Is this person just ignorant


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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What angst?? I'm simply saying that I was always under the impression that a sports horse had to have TB blood in it to be a true sports horse.
Says who? There are plenty of sportshorses that are not direct TB crosses (most WB's for a start), although there is TB in almost every light horse north of the Iberian peninsula.

Pink Gorilla

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19 September 2016
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Why are people getting so prickly over a simple interpretation? The irony really, considering that is what the original post was about. But I can't be bothered with a debate, I was just after clarification, but forget it. Kitten in the tree, I never knew that! I have a Connie, but with mostly unknown breeding.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Why are people getting so prickly over a simple interpretation? The irony really, considering that is what the original post was about. But I can't be bothered with a debate, I was just after clarification, but forget it. Kitten in the tree, I never knew that! I have a Connie, but with mostly unknown breeding.
Because it's incorrect, but whatever.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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Cork Arthur RID produced a fair few duns and the colour has passed through his lineage.
Have you a picture of any, I couldn't find one.
Grand dam was down as dun though dam was chestnut so no dun passed down there as of it is there it always shows. I doubt granddam was actually dun.
Last edited:


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Have you a picture of any, I couldn't find one.
Grand dam was down as dun though dam was chestnut so no dun passed down there as of it is there it always shows. I doubt granddam was actually dun.
We call them dun here, but genetically they would be buckskin under the American designations now commonly being used.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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We call them dun here, but genetically they would be buckskin under the American designations now commonly being used.
Yes, I found a few buckskins after looking more ,but just one blue dun mare that was being bred to buckskins.

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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So today I came across a Facebook post ( I didn’t comment on the post but I feel like this person was rude) this person was referring there horse as an Irish draught sport horse stallion and kept saying it’s a traditional Irish horse In the comments And basically keep shooting people down in the comments for saying it’s just a Irish sport horse and it’s not traditional Irish sport horse . I don’t know why this person keep ranting about the same top I have seen this a few times. If you’re interested it’s a Facebook group called Irish draught horse society (gb).
I am the owner of this IDSH/TIH stallion. A couple of things you reference which I will reply to
1. IDSH is any horse that has 25% or more ID, he has
2. TIH is any combination of TB, ID, Connie bred in Ireland - he is 50% ID 50% Connie so is a true TIH
3. colour - his dam was buckskin pure Connie (class 1) that’s one dilute gene, his sire was pure ID (Class 2) buckskin another dilute gene, hence if both dilute genes get passed across you get a double dilute ie in his case perlino. Learn and educate yourself
4. I am not angry or rude ,I just feel that if in Ireland I can grade my stallion at 3/4 etc and not put him under saddle. In UK I can’t. I want to encourage the society in GB to understand that let’s say a 75% ID shouldn’t have to jump a 1m course (or even slightly less under saddle) it’s not ethical.

I see you post regularly on this forum.

But please get your facts right first and please don’t say that making a post is rude/ranting/ angry when in fact it’s for the welfare of the breed and horse.

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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Have you a picture of any, I couldn't find one.
Grand dam was down as dun though dam was chestnut so no dun passed down there as of it is there it always shows. I doubt granddam was actually dun.
Both Dam and Sire are buckskin. My boy is a Perlino but also carry’s chestnut gene so produces palomino and buckskin only. He has produced both this year.

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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From the TIH website

" In order to be eligible for this TIH Category equines must meet the 4 definitions of a Traditional Irish Horse (TIH). Breeders that have queries regarding the identification of TIH horses in the ISH Studbook can submit their query to the following email address:

1. Be registered in the Main Section of the Irish Sport Horse Studbook
2. Have only the following breeds recorded in their pedigree: Irish Sport Horse, Irish Draught, Thoroughbred, Connemara Pony. Do not have any foreign ancestors recorded in their back pedigree
3. Have no unknown ancestors in the first two generations
4. All Irish Sport Horse ancestors from the second generation back with unknown/partial pedigree must have been born before 1982."
My boy meets all those criteria

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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I actually don’t know what he is crossed with he is as it’s literally just stated he was an Irish draught sport horse in the post. I haven’t seen much about this poster as Facebook never shows me anything . I wonder will his color be a problem with grading as stud books are strict with color they allowed.
Can you evidence what stud books for IDSH/TIH are strict with colour as far as grading ?


Well-Known Member
19 February 2023
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I am the owner of this IDSH/TIH stallion. A couple of things you reference which I will reply to
1. IDSH is any horse that has 25% or more ID, he has
2. TIH is any combination of TB, ID, Connie bred in Ireland - he is 50% ID 50% Connie so is a true TIH
3. colour - his dam was buckskin pure Connie (class 1) that’s one dilute gene, his sire was pure ID (Class 2) buckskin another dilute gene, hence if both dilute genes get passed across you get a double dilute ie in his case perlino. Learn and educate yourself
4. I am not angry or rude ,I just feel that if in Ireland I can grade my stallion at 3/4 etc and not put him under saddle. In UK I can’t. I want to encourage the society in GB to understand that let’s say a 75% ID shouldn’t have to jump a 1m course (or even slightly less under saddle) it’s not ethical.

I see you post regularly on this forum.

But please get your facts right first and please don’t say that making a post is rude/ranting/ angry when in fact it’s for the welfare of the breed and horse.
Thank you for this, I was following this thread to see how it pans out. Had no idea they'd have to be jumped glad you highlighted it!

Celtic Jewel

Well-Known Member
25 October 2023
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There is actually a lot of misinformation on this post ( I just found this thread I just want to inform people who may be looking at it in the future) sport horse Ireland technical on class a traditional Irish horse as TB cross with a ID if you look at Irish spots horse database they have TIH over from the horse name . just because a horse is from to Irish breeding TB ISH Connemara doesn’t mean it gets the title. I do agree horse shouldn’t have to jump at that age but the attitude is if it’s a sport horse it should be able to jump without being mean , I don’t get why op is keeping it a stallion if he is not a competitive horse and most people don’t want to breed from Connemara cross ID as most people think it has to much bone. A lot of people who want bone will breed from a full ID or full Connemara as they get more money for their foals . I think owner might be a colour breeders as it makes zero sense why she breeding him already without being approved. I own a Irish draughty crossed Connemara they are amazing but Most people don’t like them.

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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There is actually a lot of misinformation on this post ( I just found this thread I just want to inform people who may be looking at it in the future) sport horse Ireland technical on class a traditional Irish horse as TB cross with a ID if you look at Irish spots horse database they have TIH over from the horse name . just because a horse is from to Irish breeding TB ISH Connemara doesn’t mean it gets the title. I do agree horse shouldn’t have to jump at that age but the attitude is if it’s a sport horse it should be able to jump without being mean , I don’t get why op is keeping it a stallion if he is not a competitive horse and most people don’t want to breed from Connemara cross ID as most people think it has to much bone. A lot of people who want bone will breed from a full ID or full Connemara as they get more money for their foals . I think owner might be a colour breeders as it makes zero sense why she breeding him already without being approved. I own an Irish draughty crossed Connemara they are amazing but Most people don’t like them.
Hi there

I will try answer your questions in order;
1. A TIH is any combination of 3 breeds ie TB, ID, Connemara. A TIH, by definition does not need to have TB in it, so ID x Connemara IS A TIH and he has the TIH stamp in his passport - FACT
2. You state he is not going to have a competitive career, that has never come from my words or mouth, he IS going to have a competitive career, he just hasn’t started yet as is 3 years old - FACT
3. You say “most people” don’t want to breed from an ID x Connie, yet don’t define where your research has come from nor what body you are getting this data from. In his first year at stud he covered 19 mares, he was very popular and he has already 12 pre bookings (with deposit) for 2024 - FACT
4. My own breeding mares foals with pure IDs have sold for £7k +, I have put them to him and their 2023 foals sold for the exact price. My mares are very well bred, are proven and I show their foals who also win in the show ring. I am NOT breeding for colour, I am breeding quality, colour is a bonus - FACT
5. You say most people don’t like ID x Connie - I continually see wanted posts for that combination and they have been very popular @ Clifden sales. - FACT

Hope that helps, I genuinely was confused where you have got your information from as either it’s wrong, like your definition of TIH or you seem to know the inner workings of my mind, stud, foals/value, plans etc

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
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Thank you @Louise Mayhew for that very clear definition of a TIH (I think I may have a rather old retired one sitting in my field despite only having a white passport, so merely informed guesswork purely out of interest by my vet, farrier and myself 😊) and I definitely had another correctly passported one for my last riding horse. Very interesting to have the facts straight from the owner's mouth about the one horse in particular under discussion. 👍:)

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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Thank you @Louise Mayhew for that very clear definition of a TIH (I think I may have a rather old retired one sitting in my field despite only having a white passport, so merely informed guesswork purely out of interest by my vet, farrier and myself 😊) and I definitely had another correctly passported one for my last riding horse. Very interesting to have the facts straight from the owner's mouth about the one horse in particular under discussion. 👍:)
Thank you 😊


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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There is actually a lot of misinformation on this post ( I just found this thread I just want to inform people who may be looking at it in the future) sport horse Ireland technical on class a traditional Irish horse as TB cross with a ID if you look at Irish spots horse database they have TIH over from the horse name . just because a horse is from to Irish breeding TB ISH Connemara doesn’t mean it gets the title. I do agree horse shouldn’t have to jump at that age but the attitude is if it’s a sport horse it should be able to jump without being mean , I don’t get why op is keeping it a stallion if he is not a competitive horse and most people don’t want to breed from Connemara cross ID as most people think it has to much bone. A lot of people who want bone will breed from a full ID or full Connemara as they get more money for their foals . I think owner might be a colour breeders as it makes zero sense why she breeding him already without being approved. I own a Irish draughty crossed Connemara they are amazing but Most people don’t like them.

i think i get where you are coming from.. in terms of the TIH. Most people assume that a TIH is IDxTB, however the TIH association actually define it as Louise mentions. Perhaps have a read :

As for IDXconnie not being popular, im going to have to disagree as well . I see many wanted adverts for these types. However, i do see them being sold/advertised cheaper as foals than pure IDs. Ive got a ISH(IDX) mare that ive put in foal to a connie, why ? i want to produce a smaller RC type for my daughter. Our irish draughts seem to be on the large side, so im introducing connie to reduce size. Time will tell if it works !

Louise Mayhew

23 October 2023
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i think i get where you are coming from.. in terms of the TIH. Most people assume that a TIH is IDxTB, however the TIH association actually define it as Louise mentions. Perhaps have a read :

As for IDXconnie not being popular, im going to have to disagree as well . I see many wanted adverts for these types. However, i do see them being sold/advertised cheaper as foals than pure IDs. Ive got a ISH(IDX) mare that ive put in foal to a connie, why ? i want to produce a smaller RC type for my daughter. Our irish draughts seem to be on the large side, so im introducing connie to reduce size. Time will tell if it works !
i think i get where you are coming from.. in terms of the TIH. Most people assume that a TIH is IDxTB, however the TIH association actually define it as Louise mentions. Perhaps have a read :

As for IDXconnie not being popular, im going to have to disagree as well . I see many wanted adverts for these types. However, i do see them being sold/advertised cheaper as foals than pure IDs. Ive got a ISH(IDX) mare that ive put in foal to a connie, why ? i want to produce a smaller RC type for my daughter. Our irish draughts seem to be on the large side, so im introducing connie to reduce size. Time will tell if it works !
Good luck with your foal. Hopefully you will get a wee cracker for your daughter. This was my first year of my boys foals, just 3 born as wanted to see what he produced, I also had some pure bred IDs. Out of all my foals produced one of his was the top seller and it was a grey (out of a grey dam) so nothing to do with colour. The rest all sold same price whether ID or IDSH. I guess it’s reputation as well x


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Good luck with your foal. Hopefully you will get a wee cracker for your daughter. This was my first year of my boys foals, just 3 born as wanted to see what he produced, I also had some pure bred IDs. Out of all my foals produced one of his was the top seller and it was a grey (out of a grey dam) so nothing to do with colour. The rest all sold same price whether ID or IDSH. I guess it’s reputation as well x
Out of interest what was the breeding of your ID foals ?