Is this person just ignorant

Lexi 123

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15 June 2019
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So today I came across a Facebook post ( I didn’t comment on the post but I feel like this person was rude) this person was referring there horse as an Irish draught sport horse stallion and kept saying it’s a traditional Irish horse In the comments And basically keep shooting people down in the comments for saying it’s just a Irish sport horse and it’s not traditional Irish sport horse . I don’t know why this person keep ranting about the same top I have seen this a few times. If you’re interested it’s a Facebook group called Irish draught horse society (gb).


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I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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Seems a fair point to me. 4yrs old is young to be jumping at the standard to pass a grading. But it happens in lots of sports horse studbooks. Her horse is an irish sports horse, I'm assuming its registered as shes talking about grading. I have no idea what the traditional bit means, unless she means its ID x TB rather than ID x warmblood or ISH or something? Did anyone ask?


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3 June 2011
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From the TIH website

" In order to be eligible for this TIH Category equines must meet the 4 definitions of a Traditional Irish Horse (TIH). Breeders that have queries regarding the identification of TIH horses in the ISH Studbook can submit their query to the following email address:

1. Be registered in the Main Section of the Irish Sport Horse Studbook
2. Have only the following breeds recorded in their pedigree: Irish Sport Horse, Irish Draught, Thoroughbred, Connemara Pony. Do not have any foreign ancestors recorded in their back pedigree
3. Have no unknown ancestors in the first two generations
4. All Irish Sport Horse ancestors from the second generation back with unknown/partial pedigree must have been born before 1982."


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Looks like s a clear set of parameters to me. Perhaps the OP's default setting is Ms/Mr Angry?
As my dear late mother used to say "Let it pass, dear. Let it pass."

Lexi 123

Well-Known Member
15 June 2019
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Why were people telling this person that her horse isn't a TIH? Did she post the breeding or something and they were correcting her based on that?
pretty sure someones commented about how Irish draught sport horse isn’t considered a thing in Ireland and this type of horse is considered a non traditional sport horse in Ireland and grading should be moved 5 or 6 . The op got angry and excused the other poster of having a Wb crossed. It got deleted by admin because the comment disappeared but the post is still up. To be honest Turns out from previous posts this person had never graded a horse before .. To be honest I think it was uneducated on both sides but these was no need to for anger replies because someone disagrees.


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9 October 2014
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From the TIH website

" In order to be eligible for this TIH Category equines must meet the 4 definitions of a Traditional Irish Horse (TIH). Breeders that have queries regarding the identification of TIH horses in the ISH Studbook can submit their query to the following email address:

1. Be registered in the Main Section of the Irish Sport Horse Studbook
2. Have only the following breeds recorded in their pedigree: Irish Sport Horse, Irish Draught, Thoroughbred, Connemara Pony. Do not have any foreign ancestors recorded in their back pedigree
3. Have no unknown ancestors in the first two generations
4. All Irish Sport Horse ancestors from the second generation back with unknown/partial pedigree must have been born before 1982."
I have some possibly upsetting news for them regarding the presumed lack of "foreign ancestors" in Thoroughbreds and Connemaras...

Lexi 123

Well-Known Member
15 June 2019
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If as stated by the poster he is IDx connie what bit isn't irish?

TIH quite possibly isn't a thing in ireland but not sure why that is particularly relevant.
I actually don’t know what he is crossed with he is as it’s literally just stated he was an Irish draught sport horse in the post. I haven’t seen much about this poster as Facebook never shows me anything . I wonder will his color be a problem with grading as stud books are strict with color they allowed.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I actually don’t know what he is crossed with he is as it’s literally just stated he was an Irish draught sport horse in the post. I haven’t seen much about this poster as Facebook never shows me anything . I wonder will his color be a problem with grading as stud books are strict with color they allowed.
It didn't take much to find the stud page which says he is IDx connie.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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Maybe I'm the ignorant one but I don't think a pure ID crossed with a pure connie would produce that colour.
There are an awful lot of single dilute Irish horses about, especially buckskins so all that's needed is to breed two single diluted together for a one in four chance of a double dilute.
Connemaras used to refuse to register double dilutes but I think that's changed as people understood genetics better.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Don’t care what breed it is …. But even from those dodgy photos it’s clear he isn’t really ball-keeping material!

You remind me of my very blunt Canadian vet/friend from the years when equine-only vets were only just starting in this country. My livery owner proudly showed him a 3 year old which they intended to breed from. My vet/friend's response ...

"He'd make a nice gelding. "


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9 October 2014
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Studbooks can't go around accepting buckskins (no, they aren't dun) and palominos, and then put on the surprised pikachu face when cremellos and perlinos turn up. Well, they can, but it's a bit stupid of them.

Also, what exactly is dark eyed cream? I've long wondered what's meant by that. I tend to guess that it's really grey or perhaps a very pale palomino.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Blue eyed cream/cremello’s occur in Connemaras, they used to be denied registration but I think are now allowed in the stud book again. The TIH is a recognised society here in Ireland, promoting traditional crosses excluding WB. Dun is also a colour that has occurred in Irish Draught lines, now pretty much extinct or vanishingly rare, I’ve only ever seen one and that was many years ago (and not a great example of the breed).

ETA: the original quoted complaint seems quite whiny: a meter is hardly enormous and any potential sport horse sire should have the means to heft itself over a few obstacles at that height even when a youngster. The photos are not sufficient to tell if her horse is stallion material or not.
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Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Blue eyed cream/cremello’s occur in Connemaras, they used to be denied registration but I think are now allowed in the stud book again. The TIH is a recognised society here in Ireland, promoting traditional crosses excluding WB. Dun is also a colour that has occurred in Irish Draught lines, now pretty much extinct or vanishingly rare, I’ve only ever seen one and that was many years ago (and not a great example of the breed).

ETA: the original quoted complaint seems quite whiny: a meter is hardly enormous and any potential sport horse sire should have the means to heft itself over a few obstacles at that height even when a youngster. The photos are not sufficient to tell if her horse is stallion material or not.

I’ve no experience of the stallion grading process whatsoever, interested to understand a bit more .
Do they have to jump a metre course ( discovery level) or is it free /loose jumped over a couple of fences ?


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I’ve no experience of the stallion grading process whatsoever, interested to understand a bit more .
Do they have to jump a metre course ( discovery level) or is it free /loose jumped over a couple of fences ?
I've not been involved for a number of years, but it used to be loose jump for 3 year olds and performance points for older stallions.

*This is in Ireland BTW.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Ive read the guidelines on the IDGB website . Both ID and IDx have to loose jump down a lane with 5 jumps . Starting at 75cm . Then they jump 3 fences under saddle . It says these are a meter , but it also states the height can be discussed and altered depending on level of training for the stallion.
I guess it’s worth popping down next time there’s a grading and see for myself what actually happens. I’m hoping my this years colt has stallion potential so I need to brush up on the facts .
Either way from what’s on the website it doesn’t sound overly difficult for any 4yo especially if they leave it until the end of the 4th year


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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Am I reading it completely wrong, or is she saying that the reason for why the majority of the 4 approved IDSH stallions in GB are dead, is because the grading system requires them to be able to jump 1m ridden at 4 years old?

ETA: At 3 or 4 years old, regardless if ridden or not, I thought it was more about making sure a Sport horse stallion have the talent to be a useful Sport horse, not about being pushed to be able to jump as if they where in some sort of showjumping jump off competition.
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Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Am I reading it completely wrong, or is she saying that the reason for why the majority of the 4 approved IDSH stallions in GB are dead, is because the grading system requires them to be able to jump 1m ridden at 4 years old?

ETA: At 3 or 4 years old, regardless if ridden or not, I thought it was more about making sure a Sport horse stallion have the talent to be a useful Sport horse, not about being pushed to be able to jump as if they where in some sort of showjumping jump off competition.
No it’s more that people aren’t choosing to grade with them so numbers are low


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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Blue eyed cream/cremello’s occur in Connemaras, they used to be denied registration but I think are now allowed in the stud book again. The TIH is a recognised society here in Ireland, promoting traditional crosses excluding WB. Dun is also a colour that has occurred in Irish Draught lines, now pretty much extinct or vanishingly rare, I’ve only ever seen one and that was many years ago (and not a great example of the breed).

ETA: the original quoted complaint seems quite whiny: a meter is hardly enormous and any potential sport horse sire should have the means to heft itself over a few obstacles at that height even when a youngster. The photos are not sufficient to tell if her horse is stallion material or not.
Cork Arthur RID produced a fair few duns and the colour has passed through his lineage.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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But how can a native crossed with a draught be classed as a sports horse? Surely there needs to be at least a tiny bit of thoroughbred in there???? TIH yes, but IDSH?
Why? There's nothing that mandates thoroughbred blood to be included in a pedigree; I don't understand your angst.

Pink Gorilla

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19 September 2016
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Why? There's nothing that mandates thoroughbred blood to be included in a pedigree; I don't understand your angst.
What angst?? I'm simply saying that I was always under the impression that a sports horse had to have TB blood in it to be a true sports horse.