I'm hoping to relocate within the next year or so and starting to panic about livery yards! I know I have plenty of time yet, but perhaps need to start looking into yards and getting on waiting lists...
Can anyone recommend any good yards in Eastleigh/Southampton area, ideally around Fair Oak and Colden Common (I grew up near here and think there's quite a lot of yards that way?). For a 13.2 elderly-ish mare.

Can anyone recommend any good yards in Eastleigh/Southampton area, ideally around Fair Oak and Colden Common (I grew up near here and think there's quite a lot of yards that way?). For a 13.2 elderly-ish mare.
- Open to anything at the moment - i.e. DIY, part/assisted (probably not full) - as it's dependant on where I end up living
- Would love to get an idea of the rough prices to expect if anyone knows?
- We're happy hackers so good hacking is essential (love woodland type hacking, pony goes a bit nuts in open fields)
- a school/other facilities would be nice but not essential
- Currently on grass livery at £100pm, not sure if there's much grass livery in the area?
- If not full grass livery, then good turnout is a must - ideally 24/7 in summer
- Having said that, pony is fat and needs restricted grazing..
- Prefer quiet/small yards!