Let's see your first ridden ponies!


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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The thread about the cost of first ridden ponies go me looking at pics! My daughter's first ridden was called Joey, he was part Exmoor, rather elderly but within limitations was the perfect first ridden (IMHO). We loaned him for a year from a RS where he stayed and was used in lessons twice a week. He loved to jump, took my daughter round a hunter trial safely and was a saint to hack on the road or in open country. Pic is of 6 year old daughter and Joey hacking on the Quantocks. I am on foot but it encouraged me to start riding and eventually buy my own horse. Happy memories! I'd love to see and hear about your first ridden ponies.File0027.jpg


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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Joey looks lovely!

This was not my pony but shes the one I rode quite a bit before getting my own.
Look at the awful saddle ? no wonder she bucked us off all the time ?
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This is my first pony, she was perfect really- sassy and able to protect herself from little girls but generous when it mattered.

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Such a kind face, looks connie?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Such a kind face, looks connie?
maybe, bit of everything I reckon, she had no papers.
she was a total witch in the field, difficult to catch and so I learned very early on to be patient with horses! but when you were in the saddle she'd do anything. she'd been a pony club pony all her life and we sold her to a family with loads of little girls who all learnt to ride on her.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2017
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Screenshot_20200727-095335~2.pngtechnically not my first ridden as he was a friend's loan pony after she lost her confidence on her own Welsh A but he was a regular at the local fete pony rides and poncy club stalwart (at the back because we it took us 6 months to work out he could actually canter). 9 years old at my first show. He frequently used to dump me in puddles and run off, he had excellent aim, you could never get the girth right, and he used to hide inside the hedges of his field.
I actually learnt to ride on a friend of a friend's 13.3 7 yo new forest. Every girls dream palomino. Both 7 in this pic. Screenshot_20200727-095354~2.png