Many tears Animal Rescue!


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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Im off to wales on sunday morning (4 hours drive) to volunteer at Many tears animal rescue for 3 days along with my mum! Im so excited to meet all the puppies and dogs, although we cant bring one home with us :(

Kind of pointless post but im super excited and If you dont know about the charity then here is their website
They do amazing work and if your in wales then worth a visit :)


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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They are not actually a charity they are a company which dosnt fill me with confidence.

They do take a lot of puppy farm bitches which I am quite uncomfortable about because it implies they have a relationship with these breeders. I realise if they dont take them the breeders would probabley dispose of them in a less than kind way but they are also uniquely placed to shop these breeders on welfare grounds.


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2 January 2009
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I will be interested to hear how you get on. It will make a change to read comments about MT from somebody who has actually been there :)


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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why all the negativity?! They save dogs from horrible places and give them good homes. end of story!
I do volunteer closer to home however a friend got her dog from there and has volunteered there before so this year we are going along.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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They are not actually a charity they are a company which dosnt fill me with confidence.

They do take a lot of puppy farm bitches which I am quite uncomfortable about because it implies they have a relationship with these breeders. I realise if they dont take them the breeders would probabley dispose of them in a less than kind way but they are also uniquely placed to shop these breeders on welfare grounds.


why all the negativity?! They save dogs from horrible places and give them good homes. end of story!
I do volunteer closer to home however a friend got her dog from there and has volunteered there before so this year we are going along.

Bit naive. They work with puppy farmers and take on their ex breeding bitches/studs thereby creating a spot for another: it's not a charity and they do help to carry on the puppy farming. :(

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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Hollieeb - don't be put off. Well done you and your mother for volunteering. I think what people are saying is just keep a little bit detached. Also, find out how they operate. It would be interesting reading for us all.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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OP I didnt mean to negate what you and your mum are doing which is a wonderful thing to do. I just wanted to give you the background of them and as Rose folly said go in there with your eyes open and please come back on here and tell us all about your experiences.

I am not the only one to have doubts, if you google you will see quite a few people also share my views. Ive just given you my opinion and you can make your own mind up after having first hand experience


Well-Known Member
5 August 2010
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Ill watch this post with interest as I've had some interesting dealings with them. Well done op for volunteering your time though!


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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To be honest with you all im not interested in how they work etc, Im interested in spending my time gaining experience and helping them/the dogs out. in my eyes ANY company/charity/what ever you want to call it who takes in dogs from the pound is doing something good.

When I get back on Tuesday I will let you know how I got on, as seafarer said, no-one knows what is likes until you actually go there but Im definatley not being negative about them because IMO they are doing an amazing job!

Crugeran Celt

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20 April 2012
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Please post how you get on at MT as I live fairly near and have heard such mixed reports about them. I thought they were a charity as I believe they have a registered charity number. I know people who have had dogs from them and have only good things to report but I have also heard how they deal with puppy farms but in all honesty what would happen to these dogs if somewhere like MT didn't take them? Will be really interested to hear an insiders view on them.


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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There wouldn't be so many puppy farmers? Just speculating.

If MT didnt take the dogs in, the puppy farmers would get rid of them anyway. why would a puppy farmer keep a dog who cant breed anymore? its wasting their money and all they want is a profit! In my opinion the dogs either get sent to the pound or just left on the street OR many tears take them in and give them a home. I see nothing wrong with that :)


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2 December 2008
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There wouldn't be so many puppy farmers? Just speculating.

I doubt someone who puppy farms cares where the older bitches and stud dogs go where they are older. Surely a life after the farm is better than being put down?

I am bias though. I met some fo the pups in the local vet that were shipped over to England with Many Tears. They likely were going to be put down had they stayed in Ireland.

This is one of them....he was given the chance and survived parvo and thanks to having somewhere to go when his owners dumped him.

I'd love to hear how you get on OP :)


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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I doubt someone who puppy farms cares where the older bitches and stud dogs go where they are older. Surely a life after the farm is better than being put down?

I am bias though. I met some fo the pups in the local vet that were shipped over to England with Many Tears. They likely were going to be put down had they stayed in Ireland.

This is one of them....he was given the chance and survived parvo and thanks to having somewhere to go when his owners dumped him.

I'd love to hear how you get on OP :)

That puppy is gorgeous! Im so excited to get there and meet all the lovely puppies and dogs!

I dont think Many tears are doing anything bad like some people are implying. I think people should focus on the positive rather than the negative :)


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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Me too and well done for actually giving up time to help. I help a couple of times a year on Stafford welfare "stalls" at rescue and some of my friends come to help. Nicest thing at old Windsor... ,my friends 10 year old giving up her saturday to go and sell doggy treats for welfare at the Battersea Old Windsor show..and yes, next year her family are getting a Stafford (rescue of course! )


Well-Known Member
2 June 2012
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Not a fan of MT sorry but they are a business not a charity and supporting puppy farmers in the way they do by not helping to close them down is to be honest distressing for anyone in a breed rescue that see these dogs being churned out.

They have an excellent fund raising machine.


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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Not a fan of MT sorry but they are a business not a charity and supporting puppy farmers in the way they do by not helping to close them down is to be honest distressing for anyone in a breed rescue that see these dogs being churned out.

They have an excellent fund raising machine.

Why does it matter if they are a business or a charity?!?!
they are not supporting puppy farmers- if they were then why would they take the dogs away from them and give them a nice home??? Maybe they dont close down puppy farms but they probably would if they could- there is probably legal issues involved.

Why would they wish puppy farms to still be running??

Sorry for rant but Im the one giving up 3 days of my summer to travel all the way to wales and help them- I simply made this post because I was excited! I did not ask for any of this negativity and its quite upsetting :(


Well-Known Member
18 November 2010
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I've taken in ex puppy farm bitches in the past, doesn't mean that I support puppy farms in any way. More that I gave a chance to dogs who would have doubtless been destroyed as they were no longer 'useful'.

As far as I can see MT is a not for profit organisation - I thought that this was the step before charity status?? I understand that charity status is quite a lengthy procedure and that there were requirements for documentation to prove what the organisation had done, it's aims etc. and that not for profit status is often used in the interim period to allow funds to be raised and work to continue whilst working towards charity status??


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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Well done, OP, on giving up your time to go and help.
If MT didn't take these puppy farm dogs they would be shot so its a better chance for them.
No doubt the people on here opposed to the rehoming of puppy farm dogs also think all battery hens should go off to Nandos and not be offered to new homes?
It is a bit simple to suggest that if no one helped puppy farm dogs the puppy farms would close down (because of overcrowding I presume?). I don't think a puppy farm is a home for life, just for the life of a uterus.
Have a great time hollieeb and I like looking at the dogs on their site.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2008
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I fail to see why taking and rehoming ex-breeding dogs is a problem. Its worth reading this explanation of what happens to the ex-breeding dogs after their useful life is over.

This is a different rescue and one where my Mum adopted an ex-breeding Bichon Frisee 10 weeks ago. The dog she adopted was skeletally thin and her coat had been so matted with her own excrement that it had to be shaved off. She was terrified of humans. The rescue only had her a few days before my Mum adopted her and they had cleaned her up, vaccinated her and had her microchipped and spayed. 10 weeks later this dog is still very nervous but she is improving.

So a dog who was skeletally thin, covered in excrement and terrified. That sounds like an abused dog to me. Exactly the sort of dog that needs to be rehomed by a rescue.

The point with ex-breeding dogs is that if they aren't taken by rescues they are killed. If they're lucky its with a bullet. If they aren't lucky they're bludgeoned to death with a plank. The people who run puppy mills don't give a stuff about the dogs. Once they are too old to breed with any more they are disposed of.

And the point that seems to be being missed in this thread is that it IS NOT the rescues that are keeping puppy mills going. Its the people who buy the puppies from pet shops for top prices. If people only bought puppies from reputable breeders and insisted on seeing them with their mother then puppy mills would go out of business.

Many Tears is doing a good job and has given a second chance to thousands of dogs over the years. To the OP, I hope you have a great time while you are there.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2010
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Very well done to you and your Mum to go and help at MT. Too many people like to sit around feeling sorry for stray dogs and not actually doing anything constructive. Some people on AAD have very strong feelings about quite a lot of the rescue societies, however, I don't think that if MT, etc. closed down this would affect the puppy farming - which personally I loathe :mad: But until sufficient legislation in brought in and acted upon there will be these unscrupulous people breeding puppies for money. Hope you have a great time, I think you're going to have to be quite tough emotionally. Do let us know how it all goes.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Ok - if you know & can prove a puppy farm is keeping & breeding dogs in dire conditions with animals in an appalling state what would you do about it?

The knowledgeable and ethical would get those animals out and do their damnedest to shut the places down. Go public and get a proper response.
Of course if you do that they may not let you take animals to rehome in future which is the argument from the non charites linked to in this thread but surely the aim is that they don't have any animals so there should not be any needing to be rehomed.
It is against any Animal Welfare laws to keep an animal in the state some of these ex breeding dogs are and it is probably an offence to ship them.

Without puppy farms some "rescues" lose their main source of income.


Well-Known Member
5 August 2010
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Until the government (ie Defra) do something about puppy farms then they're here to stay. At least those breeding bitches and dogs get a other chance.....


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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That puppy is gorgeous! Im so excited to get there and meet all the lovely puppies and dogs!

I dont think Many tears are doing anything bad like some people are implying. I think people should focus on the positive rather than the negative :)

Agree. Until there are laws against puppy farming all any charity or organisation can do is mop up the mess and take the worn out dogs from them. Can't see how this can perpetuate puppy breeding? Well done for volunteering:)


Well-Known Member
18 August 2012
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Finally people who are positive and agree with me! Thankyou, and Yes I know it is going to be quite emotional but im prepared and am just glad for the opportunity :)

Well I better start packing! will let you all know how I got on when Im home!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2008
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I think some of the rescue places do take ex-breeding dogs as easy rehomers and use them (this part is important) to FUND THE DOGS WHO ARE DIFFICULT TO REHOME. The Staffies, the Staffy crosses, the Akitas, the dogs who are old and the dogs who aren't pretty and fluffy.

I can't see anything wrong with that. If it wasn't for rescues all these dogs would die. Personally I only have rescue dogs and try to adopt dogs that no one else wants. Our current dog is a Staffie cross. She'd waited 6 months for a home. :( We've had her 5 years now and she is the best dog in the world. :D I wish more people were willing to look beyond the stereotypes the media are giving some breeds of dogs.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2012
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Personally I only have rescue dogs and try to adopt dogs that no one else wants. Our current dog is a Staffie cross. She'd waited 6 months for a home. :( We've had her 5 years now and she is the best dog in the world. :D I wish more people were willing to look beyond the stereotypes the media are giving some breeds of dogs.

Ditto ditto ditto! Good luck OP and try to report back, it's not nice to start a thread and just have negativity thrown in your face before you've even gone to the place! It's a great thing that you and your mum are doing :)