Mares vs geldings. Can't believe I'm converted


Well-Known Member
12 January 2014
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Im glad you have found such a super mare/horse regardless of her gender!!

I love both mares and geldings for different reasons as to what they can bring to the table and your relationship with them.

I had a pony like your horse and she was the sweetest pony who gave everything which is probably why I never worried about gender then came across my present mare who was a different story altogether and quite the marish type. Yet i fell for her and we kind of got each other lol.

I always said though a gelding the next time which is what we got and while he is so much for straight forward in so many ways he can be a right mardy arse too haha when she can be a sweetheart!!

I said next time it will be a gelding tb cross so less hormones and no marishness and stronger limbs so less worry/minding them.....

And its another tb filly, fine and stunning with a right personality but again we just kind of clicked from day one so in a year after she has foaled all being well she will be number 3 lol ( need my head tested but at least my OH is happy about it).


Well-Known Member
23 June 2008
The independant state of Yorkshire
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I spent a happy hour today with my mares they followed me round the field with their heads tucked under my shoulder making a perfect nuisance of themselves while I was ragworting their field and poo picking, the gelding, who is a little dangerous took one look at me and decided as I didnt have a bucket he would kick my head in. Maybe that is why I much prefer mares they are loyal devoted and only interested in what I am doing. They have a big TB gelding next door who they quite fancy but I still come top of their list of favourite people. What is more they sparkle when out in the show ring or in fact when they do anything.

I have two geldings and a mare....whilst the mare has mellowed in her old age she really keeps herself to herself....if I'm gonna get followed around the field, nuzzled and called to it the geldings that do it, not her.

Madam Min

Well-Known Member
2 July 2011
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I dont think you should really pigeon hole sexes, each have their own strengths and weaknesses, all are different like people, we've currently got 2 mares, one is an absolute sweetheart, the other can be a diva but I think she and I have a real partnership and she trusts me, our old horse was a gelding, loved him to bits but he was a quirky character not as some would say a stereotypical boring gelding, he certainly kept us on our toes and you did at time have to "Ask" him things!!


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Since running my livery yard I have come across all sorts. My own horses were obviously chosen by me, and as being friendly and affectionate is one of my top priorities, they all have been just that. But taking care of liveries has given me time to build a relationship with horses that I would never have chosen for myself. IME I would say that all the nastiest, most troublesome and quirky horses I have cared for have been geldings. All the most reserved and could take you or leave you types were mares.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2007
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I think I didn't get my point if view over very well

I used to dismiss mares as moody and awkward
Mainly in the early days Perhaps I didn't think I was experiences enough to deal with hormones in top if everything else.

Also my other point was I have had some really lovely geldings and now a lovely mare. Taking into account both the good geldings and now mare. There is something deeper developing with the mare despite only being with me a few months and half that time I was away having more surgery

Wagtail I agree the most tricky/naughty ones I've dealt with have been geldings too.