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12 May 2012
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Thanks for advice on banding.

Sorry few more questions- what am I best to make the pen out of?

Little ewe doesn’t want to feed, had to force her last feed, she sucked a tiny bit but most went down her or me - took forty mins and not sure how much she actually had. Her little hear was pounding.She’s bright in herself, plays with the other, explores etc but can’t get her to drink. she is tiny, half his size and supposedly older. Pretty sure she is stressed. Poop was better this evening, just soft rather than puddle.

Would I be ok to swap her to his milk formula? as currently making two formulas.

He’s no problem drinking. In the end I had to remove him as he would have her milk too if given half the chance! He is a wonderful little character. She’s only just arrived, lost her mum, then her human, car journey and to me. He wasn’t phased but younger when he came. Hoping her hunger in the morning encourages her to suck! Steep learning curve for me.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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Is it just that the different milks are just different brands? You could try mixing them together, get them both on that. Some lambs can be very difficult about bottle feeding. One year when we were farming I ended up with about 30 to hand rear. One flatly refused to suck so I was having to tube him. However he refused to swallow the tube too, kept ending up in the wrong place. Lost him to fluid in his lungs.
If you send me your pics I will try and load them for you.


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12 May 2012
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Different brands Of milk. She was a bit better this morning- pretty sure she had three quarters of a bottle, still had to force her, but she did suck and definitely less mess. She is quite petite, her head is half the size of his.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I would start mixing the milk so that they are on the same. Far too much faff to make up seperate bottles. It will all be basically the same, just different brand names. I have often had to switch brands due to having to buy what was available, never had any problems.


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12 May 2012
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The boy - 6 days old 300ml five times a day. He’s on a litre and a half a day and has been since I had him- he’s huge and according to him never full. Bring careful not to over feed him.
The girl - one week old 200ml five times a day- i know she should have one litre over the course of five feeds but I struggl to feed her so give bit extra for wastage and even then she doesn’t finish.
Any idea as to how I can make a lamb proof pen? Took them out for a walk today but would like to have them out for longer and work too.
Errin- no idea how you managed 30- I’ve my hands full with two!

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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It was a nightmare!! I did get them onto big self feeding buckets twice a day as they got older and we used racks to put bottles in for the younger ones. Was just one long round of cleaning, mixing and refilling. The milk back then, late 80'3 early 90's smelt pretty disgusting too. Just as they were getting to nearly weaned two of the biggest healthiest looking ones dropped dead. Infuriating.
This is why I prefer not to hand rear any more, too much hard work.


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12 May 2012
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They are fab. Tails and Peters testicles banded today. Took them to local feed merchant who is also very experienced farmer and they suggested I did tails and castrate and did it there and then.I was in a real dilemma about it but I trust their judgement. They also gave Piper something for her sloppy poo, was slightly better this afternoon. Was very worried about Peter as he was obviously uncomfortable with the castration but picked up after an hour or so.Have some creep pellets, bigger bottles, more straw and some hay.
Both feeding well. Took them in the garden again this afternoon, no need for leads as they follow me, but they do both wear a harness in case I need to clip them on!
Absolutely love them, both such different characters. Peter loves a fuss. Piper is a live wire!
Made a small pen to give them some time in the garden. Have the best pic of the lambs and dogs together but unfortunately can’t post!


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12 May 2012
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More help please?
just been reading up about bloat - it says lambs should not be fed warm milk after a few days old. Mine are one week old but I’m still feeding warm- will this be ok?


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17 September 2007
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I wouldn’t give them yogurt or anything else added to their milk as long as they are healthy. Hopefully they will start nibbling on hard feed soon if they haven’t already and I think they will be fine on cold milk now. How is the little one feeding now ?


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12 May 2012
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Do they have to have it cold? I’d prefer to serve warm but obviously don’t want bloat.
little one is doing well, she feeds really well just difficult to get her on the bottle as she gets so keen, she kind of misses the teat, goes for my leg, butts Peter, then jumps at the bottle etc. Once she’s on she’s fine, but takes a couple of seconds to get to that point.
ive put some hay and creep feed in but they don’t seem interested. In the garden they seem to prefer to lick soil than eat grass- being vigilant to make sure they are not near anything poisonous- but they did spend a bit of time eating moss off a tree- figured that was ok, as in a field with their mums they’d like do the same.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I can't say I have had a problem with feeding warm milk. Only time I had a serious problem with bloat was when I was adding beet pulp to their feed, this was weaned lambs though.


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12 May 2012
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Ok, will carry on with warm. One more thing I’ve also read they should be weaned abruptly at 5 weeks to avoid bloat? but the farmer I know continues giving warm milk a couple of times a day- they are closed for bank holiday so will give them a call later in the week. I just like to plan ahead!
we now have a routine of out free ranging with husband and I for an hour after mid morning feed and then and hour in pen with me sat near them after mid afternoon feed. May have to change when back to work this week, but then on a week off. Building up to having them out on their own at a month old in the paddock, out in the day if weather is fine and in at night. Does this sound reasonable?


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13 June 2013
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We continue to feed lukewarm milk so wouldn’t worry about that too much, I think the key is not to over feed as lambs tend to be greedy little so and so’s. Offer creep as soon as they’ll eat it and fresh water but we usually top up with warm milk if they are looking hungry.
Sounds like you’re doing a grand job.


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12 May 2012
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Thank you- they have creep feed but currently show no interest And some hay which I think they may be nibbling but hard to tell as don’t have a rack and it could just be strewn around the stable.
Enjoying looking after them, much more than my day job but husband pointed out if I was ‘farming’ proper I’d have more than two and they would end up going for meat, so two as pets it is.


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12 May 2012
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OMG my husband would go nuts!! Love the calf!! I believe you can bucket feed one of them......That is my ideal set up, you are very fortunate, often admire barns like that- other folk admire nice houses, I always admire big barns and day dream about multiple uses, for my lottery lifestyle!
Where did you get the fencing from? My temp pen is made out of orange plastic stuff, but can only use under my supervision as they put feet, try and stick head through etc and will break it when they get stronger. Would like some like yours


Well-Known Member
13 June 2013
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OMG my husband would go nuts!! Love the calf!! I believe you can bucket feed one of them......That is my ideal set up, you are very fortunate, often admire barns like that- other folk admire nice houses, I always admire big barns and day dream about multiple uses, for my lottery lifestyle!
Where did you get the fencing from? My temp pen is made out of orange plastic stuff, but can only use under my supervision as they put feet, try and stick head through etc and will break it when they get stronger. Would like some like yours

My husband is head shepherd on a large estate so thankfully we are well set up for scenarios like this. Not often we get just as many as we had that year (2013) as we’d had an awful winter/spring. Ours are part of a mobile sheep pen set but just normal wooden sheep hurdles are good too. Solway Recycling supply all kinds of lambing gear but are pretty expensive. Think our pens came from Scotpen.

Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
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I usually just keep feeding as long as they will take it and/or till the milk powder runs out. Gradually reducing the number of feeds till down to two, then reducing the quantity they have. As these are pets rather than commercial I can't see the point in weaning at 5 weeks. I have never had any that I would have considered weaning so early. They would have to be eating a lot of lamb creep and hay/grass.
Have you got a rack for your bottles? Makes it much easier if you have as once they have become accustomed to it then you just drop the bottles in and leave them to it.


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12 May 2012
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Ok, thanks for the advice, will continue with warm milk, have the time so will continue to split over five feeds for now, probably for the next week, then rejig my times the next week for four feeds a day. they are both on a litre and a half a day now. He‘s twice the size of her though, so feel a bit sorry for him but have not fed more as don’t want to over feed. The farmer was impressed with the size of him, so not just me thinking he’s a big lad. They are both on 300ml five times a day.

No I don’t have any specialist equipment apart from the bottles, having to make do. Normally i‘d be out to nearest country store and have bought all supplies in preparation but just having to make do with what I’ve got for now.