

Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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My friend found some lumps on her trusty cob last week, vet was out on Thursday and took a biopsy on them and it turns out the poor wee chap has lymphoma!! Apparently its very rare in horses and even rarer in geldings! He now has ten lumps which are located on his chest, elbow, rump, sheath and his penis. He seems OK in himself and although he has dropped a wee bit of weight as yet nothing to be concerned about. Hes getting referred to the vet school as usual vet admits he knows very little about this. Does anyone have any experiences with this?? We are all needless to say very worried about him x


Well-Known Member
28 August 2012
A little bit North
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Hi there, didn't want to read and run, so sorry for your friend and her horse, it must be a very scary time for them. I have no experience with lymphoma in horses but know a lot about it for humans and cats and know that everything depends on the type of lymphoma it is (there are a lot!) I hope your friend gets some reassuring news at the referral and would be interested to hear about how they approach the disease for horses.
Please pass on my good luck wishes.


Well-Known Member
24 January 2013
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Again, I don't have any experience here, but at least it sounds like your friend has a really good vet. Admitting he didn't know much about it then referring you somewhere that does is a mark of a good clinician and professional.

I hope things turn out as well as they possibly can, fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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My horse was diagnosed with cutaneous lymphoma. You need to get a blood test done to see if it has gone internal.
My horse was fine, and like yours was fine in himself.
I would leave the lumps alone.


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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My little mare was diagnosed with cutaneous lymphoma about 4 years ago. At the time the vet thought we would only have her for a little bit longer before the cancer spread inside and she became sick.

The vet initially recommended blood tests every 6 months so we could monitor her for anaemia / early stages of organ failure. I did the blood tests a couple of times and then gave up - decided that I will know myself when she is getting sick (she has been with me for years).

At the time she was diagnosed I gave up dressage (which she hated with a passion) and rather lost interest in competing (although she was show jumping and eventing quite well at the time). For the last 4 seasons she has been hunting, giving leads to babies and having the time of her life!

The lumps are bigger but they seem to go up and down. For some reason they seem to be more aggressive in the summer months. She now has a massive one (size of a tennis ball) on her nose - it isn't affecting her breathing or eating but I am worried the skin is going to breakdown. If that happens I will PTS (very sadly). She owes me nothing and is miles past our expectations having been so well for the last 4 years.

Anyway, I just wanted to say don't panic too soon with your horse. My girl has lived with her lymphoma absolutely fine. When the time comes, you will do the right thing but that might not be for years yet.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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Hi Sillymare,
Have you a photo of the one by her nose please? as I would love to know if its the same as my horses.


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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Thanks for all your replies folks, turns out my friends horse has the external type which is far better than the internal type. Vet has rec blood tests every six months and has just had the first set done. He still seems totally fine in himself so fingers crossed he carries on as such for a good while.......x