Is this comp forum....


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19 August 2008
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That's one thing to note- warts and all and be aware of the warts! I always say exactly what's gone down in Reggie-land from his triumphs to his rather less impressive days (and they are hugely unimpressive!) because if you only say the good stuff you look a bit silly in the end.


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2 July 2008
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I don't post very much but enjoy reading the reports. I tend to post on those who have had very few replies because it does seem as if some get much more attention than others! Plus I know what it is like to get very few responses. Also I have noticed that one or two people are constantly 'bumping' their own posts by replying to comments on their original post. This keeps the post on the first page.
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Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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I hope not, I post in here and we haven't been to a comp yet :D I think the ticket it so take it on the chin, part and parcel of this section is people are perhaps a little busier than your average hobbie rider and maybe also post less if there's nothing to say - whereas in NL you do get loads of "aww x"'s which are nice but not everyones cup of tea.


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19 December 2010
The Mountains
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I am a bit of a thread killer, but have had some excellent advice from posters here. I don;t really do reports - my accomplishments are not that exciting!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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I didn't say you were trying to make anyone feel guilty, I said that I feel guilty as I always get lots of replies. There are no rules regarding who can post and who can't, or if there were they'd be along these lines:

1. Be witty.
2. Post lots of photos.
3. Post lots of videos.
4. Point out all your bad bits: that stops people volunteering cc when you don't want it.
5. Have at least one drama: tack or clothing failure always encourages people to comment or failing that, have a near miss or - as I usually do - a PointTwo inflation.
6. Take the mickey out of yourself and offer scrummy incentives at the end of your post by way of a thank-you. :D

Oh, and don't collectively slag off event riders, dressage riders, showjumpers or whoever, as that reduces your target audience massively. ;)


Witty is a tricky one for me...hehe. Photies and vids (oh dear, time for a diet). Bad bits are easy to point out - generally self deprecating. I avoid dramas as much as possible.

These are all good pointers - and will be my new guidelines :D

And to everyone else responding to this thread (and in fact the one that inspired it) thanks - I do feel a little less "lonely" now. I was beginning to wonder if I'd been producing a mal-odour and no one was brave enough to tell me??? tsk
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Well-Known Member
9 November 2005
North West
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Hey OP, I know exactly what you mean - I normally get about a gazillion views but maybe 4 replies to my posts :D Especially if they are comp reports. I seem to get more replies if I'm asking for advice.

Saying that I have posted about one thing, got no replies and someone posted about the same thing a few days later and got a 3-pager!!

I think people don't take me seriously in here, I don't know why, it could be the way I post?!

*I can't have people take photos of me riding because I am normally on my own
*I can't afford to register BE as much as I'd love to (might go on a day ticket though!)
*I can't drive a trailer of a horsebox and so have to rely on her owner, which means mainly local shows that no one knows!

I don't know, I think people don't believe me if I say we are looking to BE next year and we school over 1m fences because we are currently competing 80 - 90 cm ?!?!?!

Maybe just genuinely think we're ****?! :D Who knows, but I know different ;) We are not bad :p


Well-Known Member
9 November 2005
North West
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Ha ha no faux pas! If people only commented on reports of a certain level mine would be out of business lol. Don't worry about what people think, get your thoughts on your day down, find some
snazzy pics and just have fun with it :).

Agree with this - after all competing is meant to be fun (unless you do it for a living and then maybe a slight degree less fun! :p ) and I enjoy writing reports even just to remember how far we've come together :D Plus in the photos I am nearly always gurning, hehe


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24 April 2009
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Witty is a tricky one for me...hehe.

Same here, I'm simply not clever enough :(

I also struggle with pics, I'm usually on my own, if OH comes along he has his hands full with the varmints and we still use old fashioned film so not easy to get on the PC! Have no hope at all of getting myself videoed :(


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25 January 2011
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i'm sure there are lots of people like me who like to lurk in order to live vicariously and look at the pretty pictures. I don't comment because i a) do not feel qualified in the company of many very knowledgeable people b) am far to jealous as i have no horsey to ride :(


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Don't take it personally Pucci - I have been here since the year dot, I have a ridiculous post count, I know tons of people personally and sometimes I don't get replies either. If others have been out doing things too then threads get shunted down so quickly and I too am one of those who read but don't write, so I don't take it personally. I admit to not putting many comp reports up at all, unless I have good vid or photos, I have learnt that if it affects me (the lack of replies) then don't post and put yourself up to being disappointed...simples :D

Witty ALWAYS wins BTW...sadly I lack wit LOL!


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
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I've noticed that his forum has a much higher ratio of viewings to responses. It's been that way for as long as I remember.

I think, from what I have seen, just keep posting. People will read and start to follow your progress :D. Make the title interesting, to catch one's eye - ask for cc if you feel the need.

I post questions in here that are specific to higher levels of equitation (that's posh for this time of night :cool::rolleyes::D), or training :D

Have yet to post a comp report... :cool:

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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Yes I have to say it feels like this!!! I ask for crti and help and I get lots of looks but have to draw out help like blood from a stone when I *KNOW* there are people on here who do what I aspire to do but either cant or wont offer any help or crit.

All people are asking for is help and sometimes it can be like a gentlemans club in CR your either in and encouraged or out and ignored :(


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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I've noticed that his forum has a much higher ratio of viewings to responses. It's been that way for as long as I remember.

I think, from what I have seen, just keep posting. People will read and start to follow your progress :D. Make the title interesting, to catch one's eye - ask for cc if you feel the need.

I post questions in here that are specific to higher levels of equitation (that's posh for this time of night :cool::rolleyes::D), or training :D

Have yet to post a comp report... :cool:

Hmmm, I guess I'll just have to have a bigger mouth then, if that's even possible! It's a funny thing tho - you want to tell everyone how you got on - and if no one says anything you start assuming that the report is a) boring b)sounds like gloating c) boring d) no one cares or e) boring!

Eh well, what the heck - I'm glad that I got it off my chest anyway. I feel better about it and will keep posting these silly RC reports.:)


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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Yes I have to say it feels like this!!! I ask for crti and help and I get lots of looks but have to draw out help like blood from a stone when I *KNOW* there are people on here who do what I aspire to do but either cant or wont offer any help or crit.

All people are asking for is help and sometimes it can be like a gentlemans club in CR your either in and encouraged or out and ignored :(

I tend to read your stuff - particularly cos I know you're localish to me. I wouldn't deign to give advice unless I really felt it would be useful. You can most often find me spouting about dog grooming advice to folk who ignore it in AAD too! LOL


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
South Wales
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I too am guilty of reading and not replying due to time contstraints.

However, I will open and then close a thread that is just one enormous paragraph as it's just too difficult/time consuming to read. I'm not aiming this commen at anyone in particular by the way but unless each paragraph has a line between it, and is well punctuated, then I'll tend to just close that post and open another I'm afraid.

As has been said above, a post that is humorous/witty/tells a story and has photos will generate more interest. And unfortunately it is all too often true that those who are "known" will get more replies. And the way to get yourself known is to comment on other peoples threads and offer advice.

One thing I have noticed recently is that someone will start a thread late at night, and then if they haven't had a reply within say 20 minutes, get miffed and post something extra themselves which to me has the opposite effect than encouraging me to post!

Anyway, don't get disheartened, keep at it and try and bribe someone to come and take some illustratory photos.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2010
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I'm guilty of not replying to a lot of threads that i read. When I'm quiet at work I read on my phone but have never managed to get it to log in and post. So i only post if I read them at home. No offence to anyone and please keep posting, I love the reports, they inspire me from the one at my level (just starting out) to the proper riders doing huge events, I love it all :)
I've had great advice but I can't work out photos to post myself.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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I tend to only comment on posts that I feel I can add to. I have been saying for ages we need a 'like' button. Funnily enough I read the US forums and they never write competition reports but get caught up on very bizarre things that go round and round in circles. Instead they all seem to have blogs.

I do not really write competition reports anymore as I am doing stuff that bores me at unaff ODEs so am pretty sure it will bore others! I love interesting threads I think one of the most recent ones was about training for dressage and everyone had a similar slant but different ideas.

I would love someone from endurance to comment in here as I am fascinated about the science in endurance and how this can cross over into other horse sports.

I do not think its that cliquey but I do look more at posts of people I recognise and perhaps have read about the journey along the way.

One final thing as someone who has read this forum a long time is that it is now absolutely massive. Bigger than we perhaps can imagine. It can also be very powerful if used in the right way. We have lost some superb posters through negativity and that is a real shame. In the old days I could read new lounge, CR and soapbox and keep up with it all. Now I only read this.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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i read all the reports but dont always have time to write a comment. keep writing them coz i love reading them! some of my reports get 4 pages of replies, some get 4 replies, that's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
27 May 2009
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Gave up doing reports a few months ago, did a report with a lot of pictures and videos and very few replies, I think about two, and just decided there and then that there was no point.

Thought of doing some recently, but then the thought comes around that it'll just be ignored and drop off the edge - much like my other posts.

All people are asking for is help and sometimes it can be like a gentlemans club in CR your either in and encouraged or out and ignored

this sums it up.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2008
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I think that people can enjoy reading through reports and posts of competitions and appreciate the photos, but don't necessarily have anything to say about it, it's like reading a competition report in Horse and hound magazine, you read it, probably enjoy it and that's it.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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Gave up doing reports a few months ago, did a report with a lot of pictures and videos and very few replies, I think about two, and just decided there and then that there was no point.

Thought of doing some recently, but then the thought comes around that it'll just be ignored and drop off the edge - much like my other posts.

this sums it up.

that's a shame. i love reading all the eventing reports. I confess to not reading so many of the dr/SJ reports as I dont have the time to read everything but I do like reading as much as poss and will post comments if I've got time. just because people dont post doesn't mean they're not interested and enjoy reading them but posting well done on every single report is probably beyond most people!


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I think there's been lots of sensible observations on this thread - and you certainly can't complain about the response rate!!

I do think you have to be a little bit thick-skinned in here in a number of ways: ignoring unsolicited cc (which may or may not be accurate!); not being upset by people who disagree with opinions you have posted - sometimes in a less than tactful way ;); not minding if a report you have posted doesn't get many replies. As far as this last one is concerned, my view is that it helps to do the report for YOURSELF not for others - get your enjoyment from the writing not from the replies you anticipate - then they are kind of a bonus and you won't be disappointed if you don't get many :D

I think this forum is exactly like RL - which should be no surprise ;) There isn't so much one clique as a number of them. There are people who are known for certain things, people who like each other, people who loathe each other and then thousands who don't care much either way... as BD says, though, some of us are close friends in RL so it's inevitable our relationship with each other on HHO will be different from the relationship we have with people we've never met... FWIW my perception (from Wales!) is there is a disproportionately large Scottish contingent in CR :p just goes to show the way things look depends entirely on where you are viewing them from ;)

For myself, 1) I don't come in here nearly as often as I used to, for a whole variety of reasons, so the people I know tend to be the "old-timers" :D 2) I'm another one usually short of time so I don't always comment and I tend to open threads by people I know unless they have a very catchy title 3) I don't offer advice as a rule, on riding/videos etc as I firmly believe that it is impossible to make proper assessments on the basis of a bit of video on the internet, so I'd be worried any advice would be inaccurate. I'm a believer in getting a decent trainer(s) and putting your faith in them rather than relying on a lot of usually conflicting advice from a bunch of random faceless strangers sitting at keyboards pontificating :eek: Just my ho :D If it's a question of a BE rule question or an opinion on a course or something that's different...

I do try and comment on competition reports that seem to have had a lot of effort put into them, if I open them in the first place. I haven't done a report myself for yonks due to time mainly I guess. I'll try and do one soon, and if you comment on mine I'll comment on yours :D


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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TD - you're quite right - this has gotten a fair number of responses...far more than I could have anticipated. And there's been a mix of responses which I welcome. :) It's highlighted my own shortcomings -- I'm guilty of not always commenting so I'm gong to try to comment when I see something appropriate for me to comment on. I guess it's just nice to know that someone's paying attention.

Funny too how you perceive that there's large Scottish audience here. Maybe there is and I just haven't noticed :eek:

I agree too that giving advice from a few photos/vid is pretty difficult. I'm not a RI, but I can certainly understand that even those that ARE not wanting to comment. I rarely ask for CCs. Its not that I couldn't take crit, it's more that I get regular lessons (every week or two) and have my RI sit on my horse on a regular basis as well. Sometimes I'll ask for the odd bit of advice. But generally I just want to toot my own horn and share a laugh about my misadventures. ;)

If nothing else happens from this thread, I just hope it encourages folk like me, scrabbling away at RC and unaff levels to share their stories. It gives me hope that some of my trials and tribulations are not ones that I have alone.


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5 May 2008
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I know its been said already, but im another who likes to read but not reply.

I dont have my own horse just now, and am very much a leisure rider, so feel i dont have much to contibute in terms of replying. However i do like to read about what other people get up to with their horses


Well-Known Member
25 November 2010
Up north
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I know how you feel OP.

I have noticed most are eventers in this forum and I only do unaff showjumping at the mo as my horse had never competed before I got him even though he is 12!

I love reading comp reports and I spent ages writing my 1st comp report with Java and it got about 2 or 3 replies os didnt bother after that.

I even tried to make it funny and I added 6 pictures!!!

Maybe its because I dont personally know anyone - well I am from Cumbria and there arent that many cumbrians on here!


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1 July 2009
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As a low level rc competitor myself I would love to see other people's reports who are at riding club level.

There are certainly some posters who get loads of replies because of who they are.

I love reading witty reports and love baydale's reports!

I never post reports because I rarely do stuff and when I do it will be odd reports like endurance which I'm not sure anyone in here would bother to read.


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10 May 2008
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if you comment on mine I'll comment on yours :D

I think this is also a valid point!

I am more likely to respond to people's post if they have shown an interest in mine.

I also suspect that some people who don't post often in CR or only post their own threads may suffer from lack of responses because no one really knows who they are!

Oh and if you're the type of person to post a thread, then 10 minutes later when you don't have get a response have a strop claiming "no one is interested" then I suspect that will also stop people responding!
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Well-Known Member
18 July 2008
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Iv also given up on comp reports, although mostly as I seem to be lacking the wit to make them interesting these days! Instead i share my successes (and failures!) primarily on fb, where those on here who know me in real life catch up. Im sure at some point I'll start posting again! I have met a few lovely people in real life through the comp forum though and do try to post comments on comp reports when I get round to reading them!
Im also local to you (waves ;)).


Well-Known Member
10 May 2008
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Iv also given up on comp reports, although mostly as I seem to be lacking the wit to make them interesting these days! Instead i share my successes (and failures!) primarily on fb, where those on here who know me in real life catch up. Im sure at some point I'll start posting again! I have met a few lovely people in real life through the comp forum though and do try to post comments on comp reports when I get round to reading them!
Im also local to you (waves ;)).

You need to start posting again - you are Casper and I's inspiration to show that chunky coblets can indeed fly :D