Look at what I am getting


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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dram is gorgeous, i have a similar pen and have found it so useful ,i pop my puppy in while i do things like shower so i know she is safe and not chewing wires etc...
Thank you, I wondered as we have a 12 rising 13 lab and I was wondering how she would take to a puppy. But he's still young so no comparison! It's lovely to see how he had taken to her already.

i have a 14 1/2 year old collie and only decided to go ahead with getting a puppy as my collie was so good with my friends new pup....she has taken to mine very well and i just have to step in sometimes if pup gets too playful as she wont tell her off....


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Thank you, I wondered as we have a 12 rising 13 lab and I was wondering how she would take to a puppy. But he's still young so no comparison! It's lovely to see how he had taken to her already.
Killi was that age when Dram arrived from the day we got her she took charge of him I was worried that she was too old but she loved him really loved him It was Killi who stopped the cage use while we out she sat by the cage looked at me and just said no
then lay with him in between her paws .
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