little foxes


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Defo, I've met a good few posh sabs and I've always wondered whether it's some kind of delayed rebellion against their upper-middle class upbringing. Oh well, it's better than turning into a goth I suppose :grin:

Good luck with the study, sounds a toughie. Mines all wraped up more or less and in 3 weeks I'll be freeeeeeeee. Gonna get so trashed!


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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quote/ You'd be very surprised mate if you knew more about some of the people running around out there during hunt season. It makes very interesting conversation but you know I can't go in to that, mores the pity. /quote

Why can't you go into it? Is it because if the Labour party discovered there were toffs amongst the antis they'd be less sympathetic to the antis' cause?


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Because it's not my place to name and shame, some of their friends think they are genuine working class squatter/anarchist types, they'd be gutted if they found out, haha.

No really, it's their private business and I'm not gonna discuss it. But take it from me there are all types, but certainly quite a few (ex?)- toffs.


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5 December 2005
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I too have read all the lit, I'm a Bsc Ecology and conservation grad so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about dearie!

Of course you are. LMAO.

You have consistently demonstrated that you know little or nothing about either subject. Having repeatedly fallen into the pitfall traps laid out for you by those in the know.

Just Googling for answers to randomly selected questions does not mean you know what you are talking about f-wit.


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21 October 2005
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You do try so hard don't you?

Come on, gimme some more. We've only done gay and stupid, I'm sure you must have some more intellectual gems up yer sleeve!

I love it when pro's start being offensive, then I know they're really pissed off. Nothing else gives me quite the same smug satisfaction. keep 'em coming...

You make me grin from ear to ear because you are so PATHETIC, hahahahaha. :grin: :grin: :grin: :)


Well-Known Member
20 February 2006
Good luck with the study, sounds a toughie. Mines all wraped up more or less and in 3 weeks I'll be freeeeeeeee. Gonna get so trashed!

Aye its got to be in on monday... Have still got a few loose ends to tie up... seem to be spending most of my time looking on ebay though. I've got 2 weeks of lectures and 2 weeks of exams, (of which I only have one written sport law exam and one ridden exam and then I'm done!!!!) Its taken me 6yrs to get this degree!!! I've bloody well earnt it!!


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Know the feelin, I spend most of my time trading insults on the hunt forum. Good for getting the anger out when writing essays tho, hehe.

Have spent years waiting to finish, then I got The Fear (of working for living) and signed up for a MRes. So another year of drudgery to come :-( Won't stop the end of term celebrations though!

Best of luck for exams.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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You do try so hard don't you?
Nope! It just comes naturally

I love it when pro's start being offensive, then I know they're really pissed off.[/quote]
So you find the truth offensive? Always a good start.

Nothing else gives me quite the same smug satisfaction.
You're deluding yourself again.

You make me grin from ear to ear because you are so PATHETIC,
A rather limp wristed insult, but coming from you what else should one expect.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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You do try so hard don't you?

Come on, gimme some more. We've only done gay and stupid, I'm sure you must have some more intellectual gems up yer sleeve!

I love it when pro's start being offensive, then I know they're really pissed off. Nothing else gives me quite the same smug satisfaction. keep 'em coming...

You make me grin from ear to ear because you are so PATHETIC, hahahahaha. :grin: :grin: :grin: :)

Now you see I'd be more inclined to think that post was made by someone who had lost the argument... Sorry, just an observation :crazy:


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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What argument?

Soggy never makes any. He just sits on the sidelines making sarky comments.

At least other pro's here have something to say for themselves beside homophobic insults and nasty digs.

He's just a silly little tw*t who I can't be bothered with so he's now on ignore. Sorted.



Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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What argument?

Soggy never makes any. He just sits on the sidelines making sarky comments.

At least other pro's here have something to say for themselves beside homophobic insults and nasty digs.

He's just a silly little tw*t who I can't be bothered with so he's now on ignore. Sorted.



Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
West Yorkshire
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I am sick of seeing stuff like this - its banned now - get over it - take up a new hobby - infact why dont you concentrate on something that really matters i.e solving child abuse or finding a cure for cancer - Who cares about foxes - the fox that killed my orphan lamb last night didnt stop to think about actually killing the lamb and then leaving most of it wasted. My poor little lamb :-(


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Do you condemn predators for eating the weak and the young? It's what animals do. I find it shocking that people who live in the country don't seem to understand nature. Red in tooth and claw, ever heard that?

Yes it is banned and if pro's would accept that and stop hunting then perhaps we would all stop going on about it.

Yes there are many more important things in the world but just because someone is anti-fox hunting does not mean they don't care about anything else. I used to work for Mencap and, as a very dear family member has just been disgnosed with cancer, I would very much like someone to find a cure for cancer too.

Please don't be so judgemental.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
West Yorkshire
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You are right there - and humans are predators too in a way and we are definatly an animal so we can kill the weak and the young too.

I am only being as judgemental as you and I havent insulted anyone on this dicussion like you have.

And I hate to say it but two of my friends have had battery acid thrown over them while out riding last year - from ANTI HUNT PROTESTERS. One friend has lost an eye and the other's horse was badly burned - and do you know what?? They werent even hunting - they never had and were just out riding minding theie own business. the protesters have both got 2 years suspended sentences - one was a 40 year old house wife and the other a jobless ex student with no money between them to pay the £4000 compensation bill they were ordered to pay. It and I hear so many stories like this.

This whole debate about hunting is very distressing as most protesters dont even seem to be that bothered about the foxes - its mearly social issues they seem to have. I am sure you are not like that but I have been looking at a lot of your comments and about 80% refer to someones class/behaviour and not mearly on the fox at all!

I have never been hunting, never will probably - but I just couldnt care less about foxes or deer or hares..... and think that hunting was banned unfairly to detract away fom things like IRAQ ... I am annoyed because the government dont care about foxes and neither do the police and to be fair the people that hunt will generally pay alot of money in tax to the government and get nothing back and have to see all their hard earned cash go to jobless teenage pregnacy chavs who get it all on a plate. This country should be proud of its heritage and start rewarding the people that pay for the upkeep of it!!

I dont mind you having an opinion on fox hunting - I think all anti protesters have a point but its just so rude and agressive how you fight your cause - people just have no dignity these days!!


Well-Known Member
21 October 2005
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Well, for every anti tw*t who causes trouble there are many more decent people who are also anti. Most pro's don't want to know but in truth there are a lot of kind, intelligent and good people who have worked all their lives in animals rights only for all their good work to go to waste because of a minority of new wave extremists. So please don't think that we are all like that or that we support what these people do.

I am sorry to hear of your friends trouble, did they report this to the police?

hmm, I can't ever recall bringing class into it. I couldn't as I come from a working class family, went to a middle class RC school and have toff friends (albeit city toffs!) so I don't feel I am any class. I also go out protesting so I know that the traditional toff is still there with the hunt but I also see the rest of the classes too. The working class lads are the ones that give us the most grief.

I am anti-hunt as I believe that is cruel and that people shouldn't kill animals for sport. That is the sole reason. And I believe it is an importnat issue, not THE most important but still important nevertheless.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I hunt because I know it isn't cruel, and I see no moral difference in killing animals for sport, food or medical research. Oh, and I enjoy it.

Right on brother, right on!!!