Many tears Animal Rescue!


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6 April 2009
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Yep that makes perfect sense to me:) You could well be right, I do know about other charities(not animal ones) that have been busted because they were scamming.

Happy Landings which I gave the link are a genuine charity, Ive been there, they do do a lot of good work as well as rescue.

Sorry I wasnt meaning to imply that Happy Landings was one of the ones scamming :)


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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HollieB a big bug bear of mine is rescues who dont pass on to breed rescues. Those GSDs for example would be better placed with a GSD rescue, people who are used to the breed and know how to deal with behavioural issues. They often have a waiting list of experienced potential owners.


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2 January 2009
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I just arrived home from many tears- im sure some of you would like to know how I got on :)

first things first- They are not a registered charity because there is also a boarding kennels on the same property which takes a profit so would make it difficult to become a charity.

[ This charity manages to do both

Why are you so concerned about the charitable status? They have always made it clear that they are not a charity - it was the first thing I noticed when I looked at their website a few years ago.


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12 January 2007
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you are all making out that MT is in it for the money and do whats best for their income.
The boarding kennels supplies their income- to pay for their food and house. everything else goes into the rescue center. The owners do everything for the dogs. They care so much you cant even put it into words- best way to describe it is that they have 20 massive dogs in their own home, ones that couldnt be rehomed! one of them was a st. Bernard x poodle and was beautiful! they work from 6am till 6pm every day. I just cant describe to you how much these people do, I would never be able to do it! everyone who is saying negative things about many tears or any other rescue center- I dare you to go there for 3 days just like I did and you will come out with a completely different view

Like I said I dont know enough and I am not just going on what I have heard and im not saying they are making money but explaining from a rescue point of view and peple are inerested and will ask questions and agree and disagree (thats life), you can indeed get alot of money in donations when you are a larger publisised rescue, registered or not, I was just saying there outgoings will be huge but there incoming wont be small either, i doubt the boarding kennels would have to pay for it and you can board and b egistered again just explaining nothing bad in that, again just my opinion the above bit too. They look like they do a good job, I dont actually look on the site to be honest, I get sick of looking at ours:p
As to the experience, I have that view every day of my life and my mams house sounds the same as theirs:eek::eek:, only she starts at the same time she finishes 24/7, it's her life, I would love to step back and actually have more of a life but aslong as she keeps doing it she needs my help.

Re breed rescue, I do see why people choose specific breed as it's possibly where they expertise like/knowledge/passion, but I just see a dog as a dog no mater what it looks like, age or breed. Some to be honest can be hard to deal with, I have found a few to be good but not many and I am not into "no neuter" and frankly shocked at some of the set prices charged with "no neuter"
We have als tried to involve breed rescue where they would not/could not take said breed so we did.
Also re the charity, im not sure how many also realise and I am not hugely knowledgable but you need an apointed comittee and this could be anyone who wants to apply (someone with no knowledge of rescue/animals etc) and if the comittee/ majority of (non founding members) for whatever reason, they can simply vote out or vote in another member and push an actual founder out, sounds mad, but it happened to a dog charity we help out and the lady who founded it ended up out of her own rescue:eek::confused: I also think it would be hard to have somone dictate to you what you can and cant do/by majority of a rescue you basically run and the paybe just pen push for by deault....I bet that made no sense:eek:
I was under the impresson though that if you make so much you have to register or you want to fund raise on a mass basis.
You don't have to be registered but as I understand you can reap more rewards/tax benefits etc, we simply dont have any revenue even the £4000 you need to get going, or so it was. we charge a donation of £150 and we vax, neuter, chip, deflea and worm, home check/diesel and some dogs indeed we have in a long time before rehome and cant add to the site until they are worked with so the donations do help but no where near pay for them, we are now being srict and starting to make people who off load dogs pay to re vax and pay a donation towards handing them in but the cruelty cases/strays and abndonments are another story.
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Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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Well done OP for volunteering – it sounds VERY hard work, but I am sorry to see that MT is again coming under criticism for rescuing dogs!!

I have experience of 3 rescues, a local one (I had 2 dogs from there, a year apart) and it struck me there were more people in the office every time I went than working in the kennels.

MT were having trouble rehoming a terrier – he had come back one for biting in his new home, he was also aggressive to other dogs and about 4 months later was by donation only (as quite a few of their 'difficult', elderly or less healthy dogs are, and also I think any Staffs they have in).

I rang and discussed him with Sylvia, and then took my 2 dogs down to meet him. The time spent by the staff and Sylvia introducing him to my dogs and teaching me to walk/handle him past groups of various dogs and face to face with dogs was a good 2 hours, even though all the staff seemed pushed to the limit. I was very impressed and following a homecheck went and picked him up when I also had a good look round the kennels and play areas. I thought it was a wonderful set up and gave the full re-homing fee gladly. I was asked to keep in touch with his progress and advise them of any problems, which I did have when I got him home. I rang for advice a couple of times and on each occasion was thanked profusely for phoning and not just returning him.

Sadly he went missing a couple of years ago and I fostered for another local rescue which was on reflection an absolute nightmare! I had a job to find out whether the dogs had been flea treated/wormed/vaccinated etc. They rarely came with any paperwork and I recall one that I had a long conversation with the vet about, took notes and reported back as he had a condition that had to be managed. I had to return him as he needed higher fencing than I had and he was then sent to other kennels. I believe the poor lad had a few homes and I was always worried that the information may not have gone with him.

Sylvia phoned me herself about 4 weeks after my chap had gone missing to say that a man was wanting to bring in a young terrier. She did not have a lot of room and if I wanted to meet it she would set this up and did NOT want any money, but would have to insist that I had the dog neutered and his jabs done if I had him.

In short, of 3 rescues I have experience of, MT has been by far and away the best, to a degree that I have done street collections, donated and even sold raffle tickets for them.


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2 January 2009
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As s4sugar said charities have to make their accounts public.

But all companies are accountable - that's the law. If you want to look at the financials for MT there are any number of online services that you can buy the info from. It's not a secret.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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yes but I think thats the difference.. charity accounts are free to see I am guessing.. and given that it is public donations going in they perhaps have a right to see the accounts (for free) maybe?


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Thank you for the update. your post though does suggest they do differentiate as have very few staffords or staff x's. Most rescues are stuffed with these dogs - just have a look at Battersea.

Could that not just be a location thing ? Are the types of dogs governed by whether they getting dogs from a big city or else where ?


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Could that not just be a location thing ? Are the types of dogs governed by whether they getting dogs from a big city or else where ?

No I dont think it is, Dogfriends for instance come from Somerset and pick up dogs from the Welsh Pound and a lot of these are Staffies.

The puppy farmers may not be breeding Staffies but there are a lot of BYBs who are.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Well done Hollieebee for doing a stint! Do hope you will think about having another go ,from these facts I imagine this set up uses the costs of rescues as a tax loss on the boarding kennel..good luck to them, anyone who does this thankless work deserves a medal. It is quite obviously their life choice well done to them!:)