Well-Known Member
I'd say that a lot of shod horses have taken years developing those long toe underrun heel feet and have them when the shoes are taken off and it takes more that a couple of trims before the foot gains enough strength in the caudal hoof to get back into a normal shape. That new frog, heel and tight white line has to grow in , it can't just be trimmed in no matter how much the toe is dumped.
yes of course it takes more than a couple of trims, I'm not sure that anyone has said it doesn't and of course the new foot has to grow in.
I am not sure where dumping the toe comes into it. My understanding of dumping the toe is putting the foot forward on the stand and trimming vertically downwards. I have never done that. Other than cosmetic I'm not sure what it would achieve in pulling the toe back and building the heel.