The Encarta dictionary defines jealousy as "jealous feelings or behavior," where the word jealous is defined as being
* bitter and unhappy because of another's advantages, possessions, or luck,
* suspicious about a rival's or competitor's influence, especially in regard to a loved one,
* possessively watchful of something,
* demanding of exclusive loyalty or adherence.
Not aimed at anyone in particular, but there does seem a little bit of: <font color="blue">bitter and unhappy because of another's advantages, possessions, or luck, </font>
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I'm not bitter or unhappy! I just can't stand the woman, I wish she'd shut up and go away.
Like a pp, I envy people with talent, class, and courage, sometimes, but not her.
I've got a friend who fosters and adopts kids with serious disabilities, she's now up to a full house, she's always cheerful and happy, and has amazing strength, conviction and courage.
She rides OK, too.
However she never needed to sell her body, or walk over anyone to be who she is.
Katie Price can do what she likes as far as I care, but as for Masterclass, I'd rather watch a proper rider, and as for clothes, I don't want her cheap tat, and I wish to goodness the product placement would stop now.
give the girl a break at least shes trying to make something of herself and with a disabled son it cant be easy even with her money so why dont you just get a grip
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I wasn't going to bring her disabled son into it, but since you would be nice if she turned her PR machine onto the scientists and researchers who are investigating genetic and in utero conditions like the one that affected her little boy? These researchers need all the support and help they can get, why doesn't she use some of her incredible wealth and fame to bring medical research more firmly into the spotlight?
So the snobs at Cartier said they didnt want her? She's not exactly poor, why not run her own exclusive charity polo event to raise awareness and funds for research into Harvey's medical condition.
She's got one of the best PR machines around, it would be nice if she could use it to benefit someone else other than simply herself.
The fact she has a disabled son is irrelevant. What has that got to do with the price of cheese???
We all have our problems; many with more problems than her and still do well.
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absolutely!! How many people in this country have disabled children?? Are we to feel sorry for vacuous jordan because she has a disabled son?? please.... She needs putting down..
As far as her disabled son is concerned, Katie is the first to acknowledge that her selfishness, ie wanting to party, caused a lot of his problems. That is a guilt she will live with forever. Whilst I admire her as a mum, and the way in which she cares for Harvey, I do not think we should all give her tonnes of sympathy because of him - she chose to smoke/drink/do drugs whilst pregnant.
And as others have said, the fact that she has a disabled son is irrelevent. No, I don't like her equestrian range, and no, I wont be buying any of her stuff. But there are people out there that do like it, and that are happy she has come up with it. Why can't we just let her get on with it? Why do we all have to put our two-cents worth in just because we do not approve? What she has, she has built up herself, yes, so now she has the money to go and buy herself top dressage horses, or launch clothing ranges, but she has worked bloody hard to get to where she is.
I actually quite like Katie Price...shes pretty normal I reckon...yeh the boobs are a bit out of the ordinary but thats because the glamour modelling thing. Shes never done anything to hurt anybody...she still loves her horses and is totally aware of what and who she I personally, I reckon shes ok.
Not a massive fan of pink but you think of all the 13/14 year old horsey girls who go mental over the baby blue tendon boots and baby pink sure she'll make a small fortune!! Stick a few diamonties on a semi smart jacket and the showjumpers of teh world will love her! haha!!
maybe but to big yourself up to be nothing short of a bully is not attractive either
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Are you talking to Piaffe? If so I'm completely baffled as to what she said or did that makes her out as a bully! Perhaps you'd like to enlighten me?
If you can't participate in a discussion or debate without insulting oher participants, then perhaps you should stay out of it.
If you read between the lines she is actually implying that you're being completely negative about Katie without actually knowing anything true to real life about her.....i don't think she means a bully in the way you're taking it. Its not really hrad to understand although its easy to twist and turn into an argument...maybe that is what you are after?
I for one feel that all these negative comments should stop. In fact...what a watse of time writing about someone you don't even know neither can they back themselves up!
I will assume you're not addressing me, as I've not actually said a thing about KP in this thread and am not fussed about her either way. A bully is a person who uses intimidation or threats against another person. Piaffe did not do this, so she is not a bully. Just because you choose to apply a different definition to a word... perhaps to twist and turn an argument? doesn't make it true.
If someone is going to stick up for someone, be it KP or anyone else I think implying or making someone 'read between the lines' is a pretty poor way of doing it
are all horsey people so bitchy & vitriolic or just on this forum? There are some really nasty personal remarks about Katie on this thread! I'm really suprised & shockd at how horrible some people can be!