Katie Price riding


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
South Glos
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The horse she is riding if I'm correct is her horse from when she was a child, so I believe it is quite old?? Therefore looking overweight coming into winter doesnt matter.
IMO it doesnt matter what she is wearing, she is only enjoying her horses just like the rest of us do, jesus the girl cannot do anything!

Except that the picture and news time was in April this year so coming out of winter!!


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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shes a munter...

but at least she was wearing a hat for once...!

wish the papers woudl stop printing katie price/andre/reid stories... the next one will be "divorce".....


Well-Known Member
2 August 2010
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Seriously, who cares?!

She's been "picked out" as she's famous and in the limelight..i can think of quite a few people that have "bought" their way into the horse world and they're not noticed as they're not in the eyes of the public..or chased after by paparrazi. People who have more money than sense so have bought a horse far more capable than it's rider. The national public doesn't hear about these people do they?

It's her life..her choices etc etc.

I personally turn a blind eye to it..i'm more concerned about improving MY riding rather criticising hers :)

rosie fronfelen

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5 February 2009
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Sorry to say, if Katie was the ordinary rider taking an ordinary horse on an ordinary hack, would anybody care???The poor girl is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't- can we all just leave her alone, we all make mistakes, some worse than others, so i say good luck to the woman!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2009
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Just to add that riding a Grand Prix horse is bloody difficult and you certainly don't just sit there and let the horse do it all for you! In fact I'd say that it was harder than riding a normal horse.
No I dont agree with that. Riding Grand Prix horses is poetry in motion. Riding a *normal* horse does not give any where near the same pleasure.

I like her jacket :eek: Shes wearing the sort of clothes I used to ride in when I was younger.


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2 January 2006
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All we learn form this post is that we are a bunch of bitches, seriously.

That horse is no way near the fattest I have seen this year, there are loads worse, and who say it is just 'condition'. I bet that horse is probably just a happy hacker.
Her position may not be perfect but again, I have seen a LOT worse - and on folk competing localy at like discovery level BSJA.
Same with the tack - Grackle, marting gale and a dutch gag seem plenty of them at the same as above!
And the outfit so what??

Yes there are plenty of us on here who probably are better riders, but do you think she really gives a rats ass? No.

So glad none of you can see me ride. ha. You would be stoning me i bet!


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8 May 2007
Central Scotland
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Personally, I think she is fab.
We all have something to improve on don't we? I know I do.
If we all had that sort of money we undoubtedly would buy nice horses and get the best people to teach us etc. The thing is though, she's learning? I don't understand that if she is learning she is clearly interested in the sport which does more good than bad surely? We all started off the same so I can't knock her. Not only that, she is a successful business woman, and I think the range she sells at derby house is great! She has some fab horses and even if she doesn't ride all of them herself she works bloody hard to fit her horses in with everything else she does, and 3 kids! Also, in the pictures of her hacking the black horse..wasn't she riding on her own land or her yards land? If she was on her own land and on no roads I don't see the big deal with riding without hi viz if she knows there is nothing in her way (bikes etc). I don't really think people can knock her if they don't know the full story! Fair play to her I say.

How can you think she is fab? She sets so many bad examples. By that I mean the following:

Taking her clothes off
Artificially enhancing herself
Riding without a helmet
Careless driving
Charging ridiculous amounts of money for children's clothing (£45 for a jacket!!)
Belittling those not as well off as she is
Dressing like a tart

She also has a whole team of people behind her making her successful. Ghost writers, agents, managers, publicists, beauticians, plastic surgeons, and lots of others. About the only things she does is hop from one salon to the other, sits on her horses after someone else has groomed, tacked-up and warmed-up. Then pretty much bares all for a photo shoot!! A lot of talent involved there.

KP is someone I would NEVER, EVER want my niece or any other young girl emulating. In my day, there were decent wholesome role models to look up to - not slappers like KP. I often hate what the world has come to when we have lost track of good values and decency. I remember a time when HOYS would never even have thought about asking somebody like KP to perform. It would have been considered taboo. People could argue she is good at attracting people to dressage, but where's the interest in eventing when Zara's not competing?

BTW: The definition of slapper is: A girl with low or no class, style, dignity or morals. That sums-up KP perfectly.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2007
When did Katie Price murder someone???

The level of hate is shocking in this post.
At most, if you dont like her then she is mildly annoying - how anyone can say they HATE her without knowing / speaking / ever actually seeing her in the flesh??

Really - this type of post in unjust and uncalled for.
She isnt a murderer / rapist etc - maybe some of your hate should be propelled towards them rather than a woman who, rightly or wrongly in the way she has got there, has made herself a successful business woman.
The woman has children for gods sake - she is human, she makes mistakes - everyone does, just hers are published in the media, put out there for everyone to judge.

WHO the hell cares what she rides in? she was out enjoying her horses like we all do.
What is so wrong with that??

Im not team Katie (im team 'who cares') - i just feel she gets a very, very tough ride and its a good job she is as tough as she is. If the roles were switched, how many of you could tolerate the media backlash and constant sniping?

Still, i suppose while your slagging her off it saves someone else from the poison tongues...


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
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Totally agree with vicki on this one.
So the woman choose a career path not all of us would chose.
She made a hell of a lot of money at at and has worked hard to stay at the top of what she does.
So she is not the best rider who on here is the best rider i the world, because if you are i will hold my hands up at being wrong.
KP at the end of the day is not committing animal cruelty, she is just being able to buy the best of everything and why not she can afford to, i know i would if i was in her position.
Why not save some of your anger for the people it really should be directed at like the nasty people of this world


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11 December 2004
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Cannot be bothered to read all the posts, what a bunch of cats some of you are showing yourselves up to be.

If an HHO member put up a picture of themselves riding and they got slagged off like this there would be all hell let loose.

Who really cares what she wears?
I see hat, boots, jodhs, what's wrong with that?
The horse is chunky? So? ..no-one on here has a porky nag, of course not!
I don't care if she is the best, the worst, or just a mediocre rider, she obviously enjoys it and seems to have trained damned hard to improve -ohhhhhh, that would be like many people on here then;) jumping on the media bitchfest wagon just seems small minded.
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Well-Known Member
13 August 2010
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Blimey! And i thought i looked a mess out riding! What a state! Feel sorry for the poor chubby horse being forced to carry Duckface round on it's back.
Just think what she'll look like in 10 years time!

LOL totally agree, pah duckface :L !
I really don't get why people like her or buy her products and what on earth were derby house thinking?!

haha i love the bitchiness :p


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
South east UK
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Whoa, there's alot of unjustified bitchiness going on here.

I honestly do not know where this hate comes from. How she makes her money is none of our business and even if it is, if she wants to get her boobs out, let her! If people wanted to pay me millions of pounds to go topless, you're damn right I would! And when I got the money, I'd buy any horse I wanted and keep it at the best yard I could and actually, I'd probably have it on full livery because I don't have the time to go to a yard twice a day.

And if someone offered me a bucketload of money to follow me about all day and make a TV programme, they are very welcome!

And as for slagging off her riding, well that's just catty and nasty because we all have problems that we could sort out.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2007
Central Scotland
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Whoa, there's alot of unjustified bitchiness going on here.

I honestly do not know where this hate comes from. How she makes her money is none of our business and even if it is, if she wants to get her boobs out, let her!

Eh, I'm sorry, but the sad fact is that young girls look up to her. They'll think it's perfectly alright to degrade themselves. Like I've said before, there are NO standards left these days. I can not believe the number of people on here condoning her actions. If you think her career choice is so wonderful, then let your daughters/sisters/nieces follow in her footsteps.

I for one am disgusted that this woman is held in such high regard. I don't envy anything about her. I'd much rather make money in a more scrupulous way and live a modest life. Also, no top grand-prix horse could beat my Guy or bring me more pleasure.


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6 September 2010
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Well, I've seen fatter horses.
I like some things in her range, the non valour(sp?) non-pink stuff is actually pretty nice.
She's got a nice personality (well did the alst time I encoutered her) and really, I've seen uglier...a lot uglier, in the horse world.

But agreed. I don't really care how she makes her money.
Kids are going to look up to anyone, weather they get their boobs out or not, people are still going to do it.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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Whoa, there's alot of unjustified bitchiness going on here.

I honestly do not know where this hate comes from. How she makes her money is none of our business and even if it is, if she wants to get her boobs out, let her! If people wanted to pay me millions of pounds to go topless, you're damn right I would! And when I got the money, I'd buy any horse I wanted and keep it at the best yard I could and actually, I'd probably have it on full livery because I don't have the time to go to a yard twice a day.

And if someone offered me a bucketload of money to follow me about all day and make a TV programme, they are very welcome!

And as for slagging off her riding, well that's just catty and nasty because we all have problems that we could sort out.

Agree /\ /\ My god some of you have it in for the woman! I neither like nor dislike her, but what she does is her own business. Jealousy I reckon. And typical HHO bitchiness. No wonder some of you use this forum, you hunt in a pack, just like hounds.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
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Cannot be bothered to read all the posts, what a bunch of cats some of you are showing yourselves up to be.

If an HHO member put up a picture of themselves riding and they got slagged off like this there would be all hell let loose.

Who really cares what she wears?
I see hat, boots, jodhs, what's wrong with that?
The horse is chunky? So? ..no-one on here has a porky nag, of course not!
I don't care if she is the best, the worst, or just a mediocre rider, she obviously enjoys it and seems to have trained damned hard to improve -ohhhhhh, that would be like many people on here then;) jumping on the media bitchfest wagon just seems small minded.

I can't be arsed to read them either, got as far as post no. 6 and thought sod it.

This place is unbelievable at times....

And why did I open the thread? Because it's set at 3 pages (post show 40 a page on my settings) and I just KNEW it would be a bitch-fest...

Some of you need a life.


Well-Known Member
2 October 2010
Here & there
Cannot be bothered to read all the posts, what a bunch of cats some of you are showing yourselves up to be.

If an HHO member put up a picture of themselves riding and they got slagged off like this there would be all hell let loose.

Who really cares what she wears?
I see hat, boots, jodhs, what's wrong with that?
The horse is chunky? So? ..no-one on here has a porky nag, of course not!
I don't care if she is the best, the worst, or just a mediocre rider, she obviously enjoys it and seems to have trained damned hard to improve -ohhhhhh, that would be like many people on here then;) jumping on the media bitchfest wagon just seems small minded.

Cannot agree enough with you on this! Why is it so hard to leave well enough alone and concentrate on your riding? (and by your I'm speaking in the general sense of the word, not aimed at anyone in particular ;))


Well-Known Member
4 February 2009
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Kids these days look up to footballers, rap stars, and lots of people whose behaviour or career choice leave a lot to be desired. When I was a kid, there was Sam Fox who was very famous for being a page 3 model, as well as other famous people who's career or behaviour weren't necessarily the kind you'd want your children to follow. Lo and behold, after being surrounded by all of these terrible influences, I turned out to be pretty normal - only because of the way my parents brought me up.

I just hope there aren't any young girls reading this thread who end up following in the footsteps of some of the more bitchier posters. Isn't there a chance that they'll read the comments and think it's fine to bitch about people in such a way? So negative...

Katie Price isn't really my cup of tea and I definitely don't respect her horse-wise in the same way I do Lucinda Green or people like that, but fair play to her for building a successful career and bringing up her children. I hate all things pink and can't recall ever wearing anything made of velour, but each to their own I suppose!