Katie Price riding


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27 June 2008
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Better than my first dressage test :D And I didn't have the world's press watching me.

I don't know the woman. Yes, she is in the limelight so will get the full glare of the paps and the rest of us, but give her her due - she knows that her riding and style will be picked over everytime she rides in public, yet she keeps on trying. I'm not sure that I would have the guts.

A hot choccy to her.

Sarah Sum1

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2 July 2009
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Don't see a problem with what she is wearing, some high viz would be good though. I have ridden in strange things before, shorts, wellies and jeans :D In fact quite often.


Well-Known Member
16 June 2005
ahhh come on guys I have seen much much worse, there isnt really anything wrong with her in comparison to some people you see riding. Also, I have seen people looking much more of a mess than her - she looks fine


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I hope none of you lot ever see me riding, cos I'm pretty sure that someone taking photos of me randomly would make me look just as bad! Not that she looks awful IMO - stirrups a bit long, horse a bit tubby, no high-viz - I see worse on a daily basis round here. Apart from the lack of high-viz, who cares what she's wearing anyway:confused:


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
there could be a reason she's not wearing her range.....Derby House has dropped a lot of it, and she's having to sell from her own site now. Is that stock to sell off ? Mioaw !

And wellies and jeans are just fab, but you wouldn't see them under my hi-vis, bit like a reflective nightmare tbh :D sm x


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2 April 2010
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I personally don't really understand what the issue is with Katie Price. She has horses and rides. I think she has the right just like anyone else to go out and ride her horses. She may not be the best rider, but neither am I and I certainly wouldn't be with the press breathing down my nose. Also as others have said - Yes the horse is chubby but that's why she's riding! And who gives a monkeys what she or anyone else decides to wear while sat on a horse??


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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tbh she is just a woman with bad taste riding, but the horse isnt going to care what she wears. however, i do have a problem with the no hiviz and fat horse, but i have seen a lot worse. the only thing that irritates me is that she buys all these super amazing horses when she isnt really good enough to handle them and has to pay an amazing rider to ride them. if you arent an amazing rider, dont buy super talented horses!!


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5 September 2009
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Her hands are pretty shocking imho... but then again lots of people have the same problem... its not her ability itself that annoys me... but how she pretends and is made out to be some fantastic horsewoman, claiming to be competing at the 2012 olympics but is clearly not a great rider by anyones standards!! Good for her enjoying her riding though...


Well-Known Member
5 August 2009
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Eew its so horrible and fat. Enough about Katie Prices lips :p, I just wish she'd wear hi-viz. Im sure there is many people looking up to her and especially on a dark horse-its a bad image! :eek: :)

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
OMG Please listen to you all :(
Talk about a saucer of milk for table 2!
She's a normal person out for a ride, oh and she's got a hat on too! :p
Kate x


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30 May 2008
Biggin Hill
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Unless I'm very much mistaken those pictures were taken on the Duke's Dene golf course in Woldingham, which has bridle paths around it. It's literally a stone's throw from the yard she keeps the kid's pony at, not where her dressage horses are, and the horse she's riding probably belongs to another livery.... who may read this board and be miffed at the comments re his/her horse and tack!


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7 October 2005
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OK for one thing the youtube clip is her first test ever - I think she's improved a lot since then. The comment above re not buying nice horses if you can't ride them annoys me a bit - it's her money, if she wants to buy them to tapdance on then that's her business!! How many top event horse owners actually ride their expensive neds? Also who says she is hacking on roads? It looks like they're on private farm tracks or something - there's only one shot that suggests they might be on a road but they may just have been crossing it.

I'm not a KP fan at all but this thread is just silly - lots of people slagging her off for having nice horses, money and ambition!!!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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the only thing that irritates me is that she buys all these super amazing horses when she isnt really good enough to handle them and has to pay an amazing rider to ride them. if you arent an amazing rider, dont buy super talented horses!!

Who says she isn't about to handle them? Sure, she may not be able to ride them as well as her trainer/to the best of their abilities, but so what?! I doubt the horses mind whether or not they're fulfilling their potential.

I bought a horse a trillion times more talented that I will ever be!! What's more, if I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd buy a whole flipping yard of horses that would be too good for me! Meh! Shoot me! :D :D


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
Preston, Lancashire
From what I know, she has ridden since being a child, so this isn't something she has done for the publicity - she does it because she enjoys her
She's out on a nice horse for a hack, with a hat on and looks fine to me. Maybe she isn't the best rider, but she's certainly not bad. The horses that she does have are dressage horses, probably also ridden by a trainer, and I can't see them being plods!
The horses don't care what level she is at, and she obviously throws a lot of money at her horses - good for her, I bet they're in good condition, and well cared for
Just think of all the teenagers that look up to her - if even one of them starts riding, surely thats a good thing?
And FFS does it matter if she can handle them or not? She obviously can, as I haven't seen any "Katie Price injured in horse riding accident" headlines....... unlike Leona Lewis, but nobodys slating her


Well-Known Member
10 March 2008
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Well when I lived in the UK I saw loads of people riding in black on dark horses with no hi-viz. Here in France they don't bother with hats either.

Katie has a lovely figure and a pretty face - what about her trainer - should she lose a few pounds? I am never going to post a pic of ME riding on this forum.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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well said puppy i agree compleyely with what you say.
It was her fist dressage test in the vid and i have to say if i was riding with loads of camera men there sure i would not be great would be far too tense.
Also if i had her money yes i would be buying the best horses and why not she has earned her money honestly and induldges herself in a childhood hobby.
it is her life, her time and her money.
How do we know she said she is a competent rider and wants to ride in the olympics


Well-Known Member
31 August 2006
Midian, where the monsters live
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God, it must have been a slow news day in the land of The Daily Fail.

Why do people feel the need to criticise her, just for the sake of criticising? Listen to yourselves, "Look how fat the horse is!", Her stirrups are too long!" Why is the horse wearing a gag and a martingale and a flash?" (Have you ridden the horse? How do you now he doesn't need all those things? And incidentally, I wonder how many horses and ponies you would see in that combination at any SJ, Eventing and Pony Club competition?)

IMO, her riding and her outfits are no worse than some of what's posted by members on here every day. In fact, at least she's wearing a hat, gloves and proper riding boots. The amount of people on here posting pictures of themselves riding in wellies makes me cringe.

And I've seem pictures of much fatter horses on this forum, yet I don't see any replies of "Eww, look how fat it is!"

As for her buying nice horses and getting other, more experienced people to ride them until she's improved enough to do them justice, surely that's a good thing?:confused: Hell, if I had the cash, I'd do the same.
If she was riding them herself all the time, people would be bitching about how she's ruining them. She just can't win there, can she? :confused:

The reason why she got the rides at HOYS etc is not because she's given them lots of money, it's because she's famous OUTSIDE of the equestrian world, and therefore might get more people interested in the sport.
Do you really think getting Joe Bloggs, who pootles round his local BD venues at Novice, to do a demo at those venues is going to increase ticket sales?

Give the woman a break, she's just trying to enjoy a nice morning hack here! :rolleyes:

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
God, it must have been a slow news day in the land of The Daily Fail.

Why do people feel the need to criticise her, just for the sake of criticising? Listen to yourselves, "Look how fat the horse is!", Her stirrups are too long!" Why is the horse wearing a gag and a martingale and a flash?" (Have you ridden the horse? How do you now he doesn't need all those things? And incidentally, I wonder how many horses and ponies you would see in that combination at any SJ, Eventing and Pony Club competition?)

IMO, her riding and her outfits are no worse than some of what's posted by members on here every day. In fact, at least she's wearing a hat, gloves and proper riding boots. The amount of people on here posting pictures of themselves riding in wellies makes me cringe.

And I've seem pictures of much fatter horses on this forum, yet I don't see any replies of "Eww, look how fat it is!"

As for her buying nice horses and getting other, more experienced people to ride them until she's improved enough to do them justice, surely that's a good thing?:confused: Hell, if I had the cash, I'd do the same.
If she was riding them herself all the time, people would be bitching about how she's ruining them. She just can't win there, can she? :confused:

The reason why she got the rides at HOYS etc is not because she's given them lots of money, it's because she's famous OUTSIDE of the equestrian world, and therefore might get more people interested in the sport.
Do you really think getting Joe Bloggs, who pootles round his local BD venues at Novice, to do a demo at those venues is going to increase ticket sales?

Give the woman a break, she's just trying to enjoy a nice morning hack here! :rolleyes:

Very well said! :)
Kate x


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
Imagine not being able to go for a hack without being chased by photographers, fair enough, if she was secretly meeting a man or sunbathing nude on blackpool beach, but why would going for a wander on a horse be news? Only so people can slag her off!
What business is it of anyones what calibre of horse she buys, my mare can jump huge fences, but i have no desire to go competing at that level, so should I not have her?
As others have said, that is an old vid, i am sure andrew gould will have sorted out her jiggly hands by now. She is not the best rider in the world, but she sure aint the worst and if she wants to set herself some goals then fair play to her. She is a very determined and goal orientated person.
I am not a big fan or anything and I wouldn't chose to make my face up like her or have the surgery or live my life like she does either, but I don't get why everyone feels like they have to pass judgement on her. I don't think there would be much of a deal made about going riding in a leather jacket. Maybe she forgot her ariat jacket and that's all she had in the car. Does it really matter!!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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That's my friend who is pictured with her. She is a YO not a trainer and the paps were chasin the horses and jumping out of bushes scaring them.

Don't believe anything the daily mail writes


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11 January 2010
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And as someone mentioned earlier, it's Duke's Dene Golf Club - it is literally at the end of her road, though I don't know the yard they would have ridden from.

I used to ride all over that area (when it was Halliloo Valley :)) before it was a golf club 15 or so years ago, but even now it has a bridlepaths all around/through it, so quite possibly little or no road work was needed.

Moggy in Manolos

Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
South Glos
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God, it must have been a slow news day in the land of The Daily Fail.

Why do people feel the need to criticise her, just for the sake of criticising? Listen to yourselves, "Look how fat the horse is!", Her stirrups are too long!" Why is the horse wearing a gag and a martingale and a flash?" (Have you ridden the horse? How do you now he doesn't need all those things? And incidentally, I wonder how many horses and ponies you would see in that combination at any SJ, Eventing and Pony Club competition?)

IMO, her riding and her outfits are no worse than some of what's posted by members on here every day. In fact, at least she's wearing a hat, gloves and proper riding boots. The amount of people on here posting pictures of themselves riding in wellies makes me cringe.

And I've seem pictures of much fatter horses on this forum, yet I don't see any replies of "Eww, look how fat it is!"

As for her buying nice horses and getting other, more experienced people to ride them until she's improved enough to do them justice, surely that's a good thing?:confused: Hell, if I had the cash, I'd do the same.
If she was riding them herself all the time, people would be bitching about how she's ruining them. She just can't win there, can she? :confused:

The reason why she got the rides at HOYS etc is not because she's given them lots of money, it's because she's famous OUTSIDE of the equestrian world, and therefore might get more people interested in the sport.
Do you really think getting Joe Bloggs, who pootles round his local BD venues at Novice, to do a demo at those venues is going to increase ticket sales?

Give the woman a break, she's just trying to enjoy a nice morning hack here! :rolleyes:

Precisely :D

People would have alot to say about me, just because she is in the public eye she gets it.
Why cant she say she would love to do the olympics too, why cant she have aspirations, she more than likely knows she would never get there but don't slate the girl for wanting to do well, if someone else on here said they wanted to be in the olympics one day and got these responses, well need i say more....
She seems down to earth enough when she is interviewed, she does put on an act by the looks of things but I don't think she is a bad woman at all


Well-Known Member
8 January 2010
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Well said, I agree 100% we can't all be fantastic riders but at least she is having lessons and trying to improve.

Give the girl a break - I see much worse riding on a daily basis!


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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Who says she isn't about to handle them? Sure, she may not be able to ride them as well as her trainer/to the best of their abilities, but so what?! I doubt the horses mind whether or not they're fulfilling their potential.

I bought a horse a trillion times more talented that I will ever be!! What's more, if I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd buy a whole flipping yard of horses that would be too good for me! Meh! Shoot me! :D :D

sorry, i put that quite badly, my horse is far more talented than me. just when she sells her amzingly talented mare "because she wont make it to the olympics" kinda irked me sorry:eek: anyway, as llong as she wears a hat and sets a good examplt to the people who see her, then i dont really have a problem.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2010
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I don't think what she is wearing, how she rides or anything else for that matter is anyone elses business. She is a competent rider and has lessons to further her education, I know many people who are less able than her keeping and riding horses.

I am not a fan nor do I dislike her but it seems she is just a target of people's nastiness at times and there is no need for it. Let the girl live her life the way she wants to ... she has to live with any consequences of her actions, good or bad.