Mares vs geldings. Can't believe I'm converted


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25 July 2007
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I have always been a gelding person.
But 6 months ago I bought a welsh cob chestnut mare and what can I say. She is perfect. So sweet, perfect manners
The gentlest creature I've ever met
She is also extremely loving

To a point I've had that with my geldings. But what I haven't had is that she is wonderful to ride. Gives her all, always tries to please.
The geldings I've had if they didn't understand what was asked they would do nothing, she always offers something, even if it isn't quite right
She is forward thinking, sensitive and even gentle to ride :)

If she has come into season I haven't noticed lol

Truly amazing :):) so there you have it. I'm converted

Obviously she can have the odd moment but so far it's only when she just can't contain her excitement. She bounces, spins etc won't stand still for the judge. BUT I'm sure as we get out more she will settle. She is perfect in the dressage it's just the excitement of showing (she knows she is going to gallop) lol


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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NOTHING beats a good mare, my favourite of the three (mare/gelding/stallion). But nothing is worse than an obstreperous madam, either.


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3 September 2012
North East Wales
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OP this exactly happened to me with my girl, except she is a skewbald and only half Welsh, but otherwise I could have written this word for word! I got her last October sobwe even have the same timescales. Mine is a bit flirty with the boys but I can't in all good conscience criticise for that, as it doesn't affect her work ethic hehe


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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I have always been a gelding person.
But 6 months ago I bought a welsh cob chestnut mare and what can I say. She is perfect. So sweet, perfect manners
The gentlest creature I've ever met
She is also extremely loving

To a point I've had that with my geldings. But what I haven't had is that she is wonderful to ride. Gives her all, always tries to please.
The geldings I've had if they didn't understand what was asked they would do nothing, she always offers something, even if it isn't quite right
She is forward thinking, sensitive and even gentle to ride :)

If she has come into season I haven't noticed lol

Truly amazing :):) so there you have it. I'm converted

Obviously she can have the odd moment but so far it's only when she just can't contain her excitement. She bounces, spins etc won't stand still for the judge. BUT I'm sure as we get out more she will settle. She is perfect in the dressage it's just the excitement of showing (she knows she is going to gallop) lol

Yay for ginger welshes! Mine is also soft as they come and very affectionate, this is my first mare too and I agree.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2002
Braintree, Essex
Another mare fan here (also chestnut welsh cob mare owner!) I've never had a gelding so can't compare, but Saf's wonderful, so loving. I can tell if she's in season since a stallion joined the yard haha! All she does is walk past weeing at him!

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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I don't get the mare v gelding/stallion sexism, especially as it seems to be mainly women (that I have come across) that are anti mare for no other reason than their gender.

A good horse is a good horse and you should judge them as individuals.

ETA - S, I'm really glad that your mare suits you so well, she does sound really lovely. :)
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windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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I am very much a woman and would never have another gelding if I could avoid it. I love stallions too I guess it is the entire thing they seem to have more about them I can't keep a colt or stallion so I keep mares Love the extra they seem to give and the personality that goes with it. I suppose the removal of gonads removes more than a bit of flesh


Well-Known Member
23 August 2013
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I've had good mares and good geldings. I've also had awful mares and awful geldings.

I think it's more about if you "click" with the horse rather than it's age, height, breed or colour!


11 April 2014
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I've had both, but I've build up a far stronger bond with the mares. Once you gain their trust they will do anything for you! Here speaks the owner of a chestnut tb mare that has won at novice BE, elementary BD and. 1.05 opens BS. She's also had a stunning chestnut foal........... A colt!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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I always have mares, I just get on with them better, and like others have said, when you get them onside they really try for you - glad you are a convert!


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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I prefer geldings 'cause of the few mares I've had, two of them were only interested in one thing and that could get rather annoying and even embarrassing at times. I also think some mares much prefer men.

I do own a mare and she is a sweety, but she is my children's pony, not my ride. Our only problem with her is her stroppiness towards other equines.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
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I agree with this. Was always a gelding fan until I loaned a lovely Section D mare. Definitely my pony in a million. She was injured and out on field rest and I hadn't seen her for nearly a month and when I came up she saw me, called and came running over! She was the sweetest, most genuine pony and I still miss her.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
North East Wales
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I don't get the mare v gelding/stallion sexism, especially as it seems to be mainly women (that I have come across) that are anti mare for no other reason than their gender.:(

I've given this a lot of thought, especially as I was anti mare (for my own horse, I could still think other people's mares were nice but didn't want to own one) and am not now. And my conclusion is that mares are a lot like human women. Some of them are bonkers and are the kind of mare that will not only hate you because of your shoes, but try and get all her friends to hate you too. I freely admit that I can't deal with that type of woman, or horse. Seems that a good mare will be your best friend, and my best female friends have seen me through more than my male friends, even if the men are easier to be around! I was always worried about ending up with the former!

My girl is like me, we don't really have mood swings although we do like to flirt with the boys. She is my friend and won't ditch me because Peter from class a2 said I had funny eyebrows.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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I agree with this. Was always a gelding fan until I loaned a lovely Section D mare. Definitely my pony in a million.

Oh gosh what a coincidence!! I've got a fantastic Welsh D mare on long-term loan and she goes into my gallery of "horses in a million". I've been riding since I was seven and am (oh dear) over fifty now, and have never, up till having her, been able to successfully and happily ride a mare, for some reason which I really never knew. Then she arrived, the loveliest, gentlest, most honest & genuine horse I think I've ever known; and definitely the wisest.

So yes, I'm definitely another convert!


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
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I don't get the mare v gelding/stallion sexism, especially as it seems to be mainly women (that I have come across) that are anti mare for no other reason than their gender.

A good horse is a good horse and you should judge them as individuals.

ETA - S, I'm really glad that your mare suits you so well, she does sound really lovely. :)

Maybe your right. It just seems odd that I've had 7/8 geldings none could compare to my new mare. I had one gelding (sadly I lost him) that stood out from the others but even he did not give me his all like I feel she does

Thanks. She is truly lovely :)


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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I've given this a lot of thought, especially as I was anti mare (for my own horse, I could still think other people's mares were nice but didn't want to own one) and am not now. And my conclusion is that mares are a lot like human women. Some of them are bonkers and are the kind of mare that will not only hate you because of your shoes, but try and get all her friends to hate you too. I freely admit that I can't deal with that type of woman, or horse. Seems that a good mare will be your best friend, and my best female friends have seen me through more than my male friends, even if the men are easier to be around! I was always worried about ending up with the former!

My girl is like me, we don't really have mood swings although we do like to flirt with the boys. She is my friend and won't ditch me because Peter from class a2 said I had funny eyebrows.

Yes, I suppose they do vary in a way that most geldings don't so much, but hadn't really thought of it like that. I just feel a gelding makes a better friend. Of the two sex obsessed mares I've had, one definitely trusted me, but would still rather be with her boyfriend than with me, the other (even more sex mad) had an 'oh, you again' attitude towards me, when I turned up in the morning it was a 'let me out so I can get to my boyfriend' greeting rather than the 'morning, mum' I've got from my geldings. My geldings have seemed to enjoy my company, chose my company over their pals, etc, all the mares wanted was to be with their own kind, particularly male (even if gelded). The more sex mad one was also a fighter, never willing to accept her place in the herd, always trying to move up the ladder.

The pony mare I have now is, as I said, a real sweetheart *with people*, not quite the same with other ponies who dare to get too close in the gymkhana ring which can leads to some rather red faces, not helped by the fact that no one takes any notice of red ribbons anymore.

Oh, and I've had more than one gelding who would give his all, one did even when he was really quite ill and I still feel guilty for not noticing the llness sooner..
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Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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It's unfair to compare a mare's sexual drive with that of a gelding, a stallion is a better comparison there.

Some horses would rather be with their equine mates or grazing, but I'm still not convinced that if you altered an X chromosome for a Y, that they would suddenly prefer people.

Sadken - that's the most impressive anthropomorphism I've read for ages. I really enjoyed your post and the images it conjured up in my mind. I'm not convinced though. :p

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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I spent a happy hour today with my mares they followed me round the field with their heads tucked under my shoulder making a perfect nuisance of themselves while I was ragworting their field and poo picking, the gelding, who is a little dangerous took one look at me and decided as I didnt have a bucket he would kick my head in. Maybe that is why I much prefer mares they are loyal devoted and only interested in what I am doing. They have a big TB gelding next door who they quite fancy but I still come top of their list of favourite people. What is more they sparkle when out in the show ring or in fact when they do anything.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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I don't get the mare v gelding/stallion sexism, especially as it seems to be mainly women (that I have come across) that are anti mare for no other reason than their gender.

A good horse is a good horse and you should judge them as individuals.

Fully agree. Look at the horse in front of you before getting all 'mares this' and 'geldings that'.

I've always tended to prefer the boys as they have more character and historically I've found I can form a far superior bond with them, they also seem more intelligent. However, I have a field full of girls, I'm not prejudiced, if a horse does a job it does a job and if it doesn't im not interested whatever genitals its got. As it happens I've got the mares because they are doing a job the geldings can't do. I find some of them a bit vanilla in character I have to say though.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I adore mares. Although I love my gelding, he's a straightforward kind of guy. The mares are multi layered and the way they think is so damn sensible, I have to agree that their ideas are often better than mine.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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It's unfair to compare a mare's sexual drive with that of a gelding, a stallion is a better comparison there.

Not if it affects my relationship with them as an owner, 'cause after all, my horses are pets really, not part of my business/living.

When I had a bitch I had her done, shame that sort of thing is not an option with the sex-mad mare..


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
North East Wales
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Sadken - that's the most impressive anthropomorphism I've read for ages. I really enjoyed your post and the images it conjured up in my mind. I'm not convinced though. :p

Hehe thanks, I'm glad you read it tongue in cheek as intended! Anthropomorphism is my favourite ism!


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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It's better to deal with the individual. Even my usually laid back gelding put in a few cross bucks when I rode past the paddock gate last week. I thought only mares threw tantrums...

Having said that, I'm still to see him actually stamp his feet like a child who doesn't want to go to school (plus squeals) when he is being left out and wants to come in.... my filly has it down to an art. Unfortunately for her, I stand a watch like it IS a piece of art.

And yes, she does walk off in a huff if I laugh.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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Have to be honest I have always been more for the boys....but all my animals are boys lol. Parrots-all boys, 4 dogs- all boys, cat- boy, horse-boy....I don't know why really???
However, I would never discount the right horse if it was a mare....I'm just more drawn to the boys :D