Well-Known Member but I had to double look at the object in the saddle ??
Huge alarm bells ringing. Why won't they just sit on him?
I agree there are plenty of photos of the horse doing different things but no ridingHuge alarm bells ringing. Why won't they just sit on him?
Huge alarm bells ringing. Why won't they just sit on him?
I would fear someone had a go, but they weren't quick enough to get a picture!
It's not exactly a piece of kit you tend to have hanging around in the back of the tack room for no reason...
God, yeah they don't tend to fall off like a person would!I went to 'interview' a local trainer to see if I would entrust backing my Exmoor to them. They then proceeded to tell me that they used a dummy but that the last horse had got away from her with it on, and proceded to bolt in blind terror through a post and rail fence while this thing rattled around on top of it. The result was a horse that took months to reback -they were also nursing a broken pelvis from backing a different youngster. I know accidents happen but it wasnt the best sales pitch. I suspect the dummy did more damage int he long run than actually getting someone off.
Look I got a rug on it and it hasn’t ripped it off yet!cute...
the rug photo though. just why do people put pics of horses in rugs on ads!???
I also noticed the lungeline clipped to the trailer!
buy it as a forum syndicate and draw straws to pick the lucky rider?
joking aside- does look a lovely type. Hope he finds a nice home.
ironic that it's listed in 'family horses' ? - not sure something that needs backing properly is a family horse
....or one that’s children are smart!It belongs to a family …one that likes their children .