Meet Hufflepuff...


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24 October 2012
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I'd been considering another cat for a little while, Lilly is all about the hunting now so Tiger gets left alone a fair bit and well who doesn't want more little furry critters around! As Lilly is a fairly antisocial butterfly to counter Tigers friendliness (once she knows you), I figured it would have to be a kitten as I didn't fancy WWIII in my small cottage!

Little bit of research on cat breeds and I found Ragdolls, and omg I was completely sold! So everyone meet the new addition Huffle(puff).





10 weeks old, litter trained and as bold as brass! Tiger is interested but unsure when Huffle jumps on her so interactions are still supervised, Lilly is trying to pretend she doesn't exist... I'm hoping a few more days and they'll all be friends!


I'd forgotten how joyous kittens are, I'm beyond smitten!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Beautiful kittehs! I'm very jealous.

I never really knew how many cat breeds there were until I started researching, a type for everyone!

I have two of them so can vouch for how adorable they are :)

Aww how can you handle double the cuteness!

What an absolute darling. I'm so envious!

I can't believe how good she is too! She's desperate to be friends with the other two.

OMG she's stellar gorgeous! Can't wait to see how big she grows, they're both big breeds aren't they?.

Haha yes she will be a fairly big girl, Ragdolls are not 'that' big compared to Maine Coons but she will considerable bigger than my other two as they are fairly small!


Well-Known Member
20 February 2009
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Ragdolls have nickname puppy cat, mine is just like a dog trots around room to room after you and even plays fetch. He’s 14 months and still a big baby. His fur is like rabbit


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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They really are the ultimate "chocolate box" kittens !

Aren't they just, sometimes selective breeding comes up good!

Ragdolls have nickname puppy cat, mine is just like a dog trots around room to room after you and even plays fetch. He’s 14 months and still a big baby. His fur is like rabbit

Ah I can see why, she's with me everywhere and cries if she loses me!

OMG he is just adorable and I am super jealous! :)
I am too poor for more kittens at the moment *sobs*
Really god choice Alex xxx

Ah I think you should just get one anyway! She's my 'work is too stressful' present to myself lol.

Nothing is entitled to be that cute! Love the name too ❤️❤️❤️

Haha the name started as a semi-joke but has completely stuck! She so suits it.

She’s so gorgeous, and I LOVE her name 😍😍

She is Huffle through and through lol.

And me, it's a great name. I used to call my Daisy "Flufflepuff" :D

Ah great minds think alike! Flufflepuff would suit her with all her fluff!

Peregrine Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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Oh my goodness, how gorgeous is she?!

I would love more pussy cats but I don't think my old girl would tolerate additions. I certainly don't need any more mouse bringer-inners!

Please feel free to flood the forum with more pics. 😀


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Very cute cat I love ragdolls my friend had 2 and they were like lap dogs absolutely loved people.

She is snuggled up to me as I type, definitely a person lover unlike the other two, my mum loves her as she's the first cat of mine that lets her snuggle her and play with her lol.

Oh my goodness, how gorgeous is she?!

I would love more pussy cats but I don't think my old girl would tolerate additions. I certainly don't need any more mouse bringer-inners!

Please feel free to flood the forum with more pics. 😀

Well the t'internet tells me Ragdolls are indoor cats who don't hunt... I will let you know how that goes lol, it was part of the attraction as Lilly does enough murdering all on her own!

Well if you insist ;)


Not sure why they’re coming out the wrong way up 🙈!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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She’s gorgeous!

I’m a sucker for anything with Maine coon thrown in.

This is one of my cats who is part Maine coon part Bengal. His fluffy chest has come through a lot more since this photo where he was quite young.


And my other cat who you can see was definitely mainly Maine coon! Had a huge fluffy chest and big paddy paws. Was sadly hit by a car the other week but he will always be my number one boy.

Both cats seem to have the biggest characters, not sure if that’s a breed thing or if I turn my cats crazy with my obsessive love 😂