Well-Known Member
just wondered how those of us on larger livery yards cope with the prima donnas around. There is a woman on our yard who does not speak to me or several others, she does not look at you or acknowledge your presence in any way at all. Most of us do a general good morning or night but she does not do this, she sometimes comes on the yard and does not speak all the time she is there, only to her horse. I have tried saying Hi or Bye but nothing, its as if you do not exist. Its very rude and childish and I try not to let it bother me too much as life is too short, but it does create an atmosphere which is sometimes unpleasant and if I am stressed it upsets me and other times just plain annoys me. I have asked her what her problem is, she said that their isn't one but since then has ignored me even more.
How do all cope with these sort of pathetic people?
How do all cope with these sort of pathetic people?