Well-Known Member
As title really, have a KS horse, back has been injected and on a rehab plan, but it's not going well. I'm struggling with the ethics of continuing with surgical intervention- I know it's successful in many cases, and my vet is quite keen for this as a next step treatment (though we haven't discussed this in depth yet) . Horse is quite happy as a field ornament and seems in absolutely no discomfort at all, charging about, sound as a pound. Unfortunately, riding is not going so well, just started after weeks of groundwork, the back injections have made little difference. The recent post about a horse having huge issues post op hasn't done much to convince me...I have other horses, and my own land, so an early retirement isn't a problem, but I particularly like riding this horse, even if my sports horse was to become a happy hacker...What would you do? How often is KS the only problem and not secondary to another issue? Horse is 10. TIA.