Active Member
You say weak and easy, don't you mean " newborn and vulnerable" ?
What does is matter how the fox selects its prey - it is an animal which acts on instinct.
You say weak and easy, don't you mean " newborn and vulnerable" ?
What does is matter how the fox selects its prey - it is an animal which acts on instinct.
Because the wording seemed to be disingenuous and misleading. Weak and easy suggests something that is feeble and of lesser value.
And this is something that you really will have to learn to 'deal with'. It is a beautiful planet but it's not Tellytubby land, and animals - including humans - inflict pain and suffering on each other for a variety of reasons constantly. It's virtually impossible to watch an episode of any David Attenborough programme without something experiencing pain and suffering.
As for the 'sport' side of hunting - I do not, personally, see the sport as being about killing. I hunt within the law, so nothing gets killed, but I still consider my pastime to be a sport.
Live hunting, with hounds, was a method of fox control. If I was live hunting there is a chance that at some stage during the day a fox would be killed. What happens now is that nothing gets killed during the hunt, but we come home, lampers go out that evening and it's likely that a number of foxes will get killed.
As others have said, you came on this forum and posed a question, not out of genuine interest, but just to wind people up. Did you really think that the hunting folk on here would read your 'argument' and say 'Wow, hang on, she's right! I never thought of that Foxhunting is really cruel!' We've heard it all a million times before.
I was anti-hunting for most of my life and I'm sorry to say that I had a closed mind for much of that time. I now live in a rural community and keep my own livestock; I have learnt a great deal about wildlife, habitat, farm animals and conservation, mostly from the people around me - hunting folk with a strong commitment to conserving the nature and wildlife of this country.
And by the way, AnaV - the post about a fox having taken your chickens and your friend's chickens shows that you obviously do not practise what you preach re. building a secure run.
Oh puhleeeze! Are you seriously suggesting that a strong healthy fox in the prime of life will decide NOT to take the easy weak lamb that's hanging around and go after more a difficult catch instead?
I see. Of course the foxes assessment of prey will have no regard to the economic value of the prey.
If you read some of the other posts -by others like you who think the lives of animals are worthless- you will find that they have told me killing weaker foxes leaves a stronger fox population which can find food and pass on its traits (of outsmarting hounds) to future generations.
Natural Selection not only allows animals to don favourable traits to survive it also increases the chance of an animal reproducing and its young surviving for they are adapted to their environment.
Do hunters not attempt shooting rabbits which flee? I have read your previous post yet you only brought up my question on pheasants.
Ok. An animal is wounded in a territorial dispute. It has a few wounds. Nothing major. It will most likely be fine tottering around continuing its life. Has it not the right to go on if it is not affected by its injuries for long?
You just assume it would have died so that you can sleep easy at night. Well that is not good enough. If the fox had escaped it would have only become weaker from the chase.
As I have said before, putting an animal to sleep is humane if it is the last resort, not because it is the easier option for the humans behalf.
I have asked a fair amount of them relating to humans so that you would open you minds and rack your brains. I see animals equal to humans. The comparison does have a parallel for humans are part of the Animalia kingdom along with animals.
It must be a very sad existence going through life being 'against' things. Maybe your the same people who trawl hunting videos on utube just to leave snide comments about toffs and how evil we all are.
I really do feel sorry for people who dont hunt, shoot and fish. I would never impose my will and beliefs on you though.
Can anyone explain to me, just why there are those who come on to a pro-hunting forum, to simply disagree? I can only imagine that those who are so opposed to hunting either think that they'll manage to persuade those of us who see the benefits to hunting, that we are in fact quite wrong, and despite our, mostly, factual and well reasoned responses, that they may be able to change our minds, or they're simply here in an attempt to provoke and anger, without any other intention.
Those who are so opposed to hunting seem unable to gather any factual or reasoned arguments, they make claims which verge on the ridiculous, and yet we still attempt to defend our law abiding ways.
We attempt to educate the idiot, and that's where we've gone wrong. There are those who've kept an open mind, who've listened, and though never wishing to hunt, have accepted that those who do, speak with experience, but there's a small nucleus of clowns, and I'd suggest that we leave them to their delusions.
I can only speak for myself...I am open minded and am happy to be convinced to an alternative position. On this occassion my mind has not been changed (on the principle issue) but what I am realising (and this is not intended to be patronising) is that there are those that hunt that have well considered reasons for doing so...its a shame that those that I have witnessed hunting do not portray this. The status quo will be maintained (for the time being at least) so it is for those that hunt to convince others and not the other way around.
But you do impose your beliefs on others...if you hunt, you disrupt the lives of those that live in the is you that imposes your actions/views on others not the other way around.
You're not wrong, KEF! I've seen some idiots out hunting
If you read some of the other posts -by others like you who think the lives of animals are worthless- you will find that they have told me killing weaker foxes leaves a stronger fox population which can find food and pass on its traits (of outsmarting hounds) to future generations.
How is it nothing to do with my original question? I have asked a fair amount of them relating to humans so that you would open you minds and rack your brains. I see animals equal to humans. The comparison does have a parallel for humans are part of the Animalia kingdom along with animals.
Can someone please answer this question for me. Everyone keeps saying that you can no longer kill the fox with the hounds, the hunting ban that now exists, but through out this thread people are still saying it is quicker to kill the fox with hounds which it sounds like is still happening(by the sound of people are saying on here). What happened to the ban?
The hunt is around here where i live quite regularly and i can honestly say i haven't heard the shotgun once when they are here, which is as i understand it is what they are supposed to kill the fox with. What i understood is the hounds are supposed to flush out the fox and then it is supposed to be shot. So have i understood the ban wrong or what?
The hunt is around here where i live quite regularly and i can honestly say i haven't heard the shotgun once when they are here, which is as i understand it is what they are supposed to kill the fox with. What i understood is the hounds are supposed to flush out the fox and then it is supposed to be shot. So have i understood the ban wrong or what?