manica flexoria tear


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Sorry you've had this diagnosis. similar, mine had some torn fibres but hers was more inflamed than fully torn, also had an inflamed SDFT tendon sheath. I had her operated on to tidy up the flapping torn bits and she then had HA injections (which made her very very lame but apparently that is not unusual). after box/field rest and rehab she did return to competition. Rehab took a long time as she developed some adhesions which led to mechanical lameness, they took a while to break down.

Unfortunately she reinjured a while later so i retired her. we are 5 years down the line from the initial injury now and she charges around the field and jumps over the 4' electric fencing aged 25 so seems to be doing well :oops: i think it was bad luck that caused the leg to go again as she was doing well and the vets were very happy with her after the op.


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10 August 2018
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My pony tore hers so badly that they operated to remove it, 90% torn through. She did not cooperate with the box rest so was turned away for 9 months. Came back into full work after that, as the surgeon had promised. Was a little wonky muscle-wise as she had favoured that leg while it healed, but that evened out soon enough. No issues since from that leg.


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22 January 2014
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I thought my horse had this so did all the research under the sun (turned out he hadn't). I chatted at length with Andy Bathe and I would have sent him there for surgery.