don't belong here? I'm not a troll, I don't intentionally like to start trouble. I try to encourage others...and yet there's a really strange silence over most of my posts. So - do you gotta BE someone in order to get a response? :confused:


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19 August 2008
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I get that- just keep posting. It's only for fun after all! I like writing reports so do them anyway, I take a lot of photos and videos and put them in and if no one replies it doesn't matter- I've got a permanent record of how I felt as the unpaid groom about that day. I often read my sister's blogposts after my report and it's interesting how the same results seem from different perspectives.


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11 February 2007
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Same here but like Lolo, I enjoy writing them and I don't particularly mind if I only have a few replies.
I think it's pure chance as to who reads your post and if they feel like replying. Sometimes I reply to lots of posts, sometimes none (just read them) and sometimes I don't come on here for a while. I also suspect there are a lot of non-registered lurkers and of course, they can't reply.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
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Same here but like Lolo, I enjoy writing them and I don't particularly mind if I only have a few replies.
I think it's pure chance as to who reads your post and if they feel like replying. Sometimes I reply to lots of posts, sometimes none (just read them) and sometimes I don't come on here for a while. I also suspect there are a lot of non-registered lurkers and of course, they can't reply.



Well-Known Member
24 July 2007
West Sussex
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...a private club, or what? I know I'm not a name, nor a particularly high level competitor. I do my best at RC level, have qualified for Lincoln on the novice dressage team but will probably never get much above Elementry level....and probably never affiliate. However, it's really disheartening to post a report and to almost *never* get a response. So, is it just that I don't belong here? I'm not a troll, I don't intentionally like to start trouble. I try to encourage others...and yet there's a really strange silence over most of my posts. So - do you gotta BE someone in order to get a response? :confused:

Yep, I think there are elements of this..

I have been knocking around here for about 4yrs now and although I don't post that much, I still write reports on how I get on at comps - no matter how we got on, good or bad! And I get very few responses, even on the rare occasion when we actually won something.. ;)

I'll keep on posting though.. I enjoy hearing how others get on, so I assume that others might enjoy hearing about how I get on ;)


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8 May 2008
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Just keep posting. I've actually been posting reports in here since 2008 and its only now I get more replies, last report 600 views,13/14 odd replies so still not a massive hit so to speak!

I try and comment on as many reports as I can but I'm more likely to reply if 1. It's a poster who posts reports regularly and I'm familiar with their story so want to read the next update! Or 2. If it's interesting, well written and effort has gone in with piccies and stuff (I love looking at the pics!).

Sadly some peoples good reports do get lost by the wayside so you need a catchy title and also there is so many sometimes I'd be here all day if I replied to every single one so it's not personal (not for me anyway!).

Honestly just keep posting all the time and don't worry if no one replies at first. Like Lolo I enjoy writing the reports and posting my pics and things even if no one reads them :p.


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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Thanks guys. I can be guilty of just reading and not posting - but I do often make an effort to post to those that have had little or no responses. I guess I was just wondering if maybe it really *was* the done thing to only put on reports for certain comps, certain level.... I would hope not because I enjoy reading reports from similar levels as well as the higher stuff (though truth be told, I tend to gravitate to the ones that are obviously similar level).

I'm not sore...was just really thinking maybe I was comitting some sort of faux pas. ;)


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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Ha ha no faux pas! If people only commented on reports of a certain level mine would be out of business lol. Don't worry about what people think, get your thoughts on your day down, find some
snazzy pics and just have fun with it :).


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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I often read comp reports but rarely comment on them simply because I don't feel qualified to comment, my comp experience is limited to PC, RC and unaff. I wouldn't dream of posting a comp report in here as I only do a limited amount of very low level stuff these days! If I have some pics I post them in PG with a little text about what I did. Don't get much response in there either!

However, anyone who does any sort/level of competition is entitled to post in here :)
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Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
I often come on here on my iPhone and read posts but because it's such a faff to write a reply on my phone, I rarely reply and always mean to go on my laptop later and reply, by which time I've usually forgotten :eek:


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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I often read comp reports but rarely comment on them simply because I don't feel qualified to comment, my comp experience is limited to PC, RC and unaff. I wouldn't dream of posting a comp report in here as I only do a limited amount of very low level stuff these days! !

But why not? There's loads of people (like me) that would look at those type of reports - and hopefully comment. I guess that was kind of my point - is it just for higher levels? If not, then where is everyone? I've been out loads this year and have progressed a bit here and there. I guess I just like sharing it a bit.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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But why not? There's loads of people (like me) that would look at those type of reports - and hopefully comment. I guess that was kind of my point - is it just for higher levels? If not, then where is everyone? I've been out loads this year and have progressed a bit here and there. I guess I just like sharing it a bit.

Ok, I'll do one for yesterday when the pics are up, but you must post a reply to it!!!


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28 April 2006
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Yes i sometimes make the effort to do report, pics etc and get a handfull of replies. This put me off posting another report in the future. I agree i think if 'us unpopular one' keep posting, we will become 'regular' report posters and maybe get more replies!!

Im also guilty of reading, if i feel i have anything to add i will reply!


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14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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I read reports, but i only read everything on the first page of the forum, I never even look on the second page (and ive not changed my settings as cant be bothered!)

I only come on here a couple of times during the day and not at all on the weekends or evenings. No one ever really replies to my posts either, ive given up posting to be honest but i will reply to peoples posts if ive got something helpful to contribute.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
I read your reports but I am sorry I haven't posted much recently. I like to hear how you are getting on as I think you are local to me? (Edinburgh ish)

good luck for the season ahead, keep posting :)


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3 March 2008
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I always feel guilty when someone posts along these lines as I'm sure people perceive me to be one of the cliquey posters. :eek: The fact is that there are a few of us old-timers that know each other in real life and/or on Facebook and haven't got enough hours in the day to be hardcore HHO-ers, therefore will selectively post on those threads that they know something about, whether it's the subject matter or the poster. C'est la vie, I'm afraid. :( It doesn't make us monsters, just busy people with other stuff to do and other ways of communicating with each other. :p As an example, it took me over a week to get around to replying to those who had posted on my last thread, and I'm sure I often just get the sympathy vote as I've got cancer. ;)

Whatever, PucciNPoni, as showjump says, keep posting and I think you'll find the usual forum cycle of people moving away to be replaced by other people will bring you and others to the fore. Please don't think badly of the rest of us for not always having the time to reply....must get back to work now! :eek: :eek:


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1 August 2008
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For me, I often wait to post until I have the pictures but by then it could be 4 or 5 days later and then it no longer seems relevant. Also I hate posting if I've had a bad day after being jumped on for it...!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2008
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I enjoy reading peoples reports and it's quite helpful especially if I'm comepting at a venue the next day, it kind of gives me a heads up on the course, what's causing problems, most recently - RIDE the sunken road at Rackham!! We did and we're off to the RC Champs at Aston. :)

As for posting reports, when I first joined I did, I made sure I linked to pictures how others that posted a lot did so not to break any rules, only to be told I could not link/ add pictures how I had, I only got 3 replies. I enjoy reading others posts and occasionally post if I can't find who a photographer was at a certain event or if a have a horse health question.

I do find the forum very useful though.
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7 August 2005
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I tend to look for posts from people I have been following/know in RL etc, as again only have limited time to reply! I am also only on here during the day, for very limited time, but do try and reply as often as possible. Please keep posting, they do get read, just sometimes people don't have time to reply!!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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It can sometimes feel like it but I have had some reports that have got replies and others that have none. The more effort you put in with pics and stuff the more replies you are likley to get. It also seems that if you are open to cc and willing to admit your faults you will get some response.
I havnt found that competing at local level has made less people reply and have found loads of encouraging people even though they compete at a higher level.


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23 March 2009
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Arcticfox -- yep, I'm in Midlothian. - thanks will keep posting then.

Baydale, I wasn't trying to make anyone feel guilty. :( I was more just wondering if there was something about the comp section that was more or less for higher levels. I do often get the impression that there is a higher percentage of eventers, followed by dressage riders, and then the odd showing person. I reckoned too that there's loads of people that actually know eachother IRL - and perhaps more from south of the border versus us Scottish competitors where its a much smaller mix of people.

I think there must be lots of RC riders/ unaffiliated peeps like myself but perhaps just too shy to post much here - and I wondered if I was posting in the wrong place?

I guess I came across as a bit miffed (and maybe felt that way in fact). But I am glad to know that there are others who feel the same way - and I'll in fact make a bigger effort to read/comment too (because I often read and don't reply for much the same reasons that others have commented).


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3 March 2008
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Baydale, I wasn't trying to make anyone feel guilty. :( I was more just wondering if there was something about the comp section that was more or less for higher levels. I do often get the impression that there is a higher percentage of eventers, followed by dressage riders, and then the odd showing person. I reckoned too that there's loads of people that actually know eachother IRL - and perhaps more from south of the border versus us Scottish competitors where its a much smaller mix of people.

I didn't say you were trying to make anyone feel guilty, I said that I feel guilty as I always get lots of replies. There are no rules regarding who can post and who can't, or if there were they'd be along these lines:

1. Be witty.
2. Post lots of photos.
3. Post lots of videos.
4. Point out all your bad bits: that stops people volunteering cc when you don't want it.
5. Have at least one drama: tack or clothing failure always encourages people to comment or failing that, have a near miss or - as I usually do - a PointTwo inflation.
6. Take the mickey out of yourself and offer scrummy incentives at the end of your post by way of a thank-you. :D

Oh, and don't collectively slag off event riders, dressage riders, showjumpers or whoever, as that reduces your target audience massively. ;)


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1 August 2008
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5. Have at least one drama: tack or clothing failure always encourages people to comment or failing that, have a near miss or - as I usually do - a PointTwo inflation.

I had a good drama once which pulled in a fair few the shape of taking my much younger and smaller sisters show shirt to a show... :eek: :eek: Put it this way I'm not completely flat chested ;) ;)


Well-Known Member
10 May 2008
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Same here but like Lolo, I enjoy writing them and I don't particularly mind if I only have a few replies.
I think it's pure chance as to who reads your post and if they feel like replying. Sometimes I reply to lots of posts, sometimes none (just read them) and sometimes I don't come on here for a while. I also suspect there are a lot of non-registered lurkers and of course, they can't reply.

Ditto this!

New Lounge scares me but although I may not get as many replies in here I do find that those replies I do get are encouraging and helpful and I have been lucky to meet some CR's in real life and they are all lovely.


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1 April 2002
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i reply to any post that catches my eye, and i think i might (hopefully!) have something useful to comment on. i don't pay any attention at all to who has posted it. the only thing which dissuades me is long paragraphs with no punctuation and/or terrible spelling... sorry, just cba if it's very difficult to read, i'd rather read something easier. i don't deliberately avoid commenting on any posters' posts...


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22 April 2002
Ayrshire, Scotland
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Baydale, I wasn't trying to make anyone feel guilty. :( I was more just wondering if there was something about the comp section that was more or less for higher levels. I do often get the impression that there is a higher percentage of eventers, followed by dressage riders, and then the odd showing person. I reckoned too that there's loads of people that actually know eachother IRL - and perhaps more from south of the border versus us Scottish competitors where its a much smaller mix of people.

Come join the Scottish clique love! There are a fair few of us, we've even been known to socialise in real life and I don't think there have been any weirdos (I am of course excluding myself from that generalisation, but I'm a wannabe showjumper so the eventers just pity me and keep feeding me alcohol...)

I agree with what a lot of people are saying - I do tend to look for the same posters, but even at that I often don't have time to comment (or I've seen results etc on Facebook already and commented there). Keep posting, if nothing else it's nice to look back on your progress - I did this recently when I had a wobble with B!