Mmmm, I’d be inclined to think that that’s a swelling of the tendon sheath.
Is that a puncture wound below it?
yeah I think I'd be doing that if it was me, and try to keep her just quietly pottering.Cold hose as a precaution?
This has popped up on Mim’s hind leg.
She’s not bothered by it, it’s not hot and she doesn’t notice if I’m prodding it but it’s harder than I’d expect for a windgall. Any ideas?
View attachment 47960
She’s sound in a walk and a trot and canters happily.
I would get that scanned
Do you have any grass snakes in the field? That is an unusual place to find a swelling but a snake bite might be a possibility if she accidentally trod on one.
Why? What would be your feeling on it?
I just don’t think you can be too careful where tendons are concerned. In all likelihood it's a bit and it will disappear in a day or 2, but I'd always be thinking 'what if?'. It's the wrong place to be a windgall.
That looks well placed for a strike injury of the tendon sheath to me but tendon sheath injuries are funny things and can form adhesions with the tendon that cause real problems. I think I would be making sure she keeps moving (I know you do, this is for anyone else thinking it needs box rest) and call a vet if there is any hint of lameness.
I'd consider getting it scanned as well, looks very localised and possibly like some bulging of the tendon area. To me, this would be a keep her quiet and ring vet on tuesday for advice injury.